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>I tried to install Mandrake 9.0 on my system:
>MSI 845E Max2-BLR mainboard
>P4 2.0 Ghz "Northwood" CPU
>512 MB DDR2100 RAM (Crucial)
>Pioneer DVD-ROM AO6S/106S
>LG 24x10x40x (Model name: HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8240B)
>WD1200JB-00CRA1 hard-drive
>WD400BB-00AUA1 hard-drive
>Anyways: My problem is this:
>The cd's boot fine, but when it is about to load the installer, it says it
>can't find any cdrom-drive, and if i try harddisk install, it can't find
>that either.... why, i boot's fine.... i don't understand.
>if someone has a clue on this, please directly e-mail me in addition to
>replying to this mailing list.
Sorry for mangling your name do not know how to get the slash in the O. I do 
not know what the problem is but I have had the same probem with a MSI KT3 
ULTRA2 MOBO Atholon XP 2200+ MAXTOR drives and LITON DVD and CDRW drives. 
There has been much discussion in the past about the iso disk size and the 
speed at which they were burned. Some CD-RW will not burn a 700 MB disk, also 
the speed can effect the install, CD's burned at a high rate may not work. 
Mine were burned at 8x speed. I am hopeing that this is the problem. I have 
not had any problem with install SuSE or other Mandrake versions that I have 
commercial disks for. So I am waiting for my Mandrake DVD to arrive in the 
mail. And I am hoping that it is a problem with the speed the disc was burned 
at and nothing more. I also tried underclocking the MOBO but that did not 
work. If any one has a solution or better understanding, please help out as I 
would like to get Mandrake installed.
- -- 
It said Use Windows XP or better, so I installed SuSE-Linux 8.1 
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