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Mdk 8.0 or Mdk Security for 486-based firewall/data server?
(Date: 2001-05-10 00:00:00)
Topic: Security

<P>My wife and I are hoping to get a cable net connection soon and I'd like to cobble 
together some computer bits and set up a 486 as a firewall and general data server 
(CVS, email, web, FTP, all using virtual servers).  I'm trying to decide between 
waiting for a 486 compile of Mdk 8.0 or the forthcoming Mdk Security distro.</P>

<P>Given that it'll be a 486 PC, Mdk 8.0 is out until a version is released that will 
run on it, so that pretty-much leaves running Mdk Security and installing/configuring 
the extra services by hand.  How easy would it be to kick MdkSecurity into a 
generally-usable server?</P>

<P>Keep up the excellent work guys!</P>
<strong>Answer:</strong>Although primarly developed as a firewall/rooter, 
MandrakeSecurity offers a possibility to configure firewall rules which allow running 
different servers on "firewall" machine. Configuration of these servers isn't 
integrated in MandrakeSecurity web configuration interface, but nothing prevents you 
from running Webmin, or using any other configuration tool to do so.
</P><P> Of corse, running different servers on firewall/rooter machine makes this 
machine more woulnerable, but IMO MandrakeSecurity still remains more secure than 
standard LM distribution (hey, that's what it's made for!)

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