[Cooker] xemacs-21.1.9-3mdk: annoying destruction of default font settings

2000-04-26 Thread David Aspinall


To be a bit less abrasive, here is a much more polite way to set the
default font for you:

  (set-face-font 'default "-*-Fixed-Medium-R-*-*-*-130-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1")

You should use this in place of the line

  (setq default-frame-alist '((font . "-*-Fixed-Medium-R-*-*-*-130-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1")

in /etc/emacs/site-start-xemacs.el

This avoids the annoying font switching on startup (first screen
appears in large font before switching to your font), and it
also avoids trashing user preferences saved with "Save Options".

 - David.

[Cooker] xemacs-21.1.9-3mdk: annoying destruction of default font settings

2000-04-26 Thread David Aspinall

I've always hated the default .emacs supplied by Mandrake.  

Imagine my shock to see the new xemacs has a site-start.el which
trashes my default font settings, amongst the other mess there.

Could you not make this file optional?

 - David.