One of the applications I use is Allegro Common Lisp (
For Linux/Unix it is run in conjunction with Emacs and appears as an
Emacs buffer in which you can eval Lisp expressions, etc. (ACL runs
as a separate process but communicates with the Emacs process via
sockets).  Anyway, one of the components of ACL that is not run inside
of Emacs is the object inspector.  When started, a separate window is
opened.  As your cursor moves over objects in the window they are
highlighted/boxed, and you are supposed to be able to click on them
in various ways to have these objects inspected.  The problem is, the
inspector does not work in Mandrake 9.0.  The objects are highlighted,
but clicking on them merely causes the highlight to disappear (until the
mouse is moved)--the appropriate action is not executed.

I have not been using this application recently but want to again.
While I have support, and the company is interested in helping, they
only guarantee that it will work under RedHat, and this appears to be
the only Linux they run.  Interestingly enough, it does work just fine under 
RedHat 8.0 using either KDE or Gnome.  Not only does it not work under 
Mandrake 9.0, it does not work under Mandrake 8.1 or 8.2 (don't know about
8.0).  This occurs with both KDE and Gnome and one other WM I tried.
However, the inspector runs just fine on an old Mandrake 7.2 partition!

Wondered if anyone on this list my have any clues or suggestions.  Every
one of the installations I have tested has been using XFree 4, and the
MDK failures are on 3 different machines with different graphics cards.
What could be different about MDK 9.0 and RedHat 8.0 (both running
XFree 4) that might cause such a problem?

Thanks for any suggestions,

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