I installed cooker (Aug 29) on a machine I threw together with some
spare parts hoping to make it into a test box.

It has an ATI All-in-wonder PRO agp card in it, driving a Samsung
SyncMaster 570 V Flat panel display.  XFdrake is not able to come up
with a working config.  I tried modifying the XF86Config-4 to try and
get it working with no luck.

Redhat Beta Null had an X that ran fine with this config (16bit color.
1024x768). Using the same details from the Redhat XF86Config, X won't
work correctly with cooker.  

What happens is X comes up, the left half of the screen is okay, but the
right half is flipped (right to left) and blurry.
with the test screen the the left half of the rainbow screen is perfect
and you the Yes/No dialog box is cut in the middle with the left half OK
and "Yes" readable.  The right half of the dialog is pushed all the way
over to the right edge and is not readable, the rainbow lines are also
blurry and not synced correctly.

I've Attached the XF86Config produced by redhat null. But I think this
problem lies with the ati driver.

(Nice to have the list back from the dead, I sent a similar message on
Friday but its lost is space somewhere)

# File generated by anaconda.

Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier     "Anaconda Configured"
        Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
        InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"

        InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"

# The location of the RGB database.  Note, this is the name of the
# file minus the extension (like ".txt" or ".db").  There is normally
# no need to change the default.

    RgbPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Red Hat 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.

    FontPath   "unix/:7100"


Section "Module"
        Load  "dbe"
        Load  "extmod"
        Load  "fbdevhw"
        Load  "dri"
        Load  "glx"
        Load  "record"
        Load  "freetype"
        Load  "type1"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Keyboard0"
        Driver      "keyboard"

#       Option  "AutoRepeat"    "500 5"

# when using XQUEUE, comment out the above line, and uncomment the
# following line
#       Option  "Protocol"      "Xqueue"

# Specify which keyboard LEDs can be user-controlled (eg, with xset(1))
#       Option  "Xleds"         "1 2 3"

# To disable the XKEYBOARD extension, uncomment XkbDisable.
#       Option  "XkbDisable"

# To customise the XKB settings to suit your keyboard, modify the
# lines below (which are the defaults).  For example, for a non-U.S.
# keyboard, you will probably want to use:
#       Option  "XkbModel"      "pc102"
# If you have a US Microsoft Natural keyboard, you can use:
#       Option  "XkbModel"      "microsoft"
# Then to change the language, change the Layout setting.
# For example, a german layout can be obtained with:
#       Option  "XkbLayout"     "de"
# or:
#       Option  "XkbLayout"     "de"
#       Option  "XkbVariant"    "nodeadkeys"
# If you'd like to switch the positions of your capslock and
# control keys, use:
#       Option  "XkbOptions"    "ctrl:nocaps"
        Option  "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
        Option  "XkbModel"      "pc105"
        Option  "XkbLayout"     "us"
        #Option "XkbVariant"    ""
        #Option "XkbOptions"    ""

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Mouse0"
        Driver      "mouse"
        Option      "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
        Option      "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
        Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
        Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "no"


Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "Monitor0"
        VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
        ModelName    "Monitor Model"
        HorizSync   30-61
        VertRefresh 50-75
        Option "dpms"


Section "Device"
        # no known options
        Identifier   "ATI All-in-Wonder Pro"
        Driver       "ati"
        VendorName   "ATI All-in-Wonder Pro"
        BoardName     "ATI All-in-Wonder Pro"

Section "Screen"
        Identifier   "Screen0"
        Device       "ATI All-in-Wonder Pro"
        Monitor      "Monitor0"
        DefaultDepth    16

        Subsection "Display"
                Depth       16
                Modes       "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" 


Section "DRI"
        Mode 0666

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