Hello all, this is my first post and I apologize if there is redundancy, but 
from previous searches of the archives on this board, I did not find an issue 
similar to mine.
I am attempting to phosphorylate a threonine residue, however, I get this 

monomer-molecule-from-3-let-code "TPO" "")

ERROR: can"t open (lib) list/mon_lib_list
exit status: 0
INFO:: libcheck status: 0
libcheck failed to write the output cif file.
(get-monomer "TPO")

The full log is in the attached part.  I therefore tried to circumvent this by 
loading in a clean TPO.cif and TPO.pdb and manually deleting the threonine and 
renaming / renumbering / merging into the original PDB.  When I do a subsequent 
refinement, I want to edit the sidechain angles, the selection window for 
choosing which bond angles to modify, there are no applicable selections.  

I appreciate any feedback the community has to offer and thank you for your time

E. Sanchez

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