Hi again people!  ;)
Well, finally KvIRC (kvirc-2.0.0-1.99-2mdk) starts without a "segmentation
fault", but indeed it's not very usable because the rpm's-install script does
not create the directory /usr/share/kvirc which contains many files, expecially
the icons. It seems to work fine if I copy the tree /usr/share/kvirc installed
by kvirc-2.0.0-1mdk.i586.rpm once I installed the new kvirc-2.0.0-1.99... I
hope I've explained the situetion quite clearly!  =:-)
Indeed it's still not very stable: it sometimes crashes with something like

kvirc: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libkvilib.so.2:
undefined symbol: contains__C5QRectRC6QPointb

Maybe it's always a qt2 related problem?!?

                See ya!

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