Re: [Cooker] Minor install "gotchas" on KDE2

2000-06-06 Thread Peter Ruskin

For those having difficulties running KDE2-alphas and KDE1, here are the
scripts I used on my Mandrake 7.0 machine.  There are probably many
other ways, but this works for me ...

# /opt/kde2/bin/kde1

export KDE2DIR=/opt/kde2
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde
export QTDIR=/usr/local/qt
export X11HOME=/usr/X11R6

# If $KDE2DIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH.  The "$HOME" is needed to ensure that
# the caller has write permissions.
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDE2DIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# If $KDEDIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# Now we can add the current KDEDIR ...
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin || export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH export
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $X11HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$X11HOME/bin
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/games || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games
export MANPATH=$KDEDIR/man:$QTDIR/man:/usr/man:\


export KDE1DIR=/opt/kde
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde2 
export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt2
export X11HOME=/usr/X11R6

# If $KDE1DIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH.  The "$HOME" is needed to ensure that
# the caller has write permissions.
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDE1DIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# If $KDEDIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# Now we can add the current KDEDIR ...
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin || export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH 
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $X11HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$X11HOME/bin
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/games || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games
export MANPATH=$KDEDIR/man:$QTDIR/man:/usr/man:\

# /etc/X11/window-managers
DESC=The fabulous desktop
DESC=The fabulous desktop - Pre-alpha release
  --- etc, etc, -  

# /usr/local/bin/startkde1
# set .kde and Desktop
/bin/rm -f ~/.kde
/bin/ln -s ~/.kde1 ~/.kde
/bin/rm -f ~/Desktop
/bin/ln -s ~/Desktop1 ~/Desktop

# set QT and KDE environment variables
source /opt/kde2/bin/kde1

exec /opt/kde/bin/startkde

# /usr/local/bin/startkde2
# set .kde and Desktop
/bin/rm -f ~/.kde
/bin/ln -s ~/.kde2 ~/.kde
/bin/rm -f ~/Desktop
/bin/ln -s ~/Desktop2 ~/Desktop

# set QT and KDE environment variables
source /opt/kde2/bin/kde2

exec /opt/kde2/bin/startkde

# /etc/profile
# (c) MandrakeSoft, Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# System wide environment and startup programs
# Functions and aliases go in /etc/bashrc
  --- etc, etc, -  
# Set PATH
if [ "$UID" = "0" ]; then
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin 
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $X11HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$X11HOME/bin 
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/local/bin || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/games || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games
  --- etc, etc, - 

# .bashrc
# Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# User specific aliases and functions
  --- etc, etc, - 

# Reapply environment lost somewher

Re: [Cooker] Minor install "gotchas" on KDE2

2000-06-06 Thread David Faure

On Mon, Jun 05, 2000 at 12:03:25PM -0800, Civileme wrote:
> KDE2 Rpms ar on contrib and seem to work tolerably well, but first one has to 
> DL openssl,
The sources support openssl _optionnally_ but of course with
a binary package, there's no choice. It's either excluded or required.

> and even with
> ln -s /usr/bin/perl5.6.0 /usr/local/bin/perl
> the blasted sdk rpm complains about no perl in /usr/local/bin
I told Chris about this bug, next RPMS won't have this problem.

> I did a --nodeps install and I get segfaults here and there and some 
> freezeups that need ctrl-alt-backspace.
Hmm, really ? Don't have that here...

> Anyone have any idea what other resources need to be symlinked at 
> /usr/local/bin to keep KDE2 happy?

> Next item--I used David Faure's advice on kde1-and-kde2.html and all the user 
Cool :)
> I set up to test kde2 can use is KDE2, which comes up no matter what I 
> select.  Furthermore, kdm does not show the KDE2 choice even after 
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_everytime. 
Yeah apparently this happens to quite a few people. I can't figure
out why. Any time to debug it ? mandrake_everytime calls /usr/bin/fndSession
which does the job: it's suppose to modify /usr/share/config/kdmrc
using the window-managers file. It worked for me, but my installation
isn't really a standard one... :-}

> It also appears that /etc/X11/Xsessions is an artifact--a nice script no
> longer executed, and I am still looking for where things happen.
Not used anymore ? Ah ! That would be why I wasn't sure it had
to be modified or not :-)

Anyone knows how stuff is executed by kdm, in Mandrake ?
(Ah - does xdm-config point to another file than Xsession, for 
executing stuff ?)
Anyway - the point in window-managers is that if it appears automatically
in kdm, it should manage to run it fine - so both problems are the same I guess.

> On the other hand--KDE2 is definitely quite nice.  I sold a Windows user 
> die-hard by showing him KDE2.

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