Re: [Cooker-firewall] Why are update questions not being answered?

2001-07-27 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Thursday 26 July 2001 20:12, you wrote :
 Why does it seem like every question regarding the failure of updating is


I think the problem is worked on (as many have guessed this might be as 
simple as ftp not forced to passive mode or high ports not opened properly).

I don't know what's the current status of this bug, nor what has changed 
between the beta versions (when it worked) and the final release, but we'll 
let you know when everything's OK with snf updates, and give the proper fix.


Re: [Cooker-firewall] Re: Why are update questions not being answered?

2001-07-27 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Friday 27 July 2001 12:27, you wrote :
 I think we can rule out the active/passive ftp. I opened up the bastille
 script to allow active ftp and the update still didn't work :-(

 I have also throu tcpdump noticed that I do get a response from the
 selected ftp-server so the error is probably later in the parsing of the
 data. I can send you a transcript from tcpdump of a session if it helps you
 (I doubt it thou)

I've taken a look and found the problem.
This has nothing to do with the network configuration, but is due to changes 
made in the update policy at the final stage of the product : snf has now its 
own directory for updates, but since it's a 7.2 at its core, the updated 
packages are the same and so are simple _links_ to the 7.2 updated packages.

Being a link simply breaks a regular expression in the scripts that handle 
the packages list,, and I think this had been tested only with real files :-(

Since they're small, I attach the modified files to this mail, tell me if 
this fixes the problem. They must be placed in /usr/share/naat/scripts/


Re: [Cooker-firewall] Re: Why are update questions not being answered?

2001-07-27 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Friday 27 July 2001 14:14, you wrote :
 I have just tested this, and I still got empty list . I then restarted
 the httpd-naat process seeing if that would help, and the same thing
 occured. I would like to help as much as I can to assist in fixing this
 problem. I am ready to test any updates you would like. Or if you like, you
 can have access directly to my system if it will help.

Can you try this on a console: test --get CurrentMirror test --get PackagesToUpdate

and give me the results ?

Thank you for your help ! If this is needed I'll accept your offer to access 
your system :-)


Re: [Cooker-firewall] Initial configuration troubles

2001-06-29 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Friday 29 June 2001 02:01, you wrote :
 I'm experiencing a problem that I hope is a quite simple one: I can't get
 an installation of the cooker-firewall to pass packets to the internal
 network it is firewalling.

 I've installed numerous times on completely different known-good hardware
 and connected to different external networks. In fact I have had no trouble
 making this work using at least two of the pre-release versions of the
 cooker. But everything I try with the current release version leads to

 Installation and setup goes without problem. After rebooting into the
 firewall I am able to logon from a machine connected to eth0 (internal
 interface) and make configurations via the browser interface. DHCP setup is
 flawless; all connected computers are leasing addresses correctly. I am
 able to ping internal network machines and likewise from the cooker box I
 am able to ping the outside world - but I can't reach the outside world
 from the internal network in any way at all.

 The firewall rules are on (but turning them off makes no difference)
 although I have done no particular configuration there since it appears to
 be pre-configured for normal internet access.

 I've run through every page of the administration interface and the
 documentation looking for the piece of the puzzle that is missing in the
 final release and I am ready to admit that I am stumped. Has anyone else
 had this experience? I'm assuming I must not be alone in this since I'm not
 exactly new to networking/firewalling/NAT.

 Can someone _please_ point out the bonehead mistake I'm making here? Did I
 forget some magic step I must have done with the pre-release versions to
 make this work?



(trying again, I had a problem with my previous e-mail).

Here are a few hints to try and find what's going wrong:
- activate the logging of rejected packets (System/Alert), try to connect to 
the Internet from a client computer and then read the appropriate logs 
(Monitoring menu) 
- have you tried firewall rules on with all connections allowed ?
- do your client computer set their default gateway correctly ?
- if none of the above gives anything useful, then I have no clue for now; 
try to stop the bastille-firewall script manually and set the forwarding and 
masquerading by hand with minimal security (echo 1  
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward; ipchains -A forward -s internal network 
address -j MASQ) and then investigate; since you seem to know a bit about 
networks and nat you may find something on your clients or the firewall.

In any case, give us feedback so that we can further help you and maybe fix a 
bug in the product.


Re: [Cooker-firewall] Mandrake Firewall and other distribs

2001-06-22 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Thursday 21 June 2001 22:40, you wrote :
 Hi guys,

 is there a way to install the naat stuff on another distribution like
 Redhat 6.2 ? I am asking that because I need to add firewall function to a
 machine already in production and used for specific applications.



Well, we have never tested this kind of situation obviously, and I expect a 
lot of troubles by trying that.
Except for the adsl stuff, this could work though, but you'll need at least 
to know a bit about rpm packaging, and adapt the spec file of 
naat-frontend-www, naat-backend, naat-monitoring and httpd-naat to rebuild 
them for your distro.
You'll need to manually edit the interfaces configuration, too, 
except if you also want to install drakxtools on your distro.

If you really want to do that, you should of course test it on a test machine 
and not the production one !


Re: [Cooker-firewall] i386 build please?

2001-06-14 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Jeudi 14 Juin 2001 13:33, you wrote :
 My wife and I are going to be setting up our firewall in the next week for
 connecting to Road Runner and I would be extremely grateful if either a)
 someone at Mdk built an i386 ISO image, or b) someone pointed me to a
 resource explaining the steps involved in turning the /i386/ directory into
 an ISO image (do I just have to copy them out to CD?).  Thanks in advance

 (and yes, if I get this working, I'll make a nice-sized donation in the
 fall when my college loans come in)

Well, if you have a 486 DX you can use the i586 version.
If this is a i386 or i486 SX (no arithmetic coprocessor), then I don't know 
when we will support it by releasing the appropriate i386 iso.


Re: [Cooker-firewall] i386 build please?

2001-06-14 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Jeudi 14 Juin 2001 14:19, you wrote :
 Is there an i586 ISO of the final version yet? The only ones I have been
 able to find (still) are the ones dated May 5th 2001.


This is strange, the mirrors problem shoud be over. Could you try on another 
ftp mirror ?


Re: [Cooker-firewall] ADSL Problems and RC2(SNF?)

2001-05-30 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mercredi 30 Mai 2001 00:24, you wrote :

disappears and I have to reconfigure the ADSL connection.
   You shouldn't need to. When you click on the Internet Access

 menu, you have

   the possibility to stop and start the connection (stop it first

 even if it is

   down, to kill processes if needed).

 'ifconfig ppp0' says the interface doesn't exist.

With ADSL, you can lose the ppp0 interface while a process like pptp manager 
will stay in memory. Using the start and stop buttons in the interface will 
trigger the appropriate init script that will take care of cleaning and 
starting the connection in a proper manner.

If you want to do it manually, you can use the init script directly :
/etc/init.d/adsl stop
/etc/init.d/adsl start


Re: [Cooker-firewall] ADSL Problems and RC2 (SNF ?)

2001-05-29 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mardi 29 Mai 2001 01:15, you wrote :

 After successfully setting up my ADSL connection I find that if I set it
 to automatically reconnect when the link dies, it reconnects every couple
 of hours. (I check this by looking for the IP address on ppp0.)


The reconnection script might be a little too much aggressive in your case, 
you can check and tweak the ping command to wait a little 
more or try more than once.

 If I
 disable reconnection the link stays up for 3 days then the ppp0 interface
 disappears and I have to reconfigure the ADSL connection.

You shouldn't need to. When you click on the Internet Access menu, you have 
the possibility to stop and start the connection (stop it first even if it is 
down, to kill processes if needed).

 I'm using RC1
 and that leads me to my next problem. I have downloaded the SNF iso from
 about 4 different sites and when I burn the CD there is no directory on
 the CD. The iso returns the wrong md5sum. I have tried using different
 browsers and also command line ftp (using binary transfer ) without
 success. The md5sum is always the same. (wrong).

I'm not aware of a problem with the ISOs, I'll ask.


Re: [Cooker-firewall] ip_masq_pptp

2001-05-29 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Lundi 28 Mai 2001 23:39, you wrote :

 I have been down for a while, but do I understand correctly that there will
 be no pptp support at all in Mandrake Firewall?  Or at least in the current
 version with kernel 2.2.19?

 Will it come back in later kernels (2.4 and up)?

 Do we now forward the port straight to the IP address behind the firewall?

 I do need the pptp stuff to be able to work from home.


There is support for pptp as a client, but not for a masqueraded tunnel. So 
you can connect with adsl, but you can't make a vpn with pptp.
You can still patch and recompile the kernel, if you need, but we don't 
support it since the kernel becomes vulnerable.

Of course when we'll make the advanced firewall based on a 2.4 kernel, vpns 
will be a main feature so we'll take a close look at this, as well as IPSec.


Re: [Cooker-firewall] ip_masq_pptp

2001-05-29 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mardi 29 Mai 2001 09:45, you wrote :

 i also need pptp masquerade feature. pleas do not forgot about it in future
 releases! :)
 at this moment i was applied vpn patch and recompiled kernel by myself and
 live in dangerous way...


Could you check that the modules you compiled work with our kernel ?
I think you could help Dallas and maybe others that really need ip_masq_pptp.
I don't know if the module alone will work but that's worth a try.


Re: [Cooker-firewall] Query on Mandrake Security

2001-05-28 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mercredi 23 Mai 2001 09:42, you wrote :

 I hope this is the right mailing list but anyway, I was wondering if it is
 is possible to setup the following configuration on Mandrake security.

 Connecting an ADSL router to the Mandrake Security box and have all
 incoming traffic on one NIC card and all outgoing traffic on another NIC
 card the two NIC cards would have to have separte IP ranges because the
 ADSL router has its IP hard code into it and our LAN is on a diffrent
 range. Im guessing its possible todo but if you have any tips on setting up
 this configaration I would be very grateful. Currantly Im running a
 smoothwall box which does this job but doesnt have the logging and
 restrictions i need.

I think you can do this with the Lan/Cable configuration in our Internet 
Access menu : this will set a firewall between your local network, and the 
ADSL router (the local network on your side of the adsl router, connected 
to the external interface of your firewall).


Re: [Cooker-firewall] Internet Configs - Remote Test Host

2001-05-28 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Lundi 21 Mai 2001 23:51, you wrote :
 I've installed RC1 and after fixing the problem with dhcpd.conf, I have a
 dhcp server and an ADSL connection. All in just over one hour! On the
 management screen there is a remote test host ip address that is used to
 determine if the adsl link is up or down. I changed this to my ISP's 3rd
 DNS and the link is always shown as down. Unfortunately the help button on
 that screen doesn't work.
 Can someone tell me what this remote host is, how I should configure it
 and how it works?

The default IP address for testing connection is the internic IP. You can 
change this to any IP you want (an IP number is recommended; putting a dns 
name might not work if your dns is not configured correctly, even if your 
connection itself works).

The test is only a ping, performed by a script called, which uses 
pingtest.conf (containing the host defined in the web interface).


Re: [Cooker-firewall] UDP Ports for StarCraft

2001-05-28 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Lundi 28 Mai 2001 20:15, Florin Grad wrote :
 Stephen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Does enyone know what I ahve to do to get StartCraft working through the
  When I try to get on to Battle net it comes back with the error that it
  can't process UDP packets through port 6112. I went into the firewall
  settings page and opened up UDP port 6112 but it still isn't working. Any

 Hi there,

 as usual in such cases, you should activate the log of the rejected
 packets in System properties-Alert and the allow what the blocked ones.

 So, you should get the error messages from the firewall and not from the

I would add that ports are often negociated and so do not have a fixed value. 
Sometimes one must open all high ports (  1024:  ) to have an online game 
work. Sometimes a range of ports is enough (say 6000:7000 for instance).

regards, :-)


Re: [Cooker-firewall] Some strange things with SNF (RC2?) Part II

2001-05-18 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Vendredi 18 Mai 2001 14:57, you wrote :
 Here it comes:

 The installation was as usual to the point of network settings. Then:
 1) A list of NICs was presented were I have chosen 3C905.
 2) On the next window it asked me if I want to autoprobe. I've
 selected yes
 3) A message appeared: Found 3C905 interfaces. Do you have another
 I've selected NO.
 4) Next window with local network settings on interface eth0 with
 default settings.
 I've selected all default.
 5) The a list appeared where I've selected cable network configuration
 7) List with the cards again as in step 1, step 2, step 3.
 6) IP/DNS/Gateway configuration for eth0 appeared again. Don't know
 why? I didn't change anything
 7) IP/DNS/Gateway configuration for eth1 appeared. Configured eth1 to
 be the internet device.

 Actually, after 2-3 installs and some poking around, I've managed to
 get the right installation. the difference was that I've selected YES
 in the step 3. Then the window with default settings for eth0 did not
 appear and I was prompted to enter the values myself.


I think the problem is related with dns or gateway configuration: after 
network configuration, I think the install program is trying to guess what is 
the external interface by looking at additional informations like gateway.

You should only put IP address for the local interface (i.e. remove 
additional default informations which shouldn't be proposed there). 
Local network / Cable network configurations overlap a little as they were 
designed initially for a single network card on a home computer.
Adsl, isdn and analog modem cases are easier to configure currently than the 
cable network access.

 As I said in the previous message the interface for the network
 devices configuration is very confusing. I've spoken to two friends of
 mine and they also have found it confusing. Bear in mind that we are
 not that much Linux gurus. Although I was on and off Linux field since
 1997. So, may be it's just us...

No, you're right. There are discussions currently to redesign this part of 
the installation (on the main distribution, which is the basis of any other 
product), so that it will be more user friendly and present informations in a 
less confusing way. Unfortunately we couldn't do it earlier.


Re: [Cooker-firewall] webmin

2001-05-16 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mardi 15 Mai 2001 18:50, you wrote :
 thanks renaud,

 i did this and now it works, i am confused however by the interface to
 this configuration since i also opened a port for a certain file sharing
 activity and only one is listed at a time, thus it is not clear how to
 'close' a port afterwards, is this a design feature or because it is
 still only rc1 level release?

At first I didn't understand your question, now I think I know : port 
should be read as ports in the interface... So you have to list all the 
ports you want to open (by default only 'ssh' is listed).


Re: [Cooker-firewall] Printing to the outside printer

2001-05-16 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mardi 15 Mai 2001 20:09, you wrote :
 I have tried to open ports. I did something like 6:62000 but I could
 still see rejected packets. BTW is it safe to open these ports?

You did not say if it worked with all high ports open (1024:); there may not 
be a restricted range of negociated ports with jetdirect, so you may need to 
live with all high ports open.

Btw to answer your last question, it's always safer to open the fewest 
possible number of ports, but opening hight ports is safer than opening low 
ports. So obviously this is not such a good idea to print to an outside 
printer, but if you need to... :-)


Re: [Cooker-firewall] webmin

2001-05-16 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mercredi 16 Mai 2001 14:33, you wrote :
 I dealt with a similar issue while installing SAMBA.  The NAAT server web
 tool allows configuration of the firewall rules from the server to the
 outside (INET) and from the INET to the server but not the configuration of
 on the LOCAL network (AFAIK).  So what I did was to open up the ssh client
 (I use putty) and edit the file /etc/bastille-firewall.conf and under the
 section TCP_INTERNAL_SERVICES=  I put all the services that I wanted access
 to. ( ie. 8443 is there by default). I added ports 137 - 139 for SMB, 
 ports 20 - 22 for ftp and ssh and port 80 for web.  Then execute
 bastille-firewall-reset and the firewall is modified and ready to go.

Look at my previous answer about webmin : what you look for is in Restrict 
Access / Firewall Services.

 Now if someone would just help me set up a regular web server for LAN and
 INET use I'd be truly grateful.

Configure a normal apache as Philippe described in a previous e-mail, and 
open www in Restrict Access / Internet Traffic and Restrict Access / Firewall 


Re: [Cooker-firewall] webmin

2001-05-15 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mardi 15 Mai 2001 03:17, you wrote :
 hi, i have just managed to get my cable modem up and running with cooker
 firewall rc1, i am having trouble getting webmin to work, i have
 installed webmin plus perl_SS thingy but doing
 from my other machine gets nowhere, however
 gets me to the naat server so i can't see what i am doing wrong, is
 there some sort of allow/deny file for webmin?

 i have allowed webmin in the 'restrict accessinternet traffic'
 configuration in naat even though i only want to use webmin from a local
 network box - is this correct?

 all the docs i can find for configuring webmin all assume that you can
 log on via https in the first place!

The problem is with port 1, and you try to connect *to* the firewall from 
the internal network.
Go to Restrict Access / Firewall Services and add this port, this should work.


Re: [Cooker-firewall] problems with 2 nics

2001-05-15 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mardi 15 Mai 2001 06:15, you wrote :

 sorry this is not an smc card it is just a generic realtek card.

You're right, my mistake. In fact I have both a realtek and an smc card here 
and everything works all right (with modules 8139too and smc_ultra)

 yes i've already been able to do this but no matte what i do with the web
 interface it still refuses to see the 3com card.

   If I run ifconfig eth1 up it starts the 3com card. ifconfig then lists

The web interface should definitely see eth1, at least when it is active (and 
moreover your modules.conf seems perfectly right so it should activate it 
when it's not).

What version of MandrakeSecurity do you use ? Have you done anything special 
after the installation ?


Re: [Cooker-firewall] problems with 2 nics

2001-05-14 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Lundi 14 Mai 2001 17:07, you wrote :

This one is for the smc isa card

  - use ifconfig to see if any card is up

 eth0 on irq9 ( this has to be the realtek card)

OK, so at least you should be able to connect to this interface from a client 
computer with a web browser, to connect to the web tool.
https://eth0 IP:8443/
from a computer on the same network as your eth0 smc card.

 If I run ifconfig eth1 up it starts the 3com card. ifconfig then lists the
 3com card as active. Also even though it is shown as active I can't ping
 anything outside of the box, even using ip addresses.

Use the web tool from a client browser, and go in Internet Access, Cable/LAN 
configuration. It should list your 3com as eth1, and then you can configure 
it to access the external network.

  You can also comment out every info about network modules and eth*
  aliases in /etc/modules.conf, and use $$ -g
  EthernetInterfacesList to try and detect your PCI cards.

 When issuing this command I get:
 !!! Parameter EthernetinterfacesList does not exist !!!

Beware of the capital I for Interfaces.
Anyway, since you have at least the smc card ok on eth0, use the web tool, it 
is the way the product is meant to be used.

 Other than this the install is nice One last thing would it be posible to
 put mc in there by default it makes it allot eisier to get around. I
 installed it from mandrake 8.0 and it sure helps allot when your at the

For mc I think this is too late.

For installation with more than one card, I would recommend configuring only 
the single card you'll use to administer the firewall from your internal 
network, and then configure the internet access and everything else with the 
web tool.


Re: [Cooker-firewall] Can't Access Site

2001-05-03 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mercredi 02 Mai 2001 19:54, you wrote :
 My local machine is the Web Server. I am running LM 8.0 on my local
 computer and it is running my home web site. I can get to it if I type
 http://localhost; or if I type the internal IP address. I can't get to it
 if I type; from my computer. However, if I go out
 to the local library and use their computer to type; I can get my website up. If I'm on a computer on
 the internal network I should be able to use the registered domain name of
 the Firewall. It should send my internal requests out to the DNS server on
 the internet which then turns the packets around to the firewall destined
 on port 80. Port 80 on the firewall then should forward the packets to my
 web server behind it.

 It does this if I'm logged on to a computer outside the firewall on the
 internet. It does not do this if I try to call up the web server useing
 it's url or the firewalls IP address from an internal computer.

We've got the exact same problem here:  forwarding from the outside works, 
but forwarding from the masqueraded network does not work (I can imagine this 
to be very tricky in ip frames handling code !).

Internally you should use the local ip address of your web server, or set up 
an internal dns for your internal hosts only, to avoid going through the 
firewall and back (masquerading a local connexion to port-forward it back 
might be a bit too much).

Your faithful firewall team :-)

Re: [Cooker-firewall] Can't Access Site

2001-05-02 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mardi 01 Mai 2001 22:24, you wrote :
 OK, I setup port forwarding so I can get to my internal site from outside
 the firewall. The problem is I can't access it using the URL from inside
 the firewall. If my system is outside the firewall and I type the url it
 works fine. Any of the systems inside the firewall get an error when they
 type the url. Is this a bug or a feature?

Could you give us your exact configuration (what services do you forward for 
instance ?). Is this an updated version of a beta or a plain RC1 ?

We (the team) have set up different configurations for our personal use at 
home (ftp forwarding to an internal ftp server for instance, as well as 
opening ssh and 8443 from the outside on the firewall) and we can still 
access the web frontend from the inside (which is mandatory, obviously) and 
from the outside when 8443 is open.

So if this is a bug it is quite critical.


Re: [Cooker-firewall] Certificates, third NIC

2001-05-02 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Mercredi 02 Mai 2001 14:04, Eric Howland wrote :
 I recently downloaded RC1 and set it up in two situations. I posted a
 long message to this list last Sat night. I have not seen any response
 so I thought I would re-edit, in case the post was too confusing,
 simplify my question so the folks who are pushing to get out the next
 release don't feel they have to give a long response and only re-post
 the two parts that concern me the most.

Sorry that we did not reply earlier.

 2. From all browsers, I get a message  saying that the security
 certificate has expired. This is more persistent from some
 browsers/platforms than others.

 I wonder if I am doing something wrong as I see no mention of this in
 the mailing list archives (thanks for posting the link). I also had
 this with the last beta version.

That's normal.

 4. Although I know that a DMZ is not explicitly supported I thought I
 might be able to do have some of that functionality by adding a third NIC.

 They are now :
 eth0 -- internal network
 eth1 now DHCP soon to be static external IP -- Internet connection
 eth2 - DMZ subnet

 route tells me this is all in place.

 I got RC1 to recognize all the cards and set up a Sparc on the DMZ
 subnet. The sparc can Ping the firewall machine, the firewall machine
 can ping the sparc. But if I redirect incoming HTTPD traffic to I do not see any activity on the eth2 interface.

 Would people expect this to work at all?

We haven't tested this situation at all, to be honnest. 
Nonetheless, it should work AFAIK; there may be a problem with iptoip or our 
ipchains rules, though. 

You may take a look at the logs after activating the logging of rejected 
packets (Alert menu) to see if any rule blocks the packets.
You may also check that your eth2 interface is listed in INTERNAL_INTERFACES 
in /var/lib/configuration. If not, use naat-console to update it.

You may also look at /etc/init.d/iptoip and /etc/init.d/bastille-firewall if 
you're curious enough :-)

Hope this helps,

Re: [Cooker-firewall] Administering from and External Address

2001-04-17 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Sunday 15 April 2001 00:16, you wrote:
 I showed Mandrake Security to my Boss and he loved it. He wants to look
 into installing it at our clients networks around the region. We would need
 to administer it from our main office.

 Which file would I need to modify to enter an IP address that's allowed to
 manage Mandrake Firewall from an external IP address?

 We need to be able to manage the system from over the internet but want to
 set it to only respond to a specific IP address.


You need to open the port 8443 in "Internet Traffic" to allow 
the connection to your firewall from the outside.

You can then connect using 

Btw, thanks for your comments :-)


"Every solution has its problems" - Pixel

Re: [Cooker-firewall] Administering from and External Address

2001-04-17 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Tuesday 17 April 2001 10:11, you wrote:
 On Sunday 15 April 2001 00:16, you wrote:
  I showed Mandrake Security to my Boss and he loved it. He wants to look
  into installing it at our clients networks around the region. We would
  need to administer it from our main office.
  Which file would I need to modify to enter an IP address that's allowed
  to manage Mandrake Firewall from an external IP address?
  We need to be able to manage the system from over the internet but want
  to set it to only respond to a specific IP address.


 You need to open the port 8443 in "Internet Traffic" to allow
 the connection to your firewall from the outside.

 You can then connect using

And I should have read your mail more thouroughly...

You need to look at /etc/bastille-firewall.conf and 
/etc/ini.d/bastille-firewall, and adapt it to specify a 
source IP to the rule allowing incoming public traffic 
(see the TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES variable and the rule 
using it).

You could even add this feature to the web frontend with a little more 
work, tell us if you're interested (the developer documentation is not 
finished yet, but we can help you: all that is required is a few lines of 

The frontend writes in the variable TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES in the naat tool 
configuration file (/var/lib/naat/configuration). This variable lists the 
allowed ports with the format: port1 (forward=xxx action=allow), port2 
(forward=... action=...), and so on.
For instance: ftp (forward= action=allow), 8443 (forward=--- 
The TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES variable in /etc/bastille-firewall.conf lists 
only the ports (extracted from above). You can look at the template 

We could add a "from" parameter to restrict to a specific source IP:
8443 (forward=--- action=allow
and adapt the template to bastille-firewall.conf and the bastille-firewall 
init script to use this "from" parameter.

Hope this helps. Tell us if you need any more informations.

Re: [Cooker-firewall] Rules configuration

2001-03-16 Thread Renaud Chaillat

On Friday 16 March 2001 01:08, you wrote:
 Is there any GUI way of adding a rule in cookfire to allow internal users
 to connect via IPSec through thw firewall.  I have to allow UDP 500 and UDP
 1 (easily done), but I didnt see anyplace in the web admin tool to
 allow IP protocol 50.

 Is this documented anywhere?

There's no way to do this with our GUI tool now, unfortunately.
We may handle this in the future.

You can take a look at /etc/bastille-firewall.conf (or preferably at 
the template /usr/share/naat/templates/etc/bastille-firewall.conf which is 
applied when you configure the rules with the GUI) and 
/etc/init.d/bastille-firewall, to let protocol 50 through.
