On Sat Aug 30 18:56 -0400, David Walser wrote:
> Well, when libao goes to pick an output plugin, it starts testing them all to see if 
> they work (each implements a test function).  When it finds one that works, it keeps 
> looping, and only tests further ones if they have a priority than the one that 
> already worked.  They way the list they looped over was created before, they had no 
> control over the order the different plugins were in.
> I changed it so the list is sorted in order of plugin priority (highest to lowest), 
> so as soon as it finds a plugin that works, it breaks out of the loop.  It's 
> basically an optimization to the autodetection (of whether to use arts, esd, oss, 
> alsa, etc output) code, it should make it faster.

Excellent.  Now that pesky arts bug won't cause segfaults when other
output plugins end up being used...

Levi Ramsey
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.
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