Hello Stew and others.  I did look at the archives ... but maybe I was not 
using the right 'key-words' in my search...

What alternative whould I choose to complete an install of Mandrake 9.1 on a 
G4 350 MHz cube Mac?  The screen is one of those 17 inch Apple LCD devices.   
I have 512 Meg of Ram ... and apart from that the machine is standard.  I 
believe they were fitted with a 128M rage (pro?)  video card.  At 
installation each choice I have made has resulted in one of:

* bright flashing LED on bottom of my 17 inch LCD screen
* error message (text install)
* horrible figures with unreal cloours ... attempt at framebuffer...

... and my install comes to a halt.  Can you please assist/direct me to the 
answer to this issue.  Thanks

Irena and Richard Jenkins      VK1NDV & VK1RJ
Canberra,  AUSTRALIA

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