On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Frederic Corne wrote:

> I have installed Mdk8.0 on an old Powermac 7500 (604/ 100Mhz)
> To do the installation I had to use the kernel 2.2.15p19 from
> ftp://samba.anu.edu.au/pub/ppclinux/kernels/2.2.15pre19/...
> (because of crdrom recognition problems )
> now that the system is installed, and work correctly (with 2.2.15) , I 
> try to use the vmlinuz-2.4.4-6.2mdk kernel installed.
> I copied it in "linux kernel" folder of bootX ( on macos). I copied also 
> a initrd.
> But I get always a kernel panic almost immediately. Just after the 
> "bienvenue" big image.
> Any hint appreciated

Have you tried any other 2.4 series kernels (benH for instance)?  There is
another user with an OldWorld machine having considerable trouble with 2.4

Stew Benedict

MandrakeSoft    OH/TN, USA      http://perso.mandrakesoft.com/~sbenedict/
PPC Faq: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=mandrake-cooker-ppc&m=99441208917647&w=

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