Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread Kurchi Subhra Hazra

Thanks for cleaning up those spaces Dan. The changes look fine.
Sorry for the extra trouble!

- Kurchi

On 8/28/12 10:22 PM, Dan Xu wrote:
It is funny. :) I have searched all source codes under jdk and removed 
spaces for the similar cases.

Please review the new version of change at,

Thanks for your comment!


On 08/28/2012 05:32 PM, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
Irony of the day - those changes were done by me! 
(  :D

They were probably a mistake/oversight. I guess the better way is 
without those extra spaces. See

If you have time, maybe you can remove those spaces I put in as a 
part of this CR.


On 8/28/2012 5:23 PM, Dan Xu wrote:
I also thought the space was not needed. But when I made the 
changes, I found that many similar codes had the space when two or 
more warning types need to be suppressed. For example, 
java/util/,  java/util/, 
java/util/, and etc. If only one warning type 
needs to be suppressed, I don't see the space in our codes. Thanks!


On 08/28/2012 05:08 PM, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
I don't think you need the space before unchecked and the one 
after rawtypes in lines 128 and 147 in 

- Kurchi

On 8/28/2012 4:57 PM, Dan Xu wrote:

Thanks for all your good suggestions!

I have updated my changes, which revoke changes to makefiles and 
put @SuppressWarnings outside methods instead of introducing local 
variables for small methods.

The webrev is at Thanks!


On 08/27/2012 04:33 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:

On 8/27/12 3:55 AM, Doug Lea wrote:

The underlying issue is that code size is one of the criteria
that JITs use to decide to compile/inline etc. So long as they do
so, there will be cases here and there where it critically
important to keep sizes small in bottleneck code. Not many,
but still enough for me to object to efforts that might
blindly increase code size for the sake of warnings cleanup.

I'm pleased that warnings cleanup has attracted this much 
attention. :-)

I was wondering where rule about @SuppressWarnings and local 
variables originally came from, and I tracked this back to 
Effective Java, Item 24, which says (as part of a fairly long 

If you find yourself using the SuppressWarnings annotation
on a method or constructor that's more than one line long,
you may be able to move it onto a local variable declaration.
You may have to declare a new local variable, but it's worth it.

Aha! So it's all Josh Bloch's fault! :-)

In the warnings cleanup thus far, and in Dan's webrev, we've 
followed this rule fairly strictly. But since we seem to have 
evidence that this change isn't worth it, we should consider 
relaxing the rule for performance-critical code. How about adding 
a local variable for @SuppressWarnings only if the method is, 
say, longer than ten lines? (Or some other suitable threshold.) 
For short methods the annotation should be placed on the method 

The risk of suppressing other warnings inadvertently is pretty 
small in a short method, and short methods are the ones most 
likely to be impacted by the addition of a local variable 
affecting compilation/inlining decisions. Right?

(Also, while I've recommended that people follow the local 
variable rule fairly strictly, I think it tends to garbage up 
short methods. So I wouldn't mind seeing the rule relaxed on 
readability grounds as well.)



Re: [7u8] Request for approval: 7160252: (prefs) NodeAddedEvent was not delivered when new node add when new Node

2012-08-29 Thread Edvard Wendelin

Sorry for the delay. Approved.


Ps. Please start new threads instead of replying to an old approval 

On 08/28/2012 02:22 AM, Kurchi Hazra wrote:

This is a request for approval to backport the fix for 7160252 from 8 
to 7u8.


This had been reviewed by Alan Bateman and Chris Hegarty. [1]

This fix has been pushed into jdk8 [2].




Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread Rémi Forax

On 08/29/2012 08:33 AM, Kurchi Subhra Hazra wrote:

Thanks for cleaning up those spaces Dan. The changes look fine.
Sorry for the extra trouble!

- Kurchi

On 8/28/12 10:22 PM, Dan Xu wrote:
It is funny. :) I have searched all source codes under jdk and 
removed spaces for the similar cases.

Please review the new version of change at,

Thanks for your comment!


Hi Dan,

In PreHashedMap, the code should be

  Map.Entry?,? that = (Map.Entry?,?)ob;

so the @SuppressWarnings is not needed anymore.

And in java.util.Arrays, asList() should not be annotated with 
@SuppressWarnings because it is already annotated with SafeVarargs, so 
the compiler should not report the varargs warning.

I have CC to compiler-dev to be sure that this is a compiler error.


Re: RFR [JDK8]: 7169894: JAXP Plugability Layer: using service loader

2012-08-29 Thread Paul Sandoz
Hi Joe,

I would urge you to reconsider errors using SL, since SL is being explicitly 
called out as part of the specification. 

You can make any such SL-related errors more meaningful (yes, i want the stack 
trace telling what bits of SL code were called!) and remove any potential for 
CCEs, due to linkage errors [*], by passing the SCE instance to the constructor 
of DatatypeConfigurationException or the FactoryConfigurationError variants e.g.

244 } catch (ServiceConfigurationError e) {
245 throw new DatatypeConfigurationException(Provider  + 
className +  could not be loaded or instantiated using 
java.util.ServiceLoader, e);


For the SchemaFactoryFinder there is now a potentially subtle difference in 
what CL is used to load a class by SL and by 
SchemaFactoryFinder.createInstance. Previously the same CL was always used 
whatever the mechanism was used to identify the class name. Errors related to 
class loaders can be extremely hard to track down hence the conservative 


I will say no more on the above :-)


[*] If a developer can declare a service provider then such linkage errors can 
potentially occur.

On Aug 28, 2012, at 7:46 PM, Joe Wang wrote:

 On 8/28/2012 1:19 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
 Hi Joe,
 On Aug 28, 2012, at 7:35 AM, Joe Wang wrote:
  244 } catch (ServiceConfigurationError e) {
  245 throw new DatatypeConfigurationException(e.getMessage(), 
 You are munging the message of the exception and it's cause. Perhaps it 
 would be better just to pass along the SCE as the cause, that way it is 
 better identified that SL is being used when an error occurs.
 None of the ConfigureError classes in other packages accept Error or 
 Throwable as did DataType (and this one is an Exception!)
 So instead of making changes to the ConfigureError classes, I wrapped the 
 ServiceConfigurationError in jaxp configuration errors, and in this case 
 (Datatype), a datatype configuration exception
 It should be very rare to get a ServiceConfigurationError that would 
 indicate a serious error in a jar configuration, basically, a non-usable 
 implementation.  So I think we don't have to stick with the 
 If there is an SCE it is hard for the developer to trace. Was SL used or 
 not? How would a developer know?
 The error message is clear enough - the following for example shows the error 
 with or without the cause.  There has been no error being reported back ever 
 since the start of jaxp, as you noticed, it always falls back to the default 
 imp,  and we never heard any complaint since implementing jaxp is just not a 
 routing work.  Adding the cause, we would have to change the signatures of 
 the FactoryConfigurationError, sth. we've trying to avoid in this patch.
 javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory: Provider 
 test.factoryfinder2.MyDocumentBuilderFactoryXX not found
 at javax.xml.parsers.FactoryFinder.find(
 at common.Bug7169894Test.testDOMFactory(
 Caused by: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: 
 javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory: Provider 
 test.factoryfinder2.MyDocumentBuilderFactoryXX not found
 at java.util.ServiceLoader.access$400(
 at java.util.ServiceLoader$
 at java.util.ServiceLoader$
 at javax.xml.parsers.FactoryFinder$
 at Method)
 The cast from Throwable to Exception should be avoided, here is the code in 
 public S next() {
 if (!hasNext()) {
 throw new NoSuchElementException();
 String cn = nextName;
 nextName = null;
 try {
 S p = service.cast(Class.forName(cn, true, loader)
 providers.put(cn, p);
 return p;
 } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) {
  Provider  + cn +  not found);
 } catch (Throwable x) { // --- this could be an 
 instance of Error
  Provider  + cn +  could not be instantiated:  + x,
 throw new Error();  // This cannot happen

Re: Review Request: 7193683: Cleanup Warning in java.sql package

2012-08-29 Thread Ulf Zibis

Looks good!

While you are there maybe correct indentations and tab - spaces, e.g.:
 531 } catch(Throwable t) {
 532 // Do nothing
 533 }
But here maybe better:
 531 } catch(Throwable t) {} // Do nothing


Am 29.08.2012 07:29, schrieb Dan Xu:
I made a simple fix to clean up build warnings in java.sql package. The change can be reviewed at Thanks!


Difference between Files#delete(Path) and File#delete()

2012-08-29 Thread Premraj
Hi all,

I'm not sure whether this is the right place for this question but if in
case its not please direct me to the correct forum.

I was trying to shift from old file API to NIO API (using JDK 7 update 6)
but I found that on Windows (I have Windows 7) platform if I have read only
file then File#delete() call will delete the file while Files#delete(Path)
fails with exception (java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException), I'm not sure
whether this is known issue but since Files#delete(Path) offers better
error handling I would like to use Files#delete(Path).

My question is - Is there any workaround for this problem in NIO API or
should I stick to old File API because of this. Also I was curios why
Files#delete(Path) throws exception but File#delete() executes successfully.

PS: I asked this question[1] on stackoverflow but did not get any good


-- Premraj

Re: Difference between Files#delete(Path) and File#delete()

2012-08-29 Thread Alan Bateman

On 29/08/2012 11:15, Premraj wrote:

I was trying to shift from old file API to NIO API (using JDK 7 update 6)
but I found that on Windows (I have Windows 7) platform if I have read only
file then File#delete() call will delete the file while Files#delete(Path)
fails with exception (java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException), I'm not sure
whether this is known issue but since Files#delete(Path) offers better
error handling I would like to use Files#delete(Path).

My question is - Is there any workaround for this problem in NIO API or
should I stick to old File API because of this. Also I was curios why
Files#delete(Path) throws exception but File#delete() executes successfully.

I would expect that if you try to delete the file in Explorer or in a 
command window that you also get an Access denied error.

The issue is that has many oddities, on Windows in 
particular. In this case it resets the file attributes before it deletes 
the file so this is why it does not fail as might be expected. It is 
behavior that dates back 10 years and so would be risky to change now. 
It has several other oddities like this, just one of the reason why it 
wasn't re-implemented to use the new API.


Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread Ulf Zibis

Am 24.08.2012 02:12, schrieb Andrew Hughes:

In file, I make one change to its method

 public Enumeration elements()  == public EnumerationPermission

I am not sure whether it will cause an issue of backward
Please advise. Thanks!

Actually the whole method is synchronized. To make this more clear, I suggest:
 798 public synchronized EnumerationPermission elements() {
 799 // Convert Iterator into Enumeration
 800 return Collections.enumeration(perms);
 801 }

It's in a package-private class so I doubt it.

Even if it wasn't, a new major release is the perfect time to fix these issues.

If this class is package-private, why the constructor is public?
(please also check all other methods, especially if not inherited)

Please check indentations and tabs - spaces, while you are here.
E.g. following lines should be:
 713 final class FilePermissionCollection extends PermissionCollection
 714 implements Serializable {

 732  * @param  permission the Permission object to add.
 733  *
 734  * @throws IllegalArgumentException - if the permission is not a

 743 if (! (permission instanceof FilePermission))
 744 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
 745 invalid permission: +permission);
 746 if (isReadOnly())
 747 throw new SecurityException(
 748 attempt to add a Permission to a readonly 

 767 if (! (permission instanceof FilePermission))
 768 return false;

Lines 822..825 look ugly. Better:
 819 /**
 820  * @serialData permissions field (a Vector containing the 
 821  */
 822 /*
 823Writes the contents of the perms field out as a Vector for
 824serialization compatibility with earlier releases.
 825  */
 819 /**
 820  * @serialData permissions field (a Vector containing the 
 821  */
 822 // Writes the contents of the perms field out as a Vector for
 823 // serialization compatibility with earlier releases.

I only took a short look on class, but not the others of 
this CR for now.


Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread Ulf Zibis

Am 24.08.2012 21:07, schrieb Dan Xu:

On 08/23/2012 06:53 PM, David Holmes wrote:

I'm surprised that you need this:

 426 @SuppressWarnings(fallthrough)
 436 switch (actions) {
 437 case SecurityConstants.FILE_READ_ACTION:
 438 return READ;

Oops, you have reverted the change to use switch-on-Strings by webrev.03. Why?

If this generates a fallthrough warning then I think whatever tool generates that warning needs 

@SuppressWarnings(fallthrough) is put to suppress warnings generated by another switch/case 

Can't you move it from method scope to there?

while (i = matchlen  !seencomma) {
switch(a[i-matchlen]) {
case ',':
seencomma = true;
case ' ': case '\r': case '\n':
case '\f': case '\t':
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
invalid permission:  + actions);


Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread Ulf Zibis

Am 29.08.2012 07:22, schrieb Dan Xu:

It is funny. :) I have searched all source codes under jdk and removed spaces 
for the similar cases.

Please review the new version of change at,

Thanks for your comment!

In class j.u.Collections you have added some @Override annotations. Why don't you add them in all 
appropriate cases and in all classes of your CR?

As they are not very frequent in the JDK, I think we should leave it as it is or write a script, 
which patches the whole JDK in one chunk.


Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread Joe Darcy


On 8/29/2012 1:48 AM, Rémi Forax wrote:

On 08/29/2012 08:33 AM, Kurchi Subhra Hazra wrote:

Thanks for cleaning up those spaces Dan. The changes look fine.
Sorry for the extra trouble!

- Kurchi

On 8/28/12 10:22 PM, Dan Xu wrote:
It is funny. :) I have searched all source codes under jdk and 
removed spaces for the similar cases.

Please review the new version of change at,

Thanks for your comment!


Hi Dan,

In PreHashedMap, the code should be

  Map.Entry?,? that = (Map.Entry?,?)ob;

so the @SuppressWarnings is not needed anymore.

And in java.util.Arrays, asList() should not be annotated with 
@SuppressWarnings because it is already annotated with SafeVarargs, so 
the compiler should not report the varargs warning.

I have CC to compiler-dev to be sure that this is a compiler error.


I've spoken to Stuart about this last point.  The @SafeVarargs covers 
uses of Array.asList and covers the declaration of the asList method 
itself.  However, it does not cover calls to the constructor inside the 
asList method, a constructor which itself is *not* @SafeVarargs.  
Solutions include

* @SuppressWarnings(varargs) on the asList method
* @SuppressWarnings(varargs)  on new temporary variable for that 
purpose (with possible class file size consequences)

* @SafeVarargs on the ArrayList constructor



Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread Andrew Hughes

- Original Message -
 On 8/24/12 2:42 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
  However, once the whole build is warning free, would it not be
  to remove these and just set JAVAC_WARNINGS_FATAL=true when doing
  The problem I see is someone new coming to OpenJDK and not being
  able to
  simply build it (with no changes) because a new warnings has
  and is being treated as an error.  This is less of a problem with
  as we control its development, and the JDK will use the javac built
  in the
  langtools step in most cases.  But, generally, -Werror is something
  should choose to enable, with the intention of fixing failures, not
  that should be forced on everyone building the code.
 Our experience is that when -Werror is off by default, warnings tend
 to be
 introduced inadvertently. In the time we've been working on warnings
 I've noticed the warnings count creeping up in areas of the build
 that don't
 have -Werror enabled. If it weren't for the implicit compilation
 enabling -Werror incrementally as areas of the build are cleared
 would have
 been a good way to ensure that we make steady progress without any

But presumably these would be removed when everything is warning free?
-Werror should not be the default for everyone building OpenJDK, who then
end up having to fix or workaround issues which are nothing to do with them.
It's easy enough for those who want to check we don't regress to turn on
-Werror throughout, once everything is warning free.

  On a related topic, it would be nice if javadoc could also support
  as I constantly see warnings reappearing in the documentation.
 Yes, javadoc warnings are another *huge* problem.

Yes, I see much more regression on this than code warnings (though I guess
this is because most are hidden by javac's defaults).

  and this is **not** overridable on the command line. That's wrong.
  these are
  causing problems for you, please do submit patches.
  Yes, that's what we have in java/tools and is why
  doesn't completely remove -Werror at present.  I'll post a webrev
  of the change
  I have for this.
 Great, looking forward to this.

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

PGP Key: 248BDC07 (
Fingerprint = EC5A 1F5E C0AD 1D15 8F1F  8F91 3B96 A578 248B DC07

Re: RFR [JDK8]: 7169894: JAXP Plugability Layer: using service loader

2012-08-29 Thread Paul Sandoz

On Aug 29, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

 Hi Joe,
 I would urge you to reconsider errors using SL, since SL is being explicitly 
 called out as part of the specification. 
 You can make any such SL-related errors more meaningful (yes, i want the 
 stack trace telling what bits of SL code were called!) and remove any 
 potential for CCEs, due to linkage errors [*], by passing the SCE instance to 
 the constructor of DatatypeConfigurationException or the 
 FactoryConfigurationError variants e.g.
 244 } catch (ServiceConfigurationError e) {
 245 throw new DatatypeConfigurationException(Provider  + 
 className +  could not be loaded or instantiated using 
 java.util.ServiceLoader, e);

Doh, please shoot me now, i was labouring under the misapprehension that SCE 
was extending from Exception and not Error.

Apologies for the confusion.


Re: Review Request: 7193683: Cleanup Warning in java.sql package

2012-08-29 Thread Lance Andersen - Oracle
This looks fine.

Dan, I will commit this for you Thursday

On Aug 29, 2012, at 1:29 AM, Dan Xu wrote:

 I made a simple fix to clean up build warnings in java.sql package. The 
 change can be reviewed at 

Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering 
1 Network Drive 
Burlington, MA 01803

Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread Dan Xu

On 08/29/2012 08:27 AM, Joe Darcy wrote:


On 8/29/2012 1:48 AM, Rémi Forax wrote:

On 08/29/2012 08:33 AM, Kurchi Subhra Hazra wrote:

Thanks for cleaning up those spaces Dan. The changes look fine.
Sorry for the extra trouble!

- Kurchi

On 8/28/12 10:22 PM, Dan Xu wrote:
It is funny. :) I have searched all source codes under jdk and 
removed spaces for the similar cases.

Please review the new version of change at,

Thanks for your comment!


Hi Dan,

In PreHashedMap, the code should be

  Map.Entry?,? that = (Map.Entry?,?)ob;

so the @SuppressWarnings is not needed anymore.

And in java.util.Arrays, asList() should not be annotated with 
@SuppressWarnings because it is already annotated with SafeVarargs, 
so the compiler should not report the varargs warning.

I have CC to compiler-dev to be sure that this is a compiler error.


I've spoken to Stuart about this last point.  The @SafeVarargs covers 
uses of Array.asList and covers the declaration of the asList method 
itself.  However, it does not cover calls to the constructor inside 
the asList method, a constructor which itself is *not* @SafeVarargs.  
Solutions include

* @SuppressWarnings(varargs) on the asList method
* @SuppressWarnings(varargs)  on new temporary variable for that 
purpose (with possible class file size consequences)

* @SafeVarargs on the ArrayList constructor



The first change to the PreHashedMap is right, and I will update my fix.

For the second comment, as Joe mentioned, it is necessary. Otherwise, 
the compiler will give the following warnings.

   ../../../src/share/classes/java/util/ warning:
   [varargs] Varargs method could cause heap pollution from
   non-reifiable varargs parameter a
return new ArrayList(a);
   ../../../src/share/classes/java/util/ warning:
   [varargs] Varargs method could cause heap pollution from
   non-reifiable varargs parameter a
return new ArrayList(a);


The first and second options works fine. But if I follow the third 
option to add @SafeVarargs on the ArrayList constructor, I get the 
following error.

   ../../../src/share/classes/java/util/ error:
   Invalid SafeVarargs annotation. Method ArrayList(E[]) is not a
   varargs method.
ArrayList(E[] array) {
  where E is a type-variable:
E extends Object declared in class ArrayList

So I tried further to change the constructor to a varargs method and add 
the @SafeVarargs annotation, but the compiler still gives me warnings 
like this,

   ../../../src/share/classes/java/util/ warning:
   [varargs] Varargs method could cause heap pollution from
   non-reifiable varargs parameter a
return new ArrayList(a);
   ../../../src/share/classes/java/util/ warning:
   [varargs] Varargs method could cause heap pollution from
   non-reifiable varargs parameter a
return new ArrayList(a);
   ../../../src/share/classes/java/util/ warning:
   [varargs] Varargs method could cause heap pollution from
   non-reifiable varargs parameter array
a = array;
   3 warnings

I think the current change is good for this one. Thanks for your comments.


Re: RFR [JDK8]: 7169894: JAXP Plugability Layer: using service loader

2012-08-29 Thread Joe Wang

I actually updated the webrev yesterday with your suggestion.

Recall our discussions back in June, the suggestion was to delegate to 
the ServiceLoader, e.g. ServiceLoader.load(serviceClass). The rational 
was that the ServiceLoader uses context and then bootstrap class loader.

The spec for public static S ServiceLoaderS load(ClassS service, 
ClassLoader loader) states:
loader - The class loader to be used to load provider-configuration 
files and provider classes, or null if the system class loader (or, 
failing that, the bootstrap class loader) is to be used

This is different. In JAXP, null is recognized as bootstrap classloader, 
but the ServiceLoader actually assumes it as system class loader.  This 
will be a problem, whether or now a classloader is passed to the load 


On 8/29/2012 1:56 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

For the SchemaFactoryFinder there is now a potentially subtle difference in 
what CL is used to load a class by SL and by 
SchemaFactoryFinder.createInstance. Previously the same CL was always used 
whatever the mechanism was used to identify the class name. Errors related to 
class loaders can be extremely hard to track down hence the conservative 


I will say no more on the above:-)


[*] If a developer can declare a service provider then such linkage errors can 
potentially occur.

Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread Stuart Marks

On 8/29/12 4:36 AM, Ulf Zibis wrote:

 436 switch (actions) {
 437 case SecurityConstants.FILE_READ_ACTION:
 438 return READ;

Oops, you have reverted the change to use switch-on-Strings by webrev.03. Why?

A fair question. I had instigated some internal conversation about reverting 
this change, so here's the explanation. (Good catch, by the way.)

The original code was like this:

 427 private static int getMask(String actions) {
 435 // Check against use of constants (used heavily within the JDK)
 436 if (actions == SecurityConstants.FILE_READ_ACTION) {
 437 return READ;
 438 } else if (actions == SecurityConstants.FILE_WRITE_ACTION) {

The various SecurityConstants being used here are Strings.

Note that this is doing String comparisons using == which is usually a bug. But 
this code is relying on String interning to provide object identity for equal 
string literals, in order to provide a fast path optimization for these common 
cases. Changing this code to use switch-over-strings would be semantically 
equivalent, but it would probably slow things down, since switch provides 
equals() semantics instead of == semantics.

The permissions code is quite performance-sensitive, so I've asked Dan to 
revert this change.

@SuppressWarnings(fallthrough) is put to suppress warnings generated by
another switch/case statements

Can't you move it from method scope to there?

while (i = matchlen  !seencomma) {
switch(a[i-matchlen]) {
case ',':
seencomma = true;
case ' ': case '\r': case '\n':
case '\f': case '\t':
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
invalid permission:  + actions);

Unfortunately there is no suitable place to put the annotation. Annotations can 
only be placed on declarations, and the narrowest enclosing declaration around 
this switch statement is, unfortunately, the entire method. One might consider 
refactoring the switch statement into its own method, but that kind of 
refactoring is too large a change for warnings cleanup.


Re: RFR [JDK8]: 7169894: JAXP Plugability Layer: using service loader

2012-08-29 Thread Joe Wang

Paul, Alan,

Confusion was what jaxp meant to give :)   I was told that the 
factory/object finders, security support classes were duplicated, and 
needed to be kept in sync.  But they are not even in their original 
form, unfortunately.

Both of you mentioned that it's desirable to make SCE the cause for the 
configuration exception.  DatatypeConfigurationException is different 
from all others in that, it's an Exception while others Error, it takes 
Throwable as cause while others Exception.  I did not want to change the 
signatures of the other configuration error classes, that is, the 
constructors would need to take Throwable instead of Exception (as they 
should have already done).

As a comprise, I've wrapped the error message in a confguration error.  
Would you think it's sufficient to add to the message what you did below 
(e.g.  could not be loaded or instantiated using java.util.ServiceLoader?

Or are you into making signature changes?  (sth. I thought we didn't 
want to for this patch)


On 8/29/2012 8:56 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

On Aug 29, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Paul  wrote:

Hi Joe,

I would urge you to reconsider errors using SL, since SL is being explicitly 
called out as part of the specification.

You can make any such SL-related errors more meaningful (yes, i want the stack 
trace telling what bits of SL code were called!) and remove any potential for 
CCEs, due to linkage errors [*], by passing the SCE instance to the constructor 
of DatatypeConfigurationException or the FactoryConfigurationError variants e.g.

244 } catch (ServiceConfigurationError e) {
245 throw new DatatypeConfigurationException(Provider  + className + 
 could not be loaded or instantiated using java.util.ServiceLoader, e);

Doh, please shoot me now, i was labouring under the misapprehension that SCE 
was extending from Exception and not Error.

Apologies for the confusion.


Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread Joe Darcy

On 8/29/2012 4:20 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:

On 8/29/12 4:36 AM, Ulf Zibis wrote:

 436 switch (actions) {
 437 case SecurityConstants.FILE_READ_ACTION:
 438 return READ;

Oops, you have reverted the change to use switch-on-Strings by 
webrev.03. Why?

A fair question. I had instigated some internal conversation about 
reverting this change, so here's the explanation. (Good catch, by the 

The original code was like this:

 427 private static int getMask(String actions) {
 435 // Check against use of constants (used heavily within 
the JDK)

 436 if (actions == SecurityConstants.FILE_READ_ACTION) {
 437 return READ;
 438 } else if (actions == SecurityConstants.FILE_WRITE_ACTION) {

The various SecurityConstants being used here are Strings.

Note that this is doing String comparisons using == which is usually a 
bug. But this code is relying on String interning to provide object 
identity for equal string literals, in order to provide a fast path 
optimization for these common cases. Changing this code to use 
switch-over-strings would be semantically equivalent, but it would 
probably slow things down, since switch provides equals() semantics 
instead of == semantics.

This would be a fine point to highlight in the comments around this check!


RFR: 7195099 update problem list with RMI test failures

2012-08-29 Thread Stuart Marks

Hi Alan,

I'm opening another front in the war against test failures. Please review these 
additions to the problem list.



diff -r c4c69b4d9ace test/ProblemList.txt
--- a/test/ProblemList.txt  Wed Aug 29 11:03:02 2012 +0800
+++ b/test/ProblemList.txt  Wed Aug 29 19:00:56 2012 -0700
@@ -261,6 +261,18 @@
 # 7146541

+# 7187882
+java/rmi/activation/checkusage/  generic-all
+# 7190106
+java/rmi/reliability/benchmark/   generic-all
+# 7191877
+java/rmi/transport/checkLeaseInfoLeak/   generic-all
+# 7195095
+sun/rmi/transport/proxy/  linux-all

 # jdk_security

Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread Stuart Marks

On 8/29/12 4:56 PM, Joe Darcy wrote:

On 8/29/2012 4:20 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:

The original code was like this:

 427 private static int getMask(String actions) {
 435 // Check against use of constants (used heavily within the JDK)
 436 if (actions == SecurityConstants.FILE_READ_ACTION) {
 437 return READ;
 438 } else if (actions == SecurityConstants.FILE_WRITE_ACTION) {

The various SecurityConstants being used here are Strings.

Note that this is doing String comparisons using == which is usually a bug.
But this code is relying on String interning to provide object identity for
equal string literals, in order to provide a fast path optimization for these
common cases. Changing this code to use switch-over-strings would be
semantically equivalent, but it would probably slow things down, since switch
provides equals() semantics instead of == semantics.

This would be a fine point to highlight in the comments around this check!

The comment at line 435 did serve to tip me off that something unusual was 
going on with this code, so it served its purpose. But I'll admit that it's not 
as explicit as it could be. How about this:

// Use object identity comparisons with String constants for performance
// reasons (these values are used heavily within the JDK).


Re: Review Request: 7193406 - Clean-up JDK Build Warnings in java.util,

2012-08-29 Thread David Holmes

Hi Stuart,

On 30/08/2012 8:53 AM, Stuart Marks wrote:

On 8/29/12 8:48 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:

But presumably [-Werror] would be removed when everything is warning
-Werror should not be the default for everyone building OpenJDK, who then
end up having to fix or workaround issues which are nothing to do with
It's easy enough for those who want to check we don't regress to turn on
-Werror throughout, once everything is warning free.

Once everything is warning free, -Werror *should* be enabled by default.
That's how we'll keep everything warning free.

If everything were warning free, I don't see how people could be blocked
by warnings that are unrelated to their current changes. This does
happen today with implicit compilation, but it shouldn't happen in the
bright shining future where there are no warnings. :-)

It will happen to the first person who updates gcc and encounters the 
next round of gcc enhancements that cause our old C++ code to now 
generate warnings.

If there's some other phenomenon that could cause warnings to pop up
spontaneously, unrelated to their current changes, I'd like to
understand what that is.

gcc :)

