Leif Sawyer wrote:
> Eugenio Diaz [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] writes:
> > Another thing I would like to see from Mandrake is a
> > "**real** database driven web-based public bugtraking system"
> > like bugzilla or Double Chocolate.
> > [...] It provided a real way for contributors to contribute
> > resolutions without duplicating efforts; but more (actually
> > much much much more) important, it kept a record of
> > problem-solution.
> I agree (and second) Eugenio's suggestion.  

Ditto.  Though not great, there used to be some form of bug tracking.  It seems
that since Feb/00, bug-tracking is done solely via inboxen...   Definitely needs
to change.

>                                             It'd be nice
> to actually know that somebody is following up on my
> bug report for the Sparc build, instead of just scanning
> for a reply and deleting all of the inane chatter that
> has nothing to do with the archetecture I'm working on.


> And that brings up another point.  How about separating
> out the different archetecture's to different lists, so
> that we DON'T have to wade through it all.  It'll keep
> all of the problem/solutions much cleaner as well.
> cooker-sparc, cooker-x86, cooker-mips, cooker-ppc

Yes!!!  In the meanwhile, having "sparc" anywhere in the subject helps my

> And if you want to cut down on the number of people joining
> just to find but fixes, put the darned archive link up
> on the website already.  Then maybe people would look before
> they leaped? (in shah allah)

Already requested of the new webmaster, et al...

> ismi Leif.


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