Re: Pipes example failed when reading from input splits

2008-03-04 Thread Amareshwari Sri Ramadasu


Here is some discussion on how to run wordcount-nopipe :
Probably makes sense for your question.

11 Nov. wrote:

I traced into the c++ recordreader code:
  WordCountReader(HadoopPipes::MapContext& context) {
std::string filename;
HadoopUtils::StringInStream stream(context.getInputSplit());
HadoopUtils::deserializeString(filename, stream);
struct stat statResult;
stat(filename.c_str(), &statResult);
bytesTotal = statResult.st_size;
bytesRead = 0;
cout << filename<:

hi colleagues,
   I have set up the single node cluster to test pipes examples.
   wordcount-simple and wordcount-part work just fine. but
wordcount-nopipe can't run. Here is my commnad line:

 bin/hadoop pipes -conf src/examples/pipes/conf/word-nopipe.xml -input
input/ -output out-dir-nopipe1

and here is the error message printed on my console:

08/03/03 23:23:06 WARN mapred.JobClient: No job jar file set.  User
classes may not be found. See JobConf(Class) or JobConf#setJar(String).
08/03/03 23:23:06 INFO mapred.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to
process : 1
08/03/03 23:23:07 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job:
08/03/03 23:23:08 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 0% reduce 0%
08/03/03 23:23:11 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id :
task_200803032218_0004_m_00_0, Status : FAILED pipe child exception
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.pipes.Application.abort(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker$Child.main(
Caused by:

task_200803032218_0004_m_00_0: Hadoop Pipes Exception: failed to open
at /home/hadoop/hadoop-0.15.2-single-cluster
/src/examples/pipes/impl/ in

Could anybody tell me how to fix this? That will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot!


Re: Bugs in 0.16.0?

2008-03-02 Thread Amareshwari Sri Ramadasu

Holden Robbins wrote:

I'm just starting to dig into Hadoop and testing it's feasibility for large scale development work.  
I was wondering if anyone else being affected by these issues using hadoop 0.16.0?

I searched Jira, and I'm not sure if I saw anything that specifically fit some 
of these:
1) The symlinks for the distributed cache in the task directory are being created as 'null' directory links (stated another way, the name of the symbolic link in the directory is the string literal "null").  Am I doing something wrong to cause this, or do not many people use this functionality?
If you want create symlinks for distributed cache the url has to have 
symlink field like hdfs://host:port/#. And 
mapred.create.symlink must be set to "yes".
If mapred.create.symlink is yes and link field is not provided, 
distributed cache will create a symlink with literal "null" as you said.
2) I'm running into an issue where the job is giving errors in the form:

08/03/01 09:44:25 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id : 
task_200803010908_0001_r_02_0, Status : FAILED
Shuffle Error: Exceeded MAX_FAILED_UNIQUE_FETCHES; bailing-out.
08/03/01 09:44:25 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task outputGo-Box4
08/03/01 09:44:25 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task outputGo-Box4

The jobs appear to never finish the reducing once this happens.   The tasks 
themselves are long running map tasks (up to 10 minutes per input), as far as I 
understand from the Jira posts this  is related to the 
MAX_FAILED_UNIQUE_FETCHES being hard coded to 4?  Is there a known work around 
or fix in the pipeline?
Possible related jira post:

Improving the way the shuffling mechanism works may also help?
I've tried setting:

  The maximum amount of time (in seconds) a reducer spends on  fetching 
one map output before declaring it as failed.

 which should be 24 minutes, with no effect.
3) Lastly, it would seem beneficial for jobs that have significant startup overhead and memory requirements to not be run in separate JVMs for each task.  Along these lines, it looks like someone submitted a patch for JVM-reuse a while back, but it wasn't commited?
Probably a question for the dev mailing list, but if I wanted to modify hadoop to allow threading tasks, rather than running independent JVMs, is there any reason someone hasn't done this yet?  Or am I overlooking something?



Re: the best way to kill a bad job?

2008-02-12 Thread Amareshwari Sri Ramadasu

You can kill job using the command
bin/hadoop job -kill .
You need not shutdown the cluster.

Jim the Standing Bear wrote:

What is the best way to kill a bad job (e.g. an infinite loop)?   The
job I was running went into an infinite loop and I had to stop it with
ctrl-c on the master node.  Then I used bin/ hoping to stop
the entire hadoop system... But that didn't work.  I had to manually
log into every node and use kill -9 to terminate all these java

There's gotta be a better way of doing this - I cannot imagine doing
this for a 1000 node cluster...  Can someone enlighten me please.

-- Jim

Re: How to write a matrix multiplication program in C ++ using Hadoop?

2008-02-07 Thread Amareshwari Sri Ramadasu

You can use Hadoop pipes for c++ map/reduce.
Some info available at

Hadoop wrote:
I do not see any code at the link :

and when I tried to register to login, I got following the error message:

Errors: Your session has timed out

I have found this link at Haoop web site:
but it does not solve my problem for three reasons:
1-The code is for shared-memory architecture but I am looking for a code for
multicomputer (commodity cluster) architecture 
2- The code generate random numbers for the matrix but I am looking for a

code to read the inputs form text files and write the result to a text file
3- How can I write the code in c++ and run it on Haoop?

edward yoon-3 wrote:

Please see

On 1/26/08, Hadoop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How can I write a C++ program that reads two text files (MatriX1 and
multiplies the two matrices, and writes the result in a text file
using Hadoop?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Hadoop lucene-users mailing list archive at


B. Regards,
Edward yoon @ NHN, corp.


Re: distributed cache

2008-01-28 Thread Amareshwari Sri Ramadasu

jerrro wrote:


Is there a way to use Distributed Cache with a pipes (C++ code) job? I want
to be able to access a file on the local disk all over the data nodes, so
hadoop would copy it to all data nodes before a map reduce job.



First of all you need to copy the files to the dfs. And then add the 
file to the distributed cache.
You can give comma sepearted values of the files or archives to be added 
to distributed cache,

for "mapred.cache.files" and "mapred.cache.archives" in the conf file.


  The files in distributed cache

 The archives in distributed cache

You can also give URIs of the file names.
You can give the URI as hdfs://#, here mapred will create a 
symlink with name "link" in the  working directory.

Hope this clarifies
