On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Philippe legay wrote:

> Alex Thurgood wrote:
> > 1) when you create the accounts initially, the keyboard is mapped with
> > US style mappings (I think, but would anyone care to confirm), but when
> > you reboot, the mappings are changed to the locale you have selected -
> > in my case French, and now I can't for the life of me get into the root
> > account (well I will be able to eventually, once I've found out where
> > the keys I typed initially have been moved to) - aarrgh, frustration
> > city !!
> I have the same problem (but I have thinked at this problem before, so my
> password is querty and azerty compatible).
> As, I have the same problem, I am tring to solve it, I can explain How to do
> it, but as I have no HTTP site, wher can I put this information ?
> And is the list interessted in this kind of problem ?

Post it to the list, and then it goes to the archives where people can 
find it.

Stew Benedict


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