
        I recently tried to move a Server that is running MDK 7.0, Apache, Bind, 
WuFTP, and Sendmail, behind a SNF.  I set up port forwarding for each of 
the services, but ran into a problem.  It seems to be a problem with the 
        From console of the server behind the firewall, the only addresses it 
would resolve are addresses that it is responsable for, and as soon as 
it was required to request info from a forwarder, it would not resolve. 
  If I added a external DNS Server IP to my resolv.conf file, external 
address would resolve properly.  So DNS request are flowing though the 
firewall, but for some reason my internal DNS Server will not forward 
request successfully.  Also, I tried to FTP to the SNF, and the requests 
are forwarded through to the internal server, but before a login request 
is received, there is a several minute delay, which I think is a DNS 
query that is timing out??

Now my questions:

1) Should I be able to put a DNS server behind a SNF?
If it should work, does anyone have any Ideas what I might be doing

2) In the event that a http server should work properly behind my SNF,
how are request from my private network to the external IP address of my 
SNF on port 80 going to be handled.  Will it handle a internal client 
browsing my webserver when the DNS will resolve to the external address. 
  It seems the traffic will go out and be send back in, but will it be 
masqurated or just redirected, or will it not work at all??

Any comments, help, links would be wonderfull.

Thanks for the wonderfull product SNF, I like it much, and if I can 
figure this problem out, it will be that much more great.



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