I have observed a problem with kde 3.1 under 9.0 ( I will test if this also 
occurs under 9.1-rc1). 

As you know, some programes can't have sound if artsd is runing (for example 
chromium or the sound decoder of xawdecode). Under kde 3.0.5 I can edit in 
kcontrol the sounds to dissable artsd after not runing 20 seconds and this 
runs fine, but with 3.1 artsd never stops; I had to kill artds to have 
chromium sound runing.

I think this is a kde 3.1 bug, but I am not sure; could you check this?

Yours sincerely
Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
E-30100 Murcia
España (Spain)

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