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I have found a strange problem with Internet Connection Sharing in Dolphin. My 
hardware configuration is two 10 Mbit NIC's, one connected to my local LAN 
and one to the campus LAN. ICS worked beatifully straight out of the box in 
8.2 so I was suprised when I ran into these problems in 9.0

1) I started ICS and configured it in the same manner as in previous versions. 
It did not work, even though all packages got installed and shorewall was 
running. When I digged a little I noticed that the ICS tool had not made the 
needed changes to the /etc/shorewall/masq file. It read only "eth0" when it 
should have been "eth0   eth1". With this manual change I got it up and 

2) Then I tried to browse samba from computers in my own LAN. No response from 
the server. After a little thought and reading the logs I came to the 
conclusion that the firewall ate the packets. I turned it off in the Control 
Center, or rather made it pass all packets.

3) To my great surprise this also turned off the IP masquerading. 'iptables 
- -L' was totally empty and no packets from my computers behind the firewall 
were forwarded anywhere.

I want IP masquerading but I do not need a firewall as the university LAN 
already is behind one. At the moment this can't be done with the ICS tool in 
the Control Center. As the previous versions of Mandrake had this 
functinality I can only consider this a bug. One that hopefully will be 
squashed soon. I'm not very happy with switching iptables rules every time I 
want to access my documents on the file server.


Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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