Check this out, RedHat is listed, why not Mandrake?

Maybe you can get Mandrake on this list at LexMark

I have an Optra S 1650
(I can presently print through Samba to Win 98 machine
and is OK.  Ethernet card is soon to arrive

Am presently running Mandrake 7-02 at: ,

Suggestion for kpackage.

It would be really great if the right pane and left pane
could be printed to capture the information to paper.
There is no list of the programs names and what they do,
this would be available to me if I could print the right pane
of a program like kpackage and thereby decide which
packages I would like to install and also to give me a list
of the files that relate to the program.  The left pane would
give me a paper list of all the RPM packages that are available
on an ftp site or on the local machine.  Possibly there is another
way to do this but it would be nice if print could be done
from within kpackage.

Gerald Howse

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