Thank you!
That's exactly what I needed. I guess the randomness I was experiencing previously was just me randomly clicking on different atoms in the residue.


On Mar 5, 2009, at 10:45 AM, Paul Emsley wrote:

Scott Classen wrote:
Hi All,

I am trying to manually fit ssDNA. Sometime I want the base to remain fixed and rotate the ribose and phosphate (N1-C1*), while other times I want to keep the backbone fixed and rotate only the base. Is there some way to indicate my desire to coot? It seems to work the way I want every once and awhile, but it's random.

Hi Scott,

The bug I mentioned this morning may be biting you. If not that, then the atom tree root is the atom you click on and the sub-trees are built up from that atom. i.e. when picking the residue for chi angle manipulation, click on a atom that you wish to remain stationary.

See section 5.11 of the User Manual

(if not that, more info is required).



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