Re: 8215441: Increase uniformity of the distribution of BigIntegers constructed by BigInteger(int, Random)

2018-12-20 Thread Adam Petcher
I'm not sure what the problem is. If X is uniform, then "the number of 
leading zero bits" of X is exponential. The probability of getting a 
"small" number, in which the first (say) 32 bits are 0 is 2^-32. If this 
is what is measured by the histrogram[5], then the current 
implementation looks correct to me.

On 12/19/2018 11:01 PM, Brian Burkhalter wrote:

This issue was filed to cover improving the uniformity of randomly generated 
BigIntegers. It is not intended to resolve [1] which is deliberately left open. 
The proposed patch implements a modified version of the “workaround” suggested 
in [1].

The problem is that the magnitude of the random BigInteger is created from a 
sequence of bytes generated by Random.nextBytes() [2]. The likelihood that any 
of these bytes is zero is small so the distribution of the resulting random 
BigIntegers is skewed towards values close to the maximum bit size “numBits” 
specified to the constructor.

The workaround suggested in [1] is to randomly change numBits to the value 
numBits = Random.nextInt(numBits + 1) [3]. (Actually the suggested workaround 
is nextInt(numBits) which is incorrect as the parameter is an exclusive upper 
bound.) This greatly improves the uniformity of the distribution. A remaining 
problem however is that now the very largest numbers in the interval 
[0,2^numBits) are underrepresented. A modification of this approach is to 
increment the new value of numBits as numBits = Random.nextInt(numBits + 1) + 1 
[4]. This was empirically observed to improve the underrepresentation of the 
largest values.

The distribution of the random BigIntegers was estimated using [5]. For a given 
maximum bit length, bin size, and number of random values to generate, this 
creates a histogram and calculates the coefficient of variation of the numbers 
generated. The histogram bin at index zero represents the largest valued bin in 
the result. The count in a given histogram bin is the number of values for 
which that bin is the leftmost (largest valued) with at least one non-zero bit. 
The bin of maximum index represents zero.

Results for the current and two modified approaches for 256 bits with a 1-bit 
bin size and for 4096 bits with a 4-bit bin size are given at [6-11]. As may be 
observed, the original histogram is clustered towards the largest possible 
value 2^numBits - 1, and the coefficient of variation is small. The results for 
the two variants of the patch show a flattened distribution, i.e., more 
uniform, and a significantly larger coefficient of variation. The second 
approach shows better flattening of both ends of the histogram. These results 
are samples only but are exemplary of the results observed over numerous runs 
of this code.

The test ModPow is modified as the modPow() method throws an 
ArithmeticException for a zero modulus. The current algorithm never generates a 
random BigInteger equal to zero however so that exception never occurs. That is 
not the case for either modified version.




Re: Please review EdDSA API

2018-07-25 Thread Adam Petcher

+core-libs-dev for additional API expertise.

On 7/25/2018 10:29 AM, Adam Petcher wrote:
The draft CSR[1] for the EdDSA API[2] is ready for review. Please take 
a look and send me any feedback you may have. Here are a few 
high-level notes to explain the API:

1) Where possible, this API is similar to the API for X25519/X448. To 
get the complete background/motivation for the API design, you can 
review the discussion[3] on this topic.
2) Similar to X25519/X448, private keys are byte arrays, and public 
keys coordinates. Though we can't get by with a single BigInteger 
coordinate for EdDSA, so I am using the new EdPoint class to hold the 
3) EdDSA has multiple signature modes defined in the RFC[4], including 
some that "prehash" the input before signing. The draft API uses the 
EdDSAParameterSpec class to specify parameters of these modes. The 
standard does not allow an arbitrary choice of prehash function, so 
the API for EdDSA does not support algorithm names like 



Re: RFR 8181594: Efficient and constant-time modular arithmetic

2018-03-20 Thread Adam Petcher

Latest webrev:

Comments inline below.

In addition, I also changed the name of IntegerModuloP_Base to 
IntegerModuloP, and IntegerModuloP to ImmutableIntegerModuloP.

On 3/11/2018 12:04 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

On 2/26/2018 10:39 AM, Adam Petcher wrote:

On 2/23/2018 12:46 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
I'm not very sure how widely this utilities will be used in the 
future. Looks like only BigIntegerModuloP uses this classes.  I may 
prefer to define private methods for byte array swap in 

It is also used by XDHPublicKeyImpl (in the XDH code review). XDH 
public keys are represented as BigInteger, and I use the array 
reverse method to convert encoded keys to BigInteger.

If it is not widely used by other classes, please have these methods 
in the class where is get called.   The is exported 
to other modules as well, we may not want to add stuff into this 
package unless it is really necessary.

Okay. I put these methods in BigIntegerModuloP and removed the ArrayUtil 
class. This array reverse code will be duplicated where it is used by 
XDH public keys (in the other code review).
void conditionalSwapWith(MutableIntegerModuloP b, int swap);
As the 'swap' parameter can only be 0 or 1, could it be a boolean 

I couldn't come up with a way to implement this without branching 
when the swap parameter is boolean. See 
IntegerPolynomial.conditionalSwap to see how this is implemented in 
arithmetic with an int swap argument. If you (or anyone) can think of 
a way to do this with boolean, let me know.

I added a sentence to the comment above conditionalSwapWith that 
describes why it is an int instead of a boolean.

I did not get the point about the need to avoid branching.  Can you 
have more details?

The goal is to avoid things like if(secret){...}, in order to prevent 
the secrets from leaking into side channels (mostly timing and cache). 
The way this method is used by XDH, the swap parameter is a single bit 
of the private key. By storing this bit as an integer, and then doing 
the swap using only integer arithmetic, we can avoid branching which may 
leak the bits of the key.

Except the conditionalSwapWith() method, I did not get the points 
why we need a mutable version.  Would you please have more 
description of this requirement?

The comment above the class definition has this sentence:

"This interface can be used to improve performance and avoid the 
allocation of a large number of temporary objects."

Do you need more information than this in the comments? The 
performance motivation is so that a.add(b).multiply(c)... can be done 
without allocating a new buffer for each operation. For example, 
without mutable field elements, an X25519 point multiplication would 
allocate around 4,300 temporary arrays totaling 350,000 bytes. If I 
remember correctly, switching the X25519 implementation to mutable 
field elements reduced the point multiplication time by about half.

I see your point.  The benefits is obviously.

OK, why you need the immutable version then? Sounds like the mutable 
version interface is sufficient, including performance. If an 
immutable version is really needed, we can have the implementation 
making the decision.  Accordingly, the conditionalSwapWith() can be 
defined as optional method, if it is not required to be implemented in 
immutable implementation.

It's confusing to me that the immutable and mutable and the base 
versions/interfaces mixed together.  It would be nice if we can 
simplify the interface a little bit.

For internal APIs, sometimes we don't want the same quality level as 
public APIs.  I think this set of class will be widely used by new EC 
curves, ChaCha20/Poly1305, or more in the future.  It would be nice if 
we could do it good at the beginning.

The mutable version adds the conditional swap as well as mutable 
versions of many of the basic operations. The XDH implementation uses 
both the mutable and immutable versions. The immutable version allows me 
to simplify the client code because I don't have to worry about whether 
some value has been modified. For example, the XDH code keeps a 
representation of 0, 1, and the constant that defines the curve as 
immutable values.

So I prefer to have both. It complicates this API a bit, but it allows 
simpler and more robust code in the client of this API.

default byte[] addModPowerTwo(IntegerModuloP_Base b, int len)
void addModPowerTwo(IntegerModuloP_Base b, byte[] result);

For the first sign of the method names, I thought it is to calculate 
as "(this + b) ^ 2 mod m". 

To be precise, it calculates "((this % p) + (b % p)) % 2^m" (where p 
is the prime that defines the field, and m is the desired length, in 

Re: RFR 8181594: Efficient and constant-time modular arithmetic

2018-02-26 Thread Adam Petcher
 this would not produce the 
desired result.

I guess, but not very sure, it is for constant time calculation. If 
the function is required, could it be renamed as:

  // the result is inside of the size range
  IntegerModuloP addModSize(IntegerModuloP_Base b, int size)
  // the result is wrapped if outside of the size range
  IntegerModuloP addOnWrap(IntegerModuloP_Base b, int size)

and the use may look like:
  this.addModSize(b, size).asByteArray()

Any attempt to perform the addition in IntegerModuloP and then pull out 
the byte array will not work. This class can only represent field 
elements, so the sum would be in the field, which is not what we want.

Will review the rest when I understand more about the interfaces design.


On 1/30/2018 8:52 AM, Adam Petcher wrote:


On 1/26/2018 4:06 PM, Adam Petcher wrote:


This is a code review for the field arithmetic that will be used in 
implementations of X25519/X448 key agreement, the Poly1305 
authenticator, and EdDSA signatures. I believe that the library has 
all the features necessary for X25519/X448 and Poly1305, and I 
expect at most a couple of minor enhancements will be required to 
support EdDSA. There is no public API for this library, so we can 
change it in the future to suit the needs of new algorithms without 
breaking compatibility with external code. Still, I made an attempt 
to clearly structure and document the (internal) API, and I want to 
make sure it is understandable and easy to use.

This is not a general-purpose modular arithmetic library. It will 
only work well in circumstances where the sequence of operations is 
restricted, and where the prime that defines the field has some 
useful structure. Moreover, each new field will require some 
field-specific code that takes into account the structure of the 
prime and the way the field is used in the application. The initial 
implementation includes a field for Poly1305 and the fields for 
X25519/X448 which should also work for EdDSA.

The benefits of using this library are that it is much more 
efficient than using similar operations in BigInteger. Also, many 
operations are branch-free, making them suitable for use in a 
side-channel resistant implementation that does not branch on secrets.

To provide some context, I have attached a code snippet describing 
how this library can be used. The snippet is the constant-time 
Montgomery ladder from my X25519/X448 implementation, which I expect 
to be out for review soon. X25519/X448 only uses standard arithmetic 
operations, and the more unusual features (e.g. add modulo a power 
of 2) are needed by Poly1305.

The field arithmetic (for all fields) is implemented using a 32-bit 
representation similar to the one described in the Ed448 paper[1] 
(in the "Implementation on 32-bit platforms" section). Though my 
implementation uses signed limbs, and grade-school multiplication 
instead of Karatsuba. The argument for correctness is essentially 
the same for all three fields: the magnitude of each 64-bit limb is 
at most 2^(k-1) after reduction, except for the last limb which may 
have a magnitude of up to 2^k. The values of k are between 26 to 28 
(depending on the field), and we can calculate that the maximum 
magnitude for any limb during an add-multiply-carry-reduce sequence 
is always less than 2^63. Therefore, no overflow occurs and all 
operations are correct.

Process note: this enhancement is part of JEP 324 (Key Agreement 
with Curve25519 and Curve448). When this code review is complete, 
nothing will happen until all other work for this JEP is complete, 
and the JEP is accepted as part of some release. This means that 
this code will be pushed to the repo along with the X25519/X448 code 
that uses it.


Re: RFR 8181594: Efficient and constant-time modular arithmetic

2018-01-30 Thread Adam Petcher


On 1/26/2018 4:06 PM, Adam Petcher wrote:


This is a code review for the field arithmetic that will be used in 
implementations of X25519/X448 key agreement, the Poly1305 
authenticator, and EdDSA signatures. I believe that the library has 
all the features necessary for X25519/X448 and Poly1305, and I expect 
at most a couple of minor enhancements will be required to support 
EdDSA. There is no public API for this library, so we can change it in 
the future to suit the needs of new algorithms without breaking 
compatibility with external code. Still, I made an attempt to clearly 
structure and document the (internal) API, and I want to make sure it 
is understandable and easy to use.

This is not a general-purpose modular arithmetic library. It will only 
work well in circumstances where the sequence of operations is 
restricted, and where the prime that defines the field has some useful 
structure. Moreover, each new field will require some field-specific 
code that takes into account the structure of the prime and the way 
the field is used in the application. The initial implementation 
includes a field for Poly1305 and the fields for X25519/X448 which 
should also work for EdDSA.

The benefits of using this library are that it is much more efficient 
than using similar operations in BigInteger. Also, many operations are 
branch-free, making them suitable for use in a side-channel resistant 
implementation that does not branch on secrets.

To provide some context, I have attached a code snippet describing how 
this library can be used. The snippet is the constant-time Montgomery 
ladder from my X25519/X448 implementation, which I expect to be out 
for review soon. X25519/X448 only uses standard arithmetic operations, 
and the more unusual features (e.g. add modulo a power of 2) are 
needed by Poly1305.

The field arithmetic (for all fields) is implemented using a 32-bit 
representation similar to the one described in the Ed448 paper[1] (in 
the "Implementation on 32-bit platforms" section). Though my 
implementation uses signed limbs, and grade-school multiplication 
instead of Karatsuba. The argument for correctness is essentially the 
same for all three fields: the magnitude of each 64-bit limb is at 
most 2^(k-1) after reduction, except for the last limb which may have 
a magnitude of up to 2^k. The values of k are between 26 to 28 
(depending on the field), and we can calculate that the maximum 
magnitude for any limb during an add-multiply-carry-reduce sequence is 
always less than 2^63. Therefore, no overflow occurs and all 
operations are correct.

Process note: this enhancement is part of JEP 324 (Key Agreement with 
Curve25519 and Curve448). When this code review is complete, nothing 
will happen until all other work for this JEP is complete, and the JEP 
is accepted as part of some release. This means that this code will be 
pushed to the repo along with the X25519/X448 code that uses it.


private IntegerModuloP_Base pointMultiply(byte[] k, IntegerModuloP u){

IntegerModuloP x_1 = u;
MutableIntegerModuloP x_2 = one.mutable();
MutableIntegerModuloP z_2 = zero.mutable();
MutableIntegerModuloP x_3 = u.mutable();
MutableIntegerModuloP z_3 = one.mutable();
int swap = 0;

// Variables below are reused to avoid unnecessary allocation
// They will be assigned in the loop, so initial value doesn't matter
MutableIntegerModuloP m1 = zero.mutable();
MutableIntegerModuloP DA = zero.mutable();
MutableIntegerModuloP E = zero.mutable();
MutableIntegerModuloP a24_times_E = zero.mutable();

for(int t = params.getBits() - 1; t >= 0; t--){
int k_t = bitAt(k, t);
swap = swap ^ k_t;
x_2.conditionalSwapWith(x_3, swap);
z_2.conditionalSwapWith(z_3, swap);
swap = k_t;

// A(m1) = x_2 + z_2
// D = x_3 - z_3
// DA = D * A(m1)
// AA(m1) = A(m1)^2
// B(x_2) = x_2 - z_2
// C = x_3 + z_3
// CB(x_3) = C * B(x_2)
// BB(x_2) = B^2
// E = AA(m1) - BB(x_2)
// compute a24 * E using SmallValue

// assign results to x_3, z_3, x_2, z_2
// x_2 = AA(m1) * BB
// z_2 = E * (AA(m1) + a24 * E)

Re: RFR 8139206: Add InputStream readNBytes(int len)

2018-01-22 Thread Adam Petcher
The spec of the new method doesn't give me enough information to 
determine whether it is safe to call it when the value of the length 
argument is much larger than the number of bytes I expect to actually 
read. This use case comes up frequently in security libraries, because 
we have to handle length values that were chosen by an attacker. Would 
it be possible to add a sentence or two to the spec to clarify this 

Possible wording, if this method can be called with large length values:

"The total amount of memory allocated by this method is proportional to 
the number of bytes read from the stream. Therefore, the method may be 
safely called with very large values of {@code len}.

Possible wording, otherwise:

"The total amount of memory allocated by this method may be proportional 
to the value of {@code len}. Therefore, calling this method with very 
large values of {@code len} is not recommended."

On 1/17/2018 11:24 AM, Brian Burkhalter wrote:

The proposed change has been modified to replace the two methods

byte[] InputStream.readAllBytes(int) // reads at most ‘len’ bytes
byte[] InputStream.readNBytes(int) // reads exactly ‘len’ bytes or throws 

with a single method

byte[] InputStream.readNBytes(int) // reads at most ‘len’ bytes

A negative value of ‘len’ will now cause an IllegalArgumentException instead of 
an IndexOutOfBoundsException. Also some verbiage has been improved.



On Jan 16, 2018, at 11:17 AM, Brian Burkhalter  

This change would add a new method “byte[] InputStream.readNBytes(int len)” 
which would read up to at most ‘len’ bytes from  the stream and return them in 
an internally allocated array.

Re: API review for X25519/X448

2018-01-03 Thread Adam Petcher

+core-libs-dev (to get some additional API guidance)

On 1/3/2018 11:26 AM, Adam Petcher wrote:
Now that the JEP[1] for X25519/X448 key agreement is a candidate, we 
can proceed with the API and specification review. Please review the 
proposed API spec[2] and provide comments by the end of Saturday,  
January 13, anywhere on earth. At that point, I will combine your 
feedback with the initial feedback from the CSR group[3] and submit 
the API for final review by the CSR.

The only significant change to the API since our last discussion[4] is 
that I changed the names of the key specs and interfaces from "XDH..." 
to "XEC..." This makes them more general and reusable in things like 
XEdDSA[5] and other non-Diffie-Hellman cryptosystems based on the 
representations/operations defined in RFC 7748[6].

