I found out what the problem was related to denying access to a user back 
into the desktop after a total upgrade or just upgrading some packages.

I decided to try once again live_upgrade today, to freshen the new packages 
in cooker, and it happened again...

Problems with dcop-server, denied access to KDE, when finally got back into 
the desktop (after deleting dcop server, ICE authority etc etc..) 
Got curious WHY? this always happens after an upgrade.  
the answer was simple, thou,,, but didn't figure it out before.

The real issue is.. after upgrading packages instead of using the same UID) 
User ID, it creates a new one, I'll explain... my account was admin UID 501
and after upgrade, I had admin UID 502, thus the reason why denying access to 
my desktop applications, switched back to UID 501 again and had access to 
everything again.

Now the question... is this a "normal" behavior?  I am still the same user, 
just upgrading my box, I am not a totally different user, I suppose if you 
created a "new" user then is reasonable to obtain a new UID.  
why is then replacing it with a new one... bug?


PS. It's looking better everyday, I like the new diskdrak, lots of options 
now, I still have to spend more time next install to check every single 
option available.

Nice work Pixel!

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