On Sunday 17 March 2002 21:56, John Kintree wrote:
> On Sunday 17 March 2002 03:12 am, Warly wrote:
>> I do think that our model is not so bad, and that we are reaching a
>> good compromise between cutting edge and stability, but /this/
>> compromise _is needed_.

> I also agree, and yesterday sent a $30 donation to
> http://www.linux-mandrake.com/donations/

One of my clients, who depends on Mandrake for *everything* (9 public 
workstations, an office workstation, a jukebox, a gateway/firewall that also 
hosts about 30 domains and subdomains, etc) sent in $AUD500.

I now have a policy of sending in $AUD50 for each commercial install (compare 
that with circa $AUD1200 for the machine itself, and hundreds of $AUD in 
technician time to set it up, and over $AUD200 for WindowsXP, the workstation 

> You guys are doing great work.  I don't want you worrying about money for
> the next six months.

Hear, hear!

Cheers; Leon

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