Art Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> First off, great job on RC1.  Okay, here's the deal.  I've got SQUID and 
> SQUIDguard operational w/ user level authentication, however after login to 
> the proxy, I'm unable to resolve hostname to IP addresses.  The error 
> reported by SQUID is this:
>       No DNS records
>       The cache was unable to resolve the hostname presented in the URL.
>       Check if the address is correct.
> Now I've got both of my DNS servers listed in /etc/resolv.conf, and 
> caching-nameserver is also running on the SQUID/Mandrake Security box, and 
> I've even edited the squid.conf files, both in /etc/squid and in 
> /usr/share/naat/templates/etc/squid, all to no avail.  And from my reading, 
> I've also noticed that SQUID is supposed to do its own DNS caching.  So what 
> am I missing here?  Would it help if I ran full-fledged authoritative DNS on 
> the SQUID box also?  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


>By the way, I forgot to mention that the SQUID box is resolvind DNS names 
>correctly (i.e. nslookup works okay).  However, looking around on the SQUID 
>homepage, it appears that this may be a bug w/ 2.3-STABLE.  One guy reported 
>that this occurred on a multi-homed machine, and disabling one of the 
>interfaces got it working.  This isn't possible in my case, however, because 
>this box must be multi-homed by nature.  Also, someone suggested a workaround 
>of recompiling from source w/ the option --disable-internal-dns.  But I just 
>don't know.  I'm gonna go get a cup of coffee and see if that helps.

Hi there,

in order to try to understand where your problem may come from, I would
like to know what version of the MandrakeSecurity distro are you using and
what type of Internet access do you have.

I did not activate the internal dns lookups in the configuration.
Did you make sure that Squid is really running on some terminal or console
with a ps aux command ? (but if the authentication worked this should not
be a prb).

Make sure you have the latest version ...
Any other details on your configuration are welcomed ...

Maybe you should try without authentication, for example in transparent
mode and check it this works that way.

for the moment, I don't see where the prb comes from.

Also, what is the url are you looking for ?
can you do a nslookup for that url in a terminal ?

Do you get the same thing for other urls too ?

Normally, you are not supposed to have a running caching name server on
the firewall. It should work without this.

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