I'm running open ssh on 8.0 beta3 and get the following error whenever someone tries to log in:
user gets-login prompt, if it's first connect gets host-key aceptance,
then they get password prompt: it never takes password, and yes, we're sure we're tyoing them right :P
after 3 tries he gets "Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive)."
syslog log shows-
APR 13 21:06:01 machinename sshd[pid]: failed password for username from address port ssh2
APR 13 21:06:01 machinename sshd[pid]: failed keyboard-interactive for username from address port ssh2
APR 13 21:06:01 machinename sshd[pid]: connection closed by remote-users-address
Anyone have any ideas???the same Openssh version with same exact config file on another machine
running the same beta version doesn't give this error, have tried uninstalling and reinstalling openssh also... 

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