[narfi@dhcp-104-6 narfi]$ rpm -q openoffice
[narfi@dhcp-104-6 narfi]$ rpm -q fonts-ttf-japanese

I installed 8.2 beta4, with English as a primary language and Japanese, 
Icelandic and German as secondary languages.
I've upgraded everything to cooker.

Scenario: OpenOffice crashes when I use the mouse to scroll in the font list 
in the font drop-down selection dialog in the toolbar if fonts-ttf-japanese 
is installed. 

My tests: I'm using the en_US locale, both in ~/.i18n and in KDE. I went 
through the font packages and uninstalled them one by one and then 
re-installed them one by one. I had to uninstall 3 of them until I got rid of 
the crashes. I installed 2 of them back again (fonts-ttf-decoratives 1.3-9 
and fonts-ttf-west_european 1.3-9) and open office still ran without crashes.

As soon as I install the 3rd one, fonts-ttf-japanese-0.19990222-12mdk, I can 
crash openoffice using the method described above.

Note: This also happened with fonts-ttf-japanese-0.19990222-11mdk 

I hope this bug report is up to the current standards of bug reports here on 
cooker. If it turns out to be "fodder for the FAQ", please tell me why :-)
Please ask if you need more info,


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