[COOT] key binding for difference map peaks

2023-01-20 Thread Seth Harris
Hi all,

this used to work (a while ago) from my-settings.scm for a key binding to
get a list of difference map peaks:

(add-key-binding "Difference map peaks" "b" (lambda ()
(difference-map-peaks 2 0 4 2.0 1 1)))

but now (and for quite some time) it mentions wrong number of arguments:

*(graphics-general-key-press-hook 98)*

((safe_scheme_command) Error in proc: key:  wrong-number-of-args  args:  (#f
Wrong number of arguments to ~A (difference-map-peaks) #f))

>From what I can tell, the manual still indicates 6 arguments.

11.57.1 difference-map-peaksfunction: *difference-map-peaks* *imol
imol_coords level max_closeness do_positive_level_flag


   - *imol* is an integer number
   - *imol_coords* is an integer number
   - *level* is a number
   - *max_closeness* is a number
   - *do_positive_level_flag* is an integer number
   - *do_negative_level_flag* is an integer number

generate a list of difference map peaks

peaks within max_closeness (2.0 A typically) of a larger peak are not

Any hints or ideas if something has changed on the command or I'm missing



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[COOT] large non-native peptide .cif restraints

2021-09-01 Thread Seth Harris
Hi all,

I am increasingly dealing with large macrocycles or cyclized peptides that
include unnatural amino acids or modifications. Early on my approach was to
treat most of it as the native peptide scaffold, then add a few custom
'LINK' records to capture covalent bonds to some non-native moiety, and
that moiety would be defined as we do for small molecule synthetic ligands.
Advantage was that it was efficient for refinement of the conventional
amino acid scaffold. Disadvantage, a bit cumbersome and I do find that
while the covalently bonded attachment point is reasonable, the neighboring
atoms to that new attachment don't always behave reliably (as in perhaps
don't have the knowledge that their neighbor has something new attached
which affects their space.) As our chemists got more creative, it also is
tedious to sit there trying to make 5 or 6 little bits and pieces that all
have to be attached to different atoms along the scaffold. Plus the
bookkeeping of made up names for little extra ethylenes, halognes, and
their atom name attachment points and such was pretty painful.

So, that led to approach two, which was to just let the dictionary
generation happen for the whole peptide or macrocycle. This ignores
knowledge that it's essentially an amino acid type of base scaffold (so a
bit inefficient for purists) and just redefines all those as if it's some
small molecule, albeit a relatively large version of one of those. You also
lose residue number indexing, as the whole thing is typically called "LIG"
with a single residue identifier, but it seems a small price to pay for the
convenience of it taking care of all the sundry modifications and
cyclization points, etc.

The problem I'm having is that COOT is having trouble reading or using
these large .cif files. The files may be 1000 or more lines long with the
hydrogens defined. I've tried dropping all hydrogens but it's still large
and when I go to real space refine or do any editing to move the starting
conformation of the molecule in question into the clear density for it
bound to some protein, Coot basically hangs either indefinitely or for
several minutes at a time at least with each attempted motion, step. Is
there some memory allocation for the .cif dictionary that perhaps is
limiting? I don't have a handy non-proprietary example currently, but could
likely generate one if needed. Or have people had success with this
approach (e.g. taking a 10-14 amino acid peptide, treat it as a SMILES
string and generate a .cif for the whole thing as a single molecule and
then be able to use it in real space refinement in Coot? )

I've tried a few workarounds to get the atoms pretty close and then let
reciprocal space refinement do the rest, but there really aren't so many
good ways to do that (Pymol's sculpting drifts, was playing with Isolde but
having similar technical issues with the restraints definitions).

Thanks for thoughts, or info on Coot and large .cif dictionaries?


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Re: [COOT] Glyco module going off script at the B1-4 BMA?

2021-07-15 Thread Seth Harris
Hi Paul,

That's a good control and yes, the coot glyco module works beautifully on
2qc1; as well my own structure/maps when loaded alongside. This led me to
find that it was only happening in my project directory and using some
scripts I have that pre-load a working environment as coot is opened...and
among those 'pre-loads' it was finding an old .cif restraints file which
included a definition for BMA -- and was thus overwriting the atom
definitions for that sugar which was naturally throwing off the builder.
Once removed (that erroneous .cif I had), it's back to its incredible self,
the Glyco module.Thanks for helping track that down, and more so for the
terrific glycosylation builder (in fact this is an old structure I came
back to years later only now that the tools improved enough to build these
without going insane!).


On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 1:10 AM Paul Emsley 

> On Tue, 2021-07-13 at 23:59 -0700, Seth Harris wrote:
> >
> > I have some good resolution (~1.3 A) data with glycosylation that can
> pretty clear describe the expected N-linked tree
> > of Asn-NAG-NAG-BMA with two MAN off the end and a FUC at the base NAG
> (plus something on the other side of the base
> > NAG that also looks like a sugar??). But the main issue I have is that
> the rather impressive and lovely glycosylation
> > tools in Coot that I think I've used before to build this are (at least
> now in Coot 0.9.5) doing well on the first
> > NAG-FUC-NAG combo and then the coot module correctly suggests the B1,4
> BMA attachment which at first is placed nearby
> > at density and then is refined or moved way out, with the heavy dashed
> connector that should be a regular bond length
> > seemingly forced to be 2 to 3x too long. No type of sphere or real space
> refinement brings it back, it always flips
> > itself through any kind of gymnastics it can to keep it too far away,
> despite really terrific density that would be
> > good with a regular bond distance. I haven't put any LINK or such in the
> PDB yet, these are just being built by COOT
> > itself and I can't see any waters or sym mates that would push it away
> in this manner.
> >
> > I tried carrying on through with some alpha 1,3 MANnose and alpha 1,6
> MANnose additions to that in case I could
> > correct it all after a rough build, but the same problems occur here,
> with janky and irretrievable placements in the
> > end. Meanwhile the first 3 sugars are pretty perfectly placed. Did
> something go different with the mannose that I'm
> > doing wrong?
> >
> > Am I allowed to attach a screenshot? I'll try to here...The second NAG
> out is nicely in density at the bottom center,
> > the beta 1,4 BMA is the first one seemingly ignoring density and pushed
> out on that dashed line with the other MAN
> > also way off...
> >
> Hi Seth,
> Just to make sure that there's something wrong with your Coot, can you try
> to build the glycosylation in 2qc1?
> Thanks,
> Paul.
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[COOT] real space refine with insertion codes

2019-11-08 Thread Seth Harris
Hi all,

I'm sure this has been asked, but after some searching I can't find hints.
Apologies if redundant, but can someone refresh me on how to get Coot to be
graceful about residues with insertion codes...particularly during real
space refinement. I have a protease structure with very good
resolution/density but some odd numbering conventions with insertion code
(e.g. 124A, 124B, 124C between residues 124 and 125 numbering) in other
areas continuous residues have non-contiguous numbering. When doing real
space refinement both situations tend to blow apart, each individual
insertion code-numbered residue becoming its own disconnected amino acid
and well out of the density, I assume due to sterics and it not
interpreting these as being connected. Also common in Fab structures.

I know there are painful workarounds to number it contiguously without
insertions and then add back when done refining (but then you find one more
thing...), but I am aspiring to greater elegance these days. Also hoping I
don't have to define with LINK records or such for each case?


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[COOT] middle mouse button center versus drag

2017-11-17 Thread Seth Harris
Hello Paul et al.,

Click and drag on the middle mouse button is a quick and familiar way to
translate around the scene and navigate, generally working well. However,
if at the initiation of the click and drag I happen to be near an atom, the
fact that I'm holding down the mouse button isn't distinguished from a
single click and release, such that a re-centering first happens on
whatever atom I was over (often deep back in Z direction and off to the
side) and then the panning comes into play, but now I'm off horribly lost
somewhere random in the molecule. Anyone else noticed this? Is there a more
robust way to distinguish click and drag from click and release such that I
don't have to be sure to be over empty space when starting the drag (even
pretty faint atoms are still active)?


p.s. Thanks also for the "o" shortcut tip to jump NCS copies equivalently.
Works a treat!

Re: [COOT] navigating across symmetry mates

2017-09-06 Thread Seth Harris

And Paul, thanks for always being so terrifically responsive, thoughtful in
reply and often in anticipation when things already exist, and also
tolerating my imprecision...yes I meant NCS! Will check out the other
functions and scripting thereof!


On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 10:22 AM, Paul Emsley <pems...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>

> On 06/09/2017 18:14, Seth Harris wrote:
>> Hello Paul, Coot users!
>> In the wonderful pantheon of Coot tools, is there a way to leap between
>> equivalent points in symmetry mates with a nice single key shortcut, for
>> instance? Or could there be? I seem to be getting several cases with 8
>> copies/asu and while initially one may build a single version and then
>> clone it into all 8 positions, at some point one gets down to wanting to
>> check the similarities/differences of all copies, and it would be handy if
>> I've just visiting chain A, Leu30, for instance, to be able to rapidly go
>> to chain B, Leu30 and so on
> This is not possible with symmetry mates, but is possible with NCS mates
> (but perhaps that's what you mean).  Press the "O" key.
>  (yes, more rapidly than entering chain letters in the Go To Atom
> dialogue...). Similar case for
>> ligands...the ligand button short cut is pretty good, but if I navigate
>> off the ligand to look at surroundings, the next click of the heteroatom
>> /ligand center button will likely have reset to the top of the list, and
>> with cofactors in all copies that can be 16 clicks until I get back to
>> through the cycle.
> :-) Yes.  This could be better.
> You could probably make a script for "Quick View Save" and "Go To Last
> View" - I imagine that would do most of what you want.
>> In related aspects, in the Go To Atom dialog, I often have a single chain
>> per ligand residue, but find I have to expand the sub menu to show the
>> single residue to click on that to center. Anyway that the chain listing
>> itself could be sensitive to clicks for centering? Obviously would be
>> different behavior for protein chain, but perhaps the center of mass, or
>> more simply centering on whatever is the first residue of the chain would
>> be a consistent and desired behavior.
> This is a good idea and may be very easy to add.  If it is, I'll do it
> tomorrow.
> Paul.

[COOT] navigating across symmetry mates

2017-09-06 Thread Seth Harris
Hello Paul, Coot users!

In the wonderful pantheon of Coot tools, is there a way to leap between
equivalent points in symmetry mates with a nice single key shortcut, for
instance? Or could there be? I seem to be getting several cases with 8
copies/asu and while initially one may build a single version and then
clone it into all 8 positions, at some point one gets down to wanting to
check the similarities/differences of all copies, and it would be handy if
I've just visiting chain A, Leu30, for instance, to be able to rapidly go
to chain B, Leu30 and so on (yes, more rapidly than entering chain letters
in the Go To Atom dialogue...). Similar case for ligands...the ligand
button short cut is pretty good, but if I navigate off the ligand to look
at surroundings, the next click of the heteroatom /ligand center button
will likely have reset to the top of the list, and with cofactors in all
copies that can be 16 clicks until I get back to through the cycle.

In related aspects, in the Go To Atom dialog, I often have a single chain
per ligand residue, but find I have to expand the sub menu to show the
single residue to click on that to center. Anyway that the chain listing
itself could be sensitive to clicks for centering? Obviously would be
different behavior for protein chain, but perhaps the center of mass, or
more simply centering on whatever is the first residue of the chain would
be a consistent and desired behavior. Indeed, the residue number in the Go
To dialogue could default to that first chain first residue rather than
"-"? Anyway, I'm heading off into more trivial things, but the main
question was whether I've missed or could request a
sym-mate-equivalent-jump function?

Thank you!!

[COOT] key binding for waters added to mol 0

2014-01-09 Thread Seth Harris
Hi all  Paul,

Sometime back I found or was taught or given this:

(add-key-binding Add Water w (lambda () (place-typed-atom-at-pointer

(Probably from Pauls-key-bindings-for-coot...)

I was looking for a quick way while browsing map peaks to add waters that
the 'find waters' algorithms had overlooked for one reason or another.

It fell into disuse, however, as I'd end up with all these waters in the
Pointer Atoms object, and it would be a chore to reunite them with the
primary pdb in question, accounting for numbering differences of already
existing waters.

I'd much rather replicate what the Place atom at pointer... + icon
dialogue does, where you tell it which molecule you want to add to and it
takes care of the numbering appropriately.

So, is it simple to do this on key binding where function would be put
water at pointer but add it to mol 0 with appropriate incremental residue

(I tend to fire coot up from scripts, so can guarantee that mol number 0 is
the one I want to use...)

Thanks for any tips/guidance (or flat out working answer!) or suggestions I
go read the scheme scripting manual...


Re: [COOT] key binding for waters added to mol 0

2014-01-09 Thread Seth Harris
Well how about that? Thanks...so it does. (Of course, if I didn't have to
do the first one the 'slow' way...!)

Thanks, Scott!


On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 7:30 PM, Scott Classen sclas...@lbl.gov wrote:

 Hi Seth,
 I think if you place your first water using the place atom at this
 position button on the right side, then select your PDB file - all
 subsequent invocations of the w key will add waters to your PDB of
 interest instead of putting them in a separate PDB.

  On Jan 9, 2014, at 18:30, Seth Harris set...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi all  Paul,
  Sometime back I found or was taught or given this:
  (add-key-binding Add Water w (lambda () (place-typed-atom-at-pointer
  (Probably from Pauls-key-bindings-for-coot...)
  I was looking for a quick way while browsing map peaks to add waters
 that the 'find waters' algorithms had overlooked for one reason or another.
  It fell into disuse, however, as I'd end up with all these waters in the
 Pointer Atoms object, and it would be a chore to reunite them with the
 primary pdb in question, accounting for numbering differences of already
 existing waters.
  I'd much rather replicate what the Place atom at pointer... + icon
 dialogue does, where you tell it which molecule you want to add to and it
 takes care of the numbering appropriately.
  So, is it simple to do this on key binding where function would be put
 water at pointer but add it to mol 0 with appropriate incremental residue
  (I tend to fire coot up from scripts, so can guarantee that mol number 0
 is the one I want to use...)
  Thanks for any tips/guidance (or flat out working answer!) or
 suggestions I go read the scheme scripting manual...

[COOT] add terminal residue...keep it nearby?

2012-08-30 Thread Seth Harris
Hi all,

I and others have occasionally been plagued by the Add Terminal Residue
function placing the new residue somewhere distant. While there are various
workarounds (reject and try again, do more searches, real space refine or
regularize after it's been placed which kind of sucks it over to the build
point..., workaround that with fix atom and then clearing the fix
atoms...). In my current case of 3-ish Å resolution and doing a fair bit of
building from scratch, residues I've just built get pulled out of visually
obvious density when I do my old favorite workaround of RSR after the new
residue ends up off screen 20 Å away from the residue I picked to add it to.

I have some suggestions, or else questions if there are settings that
already achieve the below:

1. Would it be possible for Add Terminal Residue to only consider density
within a reasonable distance from the selected attachment point residue?

2. Second area is that at this resolution, or at least with the maps I have
at this resolution, the behavior of real space refinement which I've grown
accustomed to has gone kind of squidgy (hard to describe, but less snappy
and during real space refinement things will drift away a bit from what
visually looks like a good fit. I assume the lower resolution map has
'softer' edges, perhaps, and have yet to explore map sharpening, e.g.). I
have, however, played with the refinement weights, but it doesn't much
improve the way that side chain density can stop the main chain from
translating into good position, or sometimes the side chain battles the
main chain for its rightful density. I wondered whether there is or could
be a real space refinement weighting scheme where main chain atoms have a
stronger weight and the further one goes out a side chain the less pull
(lower weight) it would have towards density. I think this might prove
quite useful at the moderate/low resolution range where a fair bit of
manual building transpires. It could prevent long side chains from invading
neighboring strands' main chain density and be kind of like working with
polyala but without having to mutate away and later put back side chains,
and also still having some weight for the larger side chains that do have
good density which are critical landmarks. It would be neat to be able to
tune the fall off of such a weighting gradient from strong (where side
chains are just about absent in the context of RSR) up to zero fall off,
matching current behavior with all atoms present.

I suppose I could mimic this to see how it works by setting occupancies to
zero (or partial) in all side chain atoms beyond C-beta, e.g. but I wasn't
sure with low occupancy if they still ride along appropriately with their
main chain. Perhaps this parameter already exists?

In the near term that distance restraint on where new residues land would
be great!


Re: [COOT] Coot - 3D Anaglyph

2012-01-26 Thread Seth Harris
Ha. Now that's just about where I went running (comments in the other
thread on ligand restraints...). See what I mean? Got to watch your
step...next run I'll bring my red/green glasses...

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 12:06 PM, William G. Scott wgsc...@ucsc.edu wrote:

 Does coot do red/greed (anaglyph) stereo?  All google showed me was this:


 This would be useful for classroom settings.

 -- Bill

 William G. Scott
 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
 and The Center for the Molecular Biology of RNA
 228 Sinsheimer Laboratories
 University of California at Santa Cruz
 Santa Cruz, California 95064

 phone:  +1-831-459-5367 (office)
   +1-831-459-5292 (lab)
 fax:+1-831-4593139  (fax)
 email:   wgsc...@ucsc.edu

Re: [COOT] script to delete waters below 0.8 e/A^3

2011-06-07 Thread Seth Harris
Thanks Paul,

You think of everything, if only I always knew how to find it...

I added this line to my key bindings:

(add-key-binding Goodbye weak waters z (lambda ()
(delete-checked-waters-baddies 0 300 0.8 2.0 3.8 0 0 1)))

which followed from your post with arguments of imol, b factor limit, sigma
level limit, min dist, max dist, part_occ_contact_flag, zero_occ_flag,

So as advertised this seems to remove mostly the weak waters below 0.8 sigma
of the (current?) map. And I was generous on the B factors and the distances
since often I find that a weak water near a good one can taint the good one
by its proximity, so best to remove the weak before checking the remaining
for distance.

Which brings to mind is there a check-checked-waters-baddies that I could
key bind?

Thanks a bunch,

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Paul Emsley paul.ems...@bioch.ox.ac.ukwrote:

 On 03/06/11 23:11, Seth Harris wrote:

 Hi all,

 I often use the Check/Delete waters dialog to delete only those waters
 below 0.8 level in the map. I do this often enough that it is high time to
 find/create a script version, preferably even something I could launch from
 the command line, or barring that maybe could generate a single-click button
 on the main menu/control panel.

 Would that be as simple as falling off a log for some out there to give me
 pointers or a template to work from? Basically it is scripting whatever that
 Validate  Check/Delete waters dialog is doing.

 Thanks so much,

 Maybe this will be of some use?


 If you need some help working that up into a menu item we can do that


[COOT] script to delete waters below 0.8 e/A^3

2011-06-03 Thread Seth Harris
Hi all,

I often use the Check/Delete waters dialog to delete only those waters below
0.8 level in the map. I do this often enough that it is high time to
find/create a script version, preferably even something I could launch from
the command line, or barring that maybe could generate a single-click button
on the main menu/control panel.

Would that be as simple as falling off a log for some out there to give me
pointers or a template to work from? Basically it is scripting whatever that
Validate  Check/Delete waters dialog is doing.

Thanks so much,

[COOT] always on mouse button mode?

2011-01-03 Thread Seth Harris
Hi all/Paul,

I spend a great deal of time stepping through stuctures residue-by-residue
(space bar) and rotating the molecule to and fro as a check up. Basically I
have the mouse button held down almost constantly. I wondered if it would be
simple to have a key binding to toggle in/out of a special rotate only mode,
analogous to the mouse button being taped down while in that mode. This
would also make apple's little track pad pretty handy for rotating which it
currently isn't since it's hard to depress the whole pad (the click) and
keep it down while rotating. I've tried using the i = constant rotate but
you end up wanting to rotate different ways at each new residue, and yes,
I've even briefly experimented with a very literal mouse button taped down
hardware implementation (generous term for it), but I'd like a faster way to
get in and out of the mode (for when you need to interact with
accept/decline windows, click on a menu, or go to other applications, of

Not sure I've thought it through completely, but for my style of work I
think this would be pretty useful. Maybe it exists already?


[COOT] how to set the refinement map

2010-05-10 Thread Seth Harris

After what felt like a reasonable amount of poking about, I can't find how
to set the refinement map (yes, I tried 'set-refinement-map') although I did
find that guess-refinement-map returns a good guess but doesn't seem to
stop the Oops! Must Select Map to fit to! box from bothering me. (It could
at least open the map selection dialog like what happens when you do
Validate  Check/Delete waters without first specifying a map.) Seems a bit
perverse to be able to determine I very likely want to refine against map 1,
but not to actually set it for me. I am usually launching coot from a
script-generated command, so my maps are always in the same order and I can
reliably set the refinement map to imol #1, so I'd like to do that on
startup. Is there any real danger in coot just going ahead with a guessed
refinement map instead of the halting dialog? (Given the subsequent
confirmation screen and the possibility to undo.) Or likely I am missing
something everyone else has figured out?


Re: [COOT] how to set the refinement map

2010-05-10 Thread Seth Harris
Thanks Paul,

Actually I do have a map button. But I'd rather write something in a script
somewhere once than click the button and confirm the click EVERY time I
start the program!

Hmmm, I had tried the (set-imol-refinement-map 1) in my .coot but obviously
the problem was the map did not yet exist. So close! A monkey in the
wrench... but it works beautifully if I put the (set-imol-refinement-map 1)
into a coot_refinement_map.scm file and then my script adds the --script
coot_refinement_map.scm option to the command line launching the program
(at the end, I guess, to be sure the map is already loaded by then).

A small thing, but it felt time to get it right!

Much gratitude (especially after building up a few new proteins and feeling
that tangible time savings from coot's nice tools and keyboard shortcuts!),

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Paul Emsley paul.ems...@bioch.ox.ac.ukwrote:

 Seth Harris wrote:


 After what felt like a reasonable amount of poking about, I can't find how
 to set the refinement map (yes, I tried 'set-refinement-map') although I did
 find that guess-refinement-map returns a good guess but doesn't seem to
 stop the Oops! Must Select Map to fit to! box from bothering me.

 Wow.  It now strikes me that this is a pain if you don't have a Map
 button - which I guess you don't.  Which makes me think that you are using
 the gtk1 version.  OK, time for that to die out.

  (It could at least open the map selection dialog like what happens when
 you do Validate  Check/Delete waters without first specifying a map.) Seems
 a bit perverse to be able to determine I very likely want to refine against
 map 1, but not to actually set it for me. I am usually launching coot from a
 script-generated command, so my maps are always in the same order and I can
 reliably set the refinement map to imol #1, so I'd like to do that on

 In that case, I would have thought that (set-imol-refinement-map nnn) would
 do the trick (nnn is 1, in this case presumably).

 (you can only do that if map number nnn exists at the time).

  Is there any real danger in coot just going ahead with a guessed
 refinement map instead of the halting dialog? (Given the subsequent
 confirmation screen and the possibility to undo.) Or likely I am missing
 something everyone else has figured out?

 Maybe most others are using gtk2 version.
