Juan Quintela wrote:

 > miguel> Infact I updated from lastest cooker src.rpms the folling: 
rpm, libbinutils,
 > miguel> fileutils, findutils, mkinitrd, sgml-tools, ghostscript.
 > miguel> Then I downloaded kernel-
 > miguel> I did some few hacks to make it works on mdk ppc and now - 
ladies and
 > miguel> gentlemen -...
 > miguel> [root@serverg3 SRPMS]# uname -a
 > miguel> Linux serverg3 2.4.17-MACINTOSH #1 ven feb 1 17:54:50 CET 
2002 ppc unknown

Wow!!! Juan Quintela aswers a mail of mine... I really appreciate your
work ok kernel rpms.

 > If you can send me what things did you changed, I can integrate them
 > in the Mandrake kernel.  Notice that I don't have an easy access to
 > one ppc machine, I will put here the srpm for people to test (I don't
 > have an easy access to one ppc machine right now).


I experienced theese errors (2) with macros:

1) rpm --rebuild kernel-
Installing kernel-
error: parse error in expression
error: /usr/src/RPM/SPECS/kernel-2.4.spec:1229: parseExpressionBoolean
returns -1

I commented the spec as follow:

1229 #%if %build_BOOT
1230 #CreateKernel BOOT
1231 #%endif

and then the error was:

rpm -bb ../SPECS/kernel-2.4.spec
error: parse error in expression
error: /usr/src/RPM/SPECS/kernel-2.4.spec:1632: parseExpressionBoolean
returns -1

and I commented the following lines:

1632 %if %build_BOOT
1633 %files -n kernel-BOOT-%{mdkversion}
1634 %defattr(-,root,root)
1635 %{_bootdir}/config-%{KVERREL}BOOT
1636 %{_bootdir}/vmlinuz-%{KVERREL}BOOT
1637 %{_bootdir}/System.map-%{KVERREL}BOOT
1638 %dir %{_modulesdir}/%{KVERREL}BOOT/
1639 %{_modulesdir}/%{KVERREL}BOOT/kernel
1640 %{_modulesdir}/%{KVERREL}BOOT/build
1641 %{_modulesdir}/%{KVERREL}BOOT/pcmcia
1642 %{_modulesdir}/%{KVERREL}BOOT/modules.*
1643 %endif

This happens with
build BOOT 0
build BOOT 1

2) Then I experienced a dependency error.

This happens with
build doc 1

The compilation starts and goes on without errors
but when it is near to finish (and the macro begin to tar the *.ps
files) an error occurs and the compilation is aborted.

I cannot remember what program was missed, but it was from

The *ps files were not created (because sgml-tools were not installed),
and so the macro failed.

I suppose it is necessary to include a build require: sgml-tools.

Theese are my 'few hacks' to make the src.rpm working.

Best regards,

Miguel Beccari

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