Re: [Cooker] BM-ed: ypserv

2000-07-31 Thread Stefan van der Eijk

> > I'll try to upload the src.rpm to
> i believe it not necessary anymore since titi has did the changes.
negative... I screwed up on that package. the path to makedbm in
/var/yp/Makefile is incorrect in the current cooker package. Fix is

--- ypserv.spec.origMon Jul 24 19:29:26 2000
+++ ypserv.spec Mon Jul 24 20:13:51 2000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 %define name ypserv
 %define version 1.3.9
-%define release 4mdk
+%define release 5mdk
 Summary: The NIS (Network Information Service) server.
 Summary(de): NIS/YP-Server
@@ -63,7 +63,12 @@
 cp etc/README etc/README.etc
-%configure --enable-tcp-wrapper --enable-fqdn --enable-yppasswd 
+%configure \
+   --bindir=/usr/lib/yp \
+   --enable-fqdn \
+   --enable-tcp-wrapper \
+   --enable-yppasswd \
+   --libexecdir=/usr/lib/yp
@@ -117,6 +122,9 @@
+* Mon Jul 24 2000 Stefan van der Eijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1.3.9-5mdk
+- fixed path of makedbm in /var/yp/Makefile (was broken with 4mdk)
 * Sun Jul 23 2000 Stefan van der Eijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1.3.9-4mdk
 - macroszifications
 - BM

%define name ypserv
%define version 1.3.9
%define release 5mdk

Summary: The NIS (Network Information Service) server.
Summary(de): NIS/YP-Server
Summary(fr): Serveur NIS/YP.
Summary(tr): NIS/YP Sunucusu
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}
Copyright: GPL
Group: System/Servers
Source1: ypserv-ypserv.init
Source2: ypserv-yppasswdd.init
Requires: portmap tcp_wrappers
Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig
Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root/
Patch0: patch-ypMakefile.bz2
Patch1: ypserv-Makefile.patch.bz2
Obsoletes: yppasswd

The Network Information Service (NIS) is a system which provides network
information (login names, passwords, home directories, group information)
to all of the machines on a network.  NIS can enable users to login on
any machine on the network, as long as the machine has the NIS client
programs running and the user's password is recorded in the NIS passwd
database.  NIS was formerly known as Sun Yellow Pages (YP).

This package provides the NIS server, which will need to be running on
your network.  NIS clients do not need to be running the server.

Install ypserv if you need an NIS server for your network.  You'll also
need to install the yp-tools and ypbind packages onto any NIS client

%description -l de
ypserv ist eine Implementierung des NIS/YP-Netzwerkprotokolls.
Es ermöglicht die netwerkweite Verteilung von Hostname, Benutzername
und anderen Information. Dies ist der NIS-Server und wird auf NIS-
Clients nicht benötigt.

%description -l fr
ypserv est une implantation du protocole réseau NIS/YP standard.
Il permet une distribution, à l'échelle du réseau, du nom de la machine,
du nom de l'utilisateur et des autres bases de données d"informations.
Il s'agit du serveur NIS et n'est pas nécessaire sur les clients NIS.

%description -l tr
ypserv, standart NIS/YP að protokolünün bir uygulamasýdýr. Bu sunucu ile makina
adý, kullanýcý ismi gibi bilgiler að çapýnda daðýtýlabilir ve bir dizi makina
üzerinde eþ olmasý saðlanabilir. Bu paket sadece sunucuyu içermektedir, bu
hizmetten yararlanacak olan istemci makinalarda bulunmasý gerekmez.

%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1

cp etc/README etc/README.etc
%configure \
--bindir=/usr/lib/yp \
--enable-fqdn \
--enable-tcp-wrapper \
--enable-yppasswd \

%makeinstall \
CONFDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir} \
MAN1DIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1 \
MAN5DIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5 \
MAN8DIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8 \

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d
install -m644 etc/ypserv.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}
install -m755 $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/ypserv-ypserv.init 
install -m755 $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/ypserv-yppasswdd.init 


/sbin/chkconfig --add ypserv
/sbin/chkconfig --add yppasswdd

%triggerpostun -- ypserv <= ypserv-1.3.0-2
/sbin/chkconfig --add ypserv

%trigerpostun -- yppasswd
/sbin/chkconfig --add yppasswdd

if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
/sbin/chkconfig --del ypserv
/sbin/chkconfig --del yppasswdd
%doc etc/ypserv.conf etc/securenets etc/README.etc
%config %{_sysconfdir}/ypserv.conf
%config /var/yp/*
%dir /var/yp
%config %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/*

Re: [Cooker] BM-ed: ypserv

2000-07-30 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah

Stefan van der Eijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'll try to upload the src.rpm to

i believe it not necessary anymore since titi has did the changes.

MandrakeSoft Inc
San-Francisco, CA USA --Chmouel