Thanks. I find on Redhat they use bash2 to refer to the up-to-date bash.

And I have another problem, it seems that the rpmslist is not up-to-date,
I find several packages are not in the same name (like qt2->libqt2). Is
there anyone working on a update of the rpmslist. Whill this affect my
installation if I use this old rpmslist. (I guess the program may not find
the qt2 so the kde cann't be installed)

On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, Peter Ruskin wrote:

> On Thursday 14 December 2000 19:40, Xuedong Zhang wrote:
> > When I try to run the script, there is following problems:
> >
> > ./genisocooker: shopt: command not found
>                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >
> shopt is a bash builtin command (do man bash and it's described in a section 
> near the end.).  Make sure you have an up-to-date bash installed.

Xuedong Zhang
-----------office: (617)353-9148-------------
Cummington St. 44/BME, Boston 02215, MA USA

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