I figures I drop in a line about the current status of using Mandrake for production servers.
    I am currently using three servers, with the following configurations as follows:
Pentium III 500Mhz, 256 Meg of Ram, 15 Gigs Drives.
Here is what I have configured on those three bad ass monsters:
Apache 1.3.12 - Provided by Jean with the MySQL Database, PHP4, formerly 3, Perl, Frontpage, Tomcat 3.2-Beta4, IBM Java 1.1.3, Qmail 1.03 with Vpopmail and Qmailadmin and SSH.
    And the result?  I currently have over 6482 domains hosted on all servers, with 1142 on Unixhost 1, 1328 on Unixhost2 and 5392 on Unixhost3.  If you are wondering why I have such a huge number on Unixhost3, it is due to the fact that Unixhost1 and 2 are moved servers from leased servers to our home brewed server and transferred the files over from there, which include removing Sendmail crap and other custom crap for clean installation.  Unixhost3 is built from scratch and built up from there...and it is humming along nicely on Unixhost3....with 8 high volume websites on Unixhost3, which averages around 40,000 hits per day on those specific sites and overall, 900,000 hits per day for everything combined on Unixhost3.
    Now...do you think that is little unbelievable or not?  It was not possible with Redhat back then, but with this Mandrake system, I was able to cram so much and still have it run along with such aplomb with no problems at all.  Now I am currently building a new server with 700Mhz system with 384Meg of Memory and 30 Gig drive to handle even larger influx of websites and to move some high traffic sites off to there.
    Anyone dare claim even bigger piece of pie of what Mandrake can do?  I think mine is nuts, but works like a charm though.  Hell... even my boss and the co-location facility who hosts it is amazed by it. :)
    So.... in words... keep up good work guys!

Linux Support & Adminstrator
Russell "Elik" Rademacher
DelhiNet Web Services, Pvt Ltd.

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