Problems running TestDFSIO to a non-default directory

2008-11-25 Thread Joel Welling
Hi Konstantin (et al.);
  A while ago you gave me the following trick to run TestDFSIO to an
output directory other than the default- just use to pass the new directory to the
executable.  I recall this working, but it is failing now under 0.18.1,
and looking at it I can't see how it ever worked.  The -D option will
set the property on the Java virtual machine which runs as a direct
child of /bin/hadoop, but I see no way the property would get set on the
mapper virtual machines.  Should this still work?  


On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 13:05 -0700, Konstantin Shvachko wrote:
org.apache.hadoop.fs.TestDFSIO -write -nrFiles 2*N -fileSize 360
 Joel Welling wrote:
  With my setup, I need to change the file directory
  from /benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_control to something
  like /bessemer/welling/hadoop_test/benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_control .
  there a command line argument or parameter that will do this?
  Basically, I have to point it explicitly into my Lustre filesystem.

How to run sort900?

2008-11-19 Thread Joel Welling
Hi folks;
  Is there a standard procedure for running the sort900 test?  In
particular, the timings show time for a verifier, but I can't find where
that's implemented.


Re: reading input for a map function from 2 different files?

2008-11-12 Thread Joel Welling
Amar, isn't there a problem with your method in that it gets a small
result by subtracting very large numbers?  Given a million inputs, won't
A and B be so much larger than the standard deviation that there aren't
enough no bits left in the floating point number to represent it?

I just thought I should mention that, before this thread goes in an
archive somewhere and some student looks it up.


On Wed, 2008-11-12 at 12:32 +0530, Amar Kamat wrote:
 some speed wrote:
  Thanks for the response. What I am trying is to do is finding the average
  and then the standard deviation for a very large set (say a million) of
  numbers. The result would be used in further calculations.
  I have got the average from the first map-reduce chain. now i need to read
  this average as well as the set of numbers to calculate the standard
  deviation.  so one file would have the input set and the other resultant
  file would have just the average.
  Please do tell me in case there is a better way of doing things than what i
  am doing. Any input/suggestion is appreciated.:)

 std_dev^2 = sum_i((Xi - Xa) ^ 2) / N; where Xa is the avg.
 Why dont you use the formula to compute it in one MR job.
 std_dev^2 = (sum_i(Xi ^ 2)  - N * (Xa ^ 2) ) / N;
  = (A - N*(avg^2))/N
 For this your map would look like
map (key, val) : output.collect(key^2, key); // imagine your input as 
 (k,v) = (Xi, null)
 Reduce should simply sum over the keys to find out 'sum_i(Xi ^ 2)' and 
 sum over the values to find out 'Xa'. You could use the close() api to 
 finally dump there 2 values to a file.
 For example :
 input : 1,2,3,4
 Say input is split in 2 groups [1,2] and [4,5]
 Now there will be 2 maps with output as follows
 map1 output : (1,1) (4,2)
 map2 output : (9,3) (16,4)
 Reducer will maintain the sum over all keys and all values
 A = sum(key i.e  input squared) = 1+ 4 + 9 + 16 = 30
 B = sum(values i.e input) = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
 With A and B you can compute the standard deviation offline.
 So avg = B / N = 10/4 = 2.5
 Hence the std deviation would be
 sqrt( (A - N * avg^2) / N) = sqrt ((30 - 4*6.25)/4) = *1.11803399
 *Using the main formula the answer is *1.11803399*
  On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 4:22 AM, Amar Kamat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Amar Kamat wrote:
  some speed wrote:

  I was wondering if it was possible to read the input for a map function
  2 different files:
   1st file --- user-input file from a particular location(path)
  Is the input/user file sorted? If yes then you can use map-side join for

  performance reasons. See org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join for more details.
  2nd file=--- A resultant file (has just one key,value pair) from a

  previous MapReduce job. (I am implementing a chain MapReduce function)
  Can you explain in more detail the contents of 2nd file?

  Now, for every key,value pair in the user-input file, I would like to
  the same key,value pair from the 2nd file for some calculations.
  Can you explain this in more detail? Can you give some abstracted example

  of how file1 and file2 look like and what operation/processing you want to
  I guess you might need to do some kind of join on the 2 files. Look at
  contrib/data_join for more details.

  Is it possible for me to do so? Can someone guide me in the right


Is there a unique ID associated with each task?

2008-10-30 Thread Joel Welling
Hi folks;
  I'm writing a Hadoop Pipes application, and I need to generate a bunch
of integers that are unique across all map tasks.  If each map task has
a unique integer ID, I can make sure my integers are unique by including
that integer ID.  I have this theory that each map task has a unique
identifier associated with some configuration parameter, but I don't
know the name of that parameter.
  Is there an integer associated with each task?  If so, how do I get
it?  While we're at it, is there a way to get the total number of map


Any examples using Hadoop Pipes with binary SequenceFiles?

2008-10-29 Thread Joel Welling
Hi folks;
  I'm interested in reading binary data, running it through some C++
code, and writing the result as binary data.  It looks like
SequenceFiles and Pipes are the way to do it, but I can't find any
examples or docs beyond the API specification.  Can someone point me to
an example where this is done?


Re: Problems increasing number of tasks per node- really a task management problem!

2008-09-23 Thread Joel Welling
I think I've found my problem.  At some point about a week ago, I must
have tried to start new tasktracker processes on my worker nodes without
killing the ones that were already there.  The new processes died
immediately because their sockets were already in use.  The old
processes then took over their roles, running happily with new
JobTrackers and doing tasks as requested.  The pid files that are
supposed to point to the tasktrackers did not contain their pids,
however, and 'bin/' chooses its targets from the pid
files.  So I could do 'bin/' all day long without killing
them.  I ended up killing them explicitly one node at a time.

These tasktrackers knew the *old* config values that were in force when
they were started, so pushing the new values out to the worker nodes had
no effect.  

So.  Is there any mechanism for killing 'rogue' tasktrackers?  I'm a
little surprised that they are killed via their pids rather than by
sending them a kill signal via the same mechanism whereby they learn of
new work.


On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 14:29 -0700, Arun C Murthy wrote:
 On Sep 23, 2008, at 2:21 PM, Joel Welling wrote:
  Stopping and restarting the mapred service should push the new .xml  
  out, should it not?  I've done 'bin/',
 No, you need to run 'bin/', push it out to all the  
 machines and then do 'bin/'.
 You do see it in your job's config - but that config isn't used by the  
 TaskTrackers. They use the config in their HADOOP_CONF_DIR; which is  
 why you'd need to push it to all machines.

gridmix on a small cluster?

2008-09-17 Thread Joel Welling
Hi folks;
  I'd like to try the gridmix benchmark on my small cluster (3 nodes at
8 cores each, Lustre with IB interconnect).  The documentation for
gridmix suggests that it will take 4 hours on a 500 node cluster, which
suggests it would take me something like a week to run.  Is there a way
to scale the problem size back?  I don't mind the file size too much,
but the running time would be excessive if things scale linearly with
the number of nodes.


Ordering of records in output files?

2008-09-10 Thread Joel Welling
Hi folks;
  I have a simple Streaming job where the mapper produces output records
beginning with a 16 character ascii string and passes them to
IdentityReducer.  When I run it, I get the same number of output files
as I have mapred.reduce.tasks .  Each one contains some of the strings,
and within each file the strings are in sorted order.
  But there is no obvious ordering *across* the files.  For example, I
can see where the first few strings in the output went to files 0,1,3,4,
and then back to 0, but none of them ended up in file 2.
  What's the algorithm that determines which strings end up in which
files?  Is there a way I can change it so that sequentially ordered
strings end up in the same file rather than spraying off across all the


Re: Hadoop over Lustre?

2008-08-29 Thread Joel Welling
Sorry; I'm picking this thread up after a couple day's delay.  Setting to the equivalent of file:///path/to/lustre and changing
mapred.job.tracker to just a hostname and port does allow mapreduce to
start up.  However, test jobs fail with the exceptions below.  It looks
like TaskTracker.localizeJob is looking for job.xml in the local
filesystem; I would have expected it to look in lustre.

I can't find that particular job.xml anywhere on the system after the
run aborts, I'm afraid.  I guess it's getting cleaned up.


08/08/28 18:46:07 INFO mapred.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to
process : 1508/08/28 18:46:07 INFO mapred.FileInputFormat: Total input
paths to process : 1508/08/28 18:46:08 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running
job: job_200808281828_0002
08/08/28 18:46:09 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 0% reduce 0%
08/08/28 18:46:12 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id :
attempt_200808281828_0002_m_00_0, Status : FAILED
Error initializing attempt_200808281828_0002_m_00_0:
file:/tmp/hadoop-welling/mapred/system/job_200808281828_0002/job.xml: No
such file or directory
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil.copy(
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil.copy(

08/08/28 18:46:12 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task
08/08/28 18:46:12 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task

On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 14:24 -0700, Konstantin Shvachko wrote:
 mapred.job.tracker is the address and port of the JobTracker - the main 
 server that controls map-reduce jobs.
 Every task tracker needs to know the address in order to connect.
 Do you follow the docs, e.g. that one
 Can you start one node cluster?
   Are there standard tests of hadoop performance?
 There is the sort benchmark. We also run DFSIO benchmark for read and write 
 Joel Welling wrote:
  So far no success, Konstantin- the hadoop job seems to start up, but
  fails immediately leaving no logs.  What is the appropriate setting for
  mapred.job.tracker ?  The generic value references hdfs, but it also has
  a port number- I'm not sure what that means.
  My cluster is small, but if I get this working I'd be very happy to run
  some benchmarks.  Are there standard tests of hadoop performance?
  On Fri, 2008-08-22 at 15:59 -0700, Konstantin Shvachko wrote:
  I think the solution should be easier than Arun and Steve advise.
  Lustre is already mounted as a local directory on each cluster machines, 
  Say, it is mounted on /mnt/lustre.
  Then you configure hadoop-site.xml and set
  And then you start map-reduce only without hdfs using
  By this you basically redirect all FileSystem requests to Lustre and you 
  don't need
  data-nodes or the name-node.
  Please let me know if that works.
  Also it would very interesting to have your experience shared on this list.
  Problems, performance - everything is quite interesting.
  Joel Welling wrote:
  2. Could you set up symlinks from the local filesystem, so point every 
  node at a local dir
  with each node pointing to a different subdir in the big filesystem?
  Yes, I could do that!  Do I need to do it for the log directories as
  well, or can they be shared?
  On Fri, 2008-08-22 at 15:48 +0100, Steve Loughran wrote:
  Joel Welling wrote:
  Thanks, Steve and Arun.  I'll definitely try to write something based on
  the KFS interface.  I think that for our applications putting the mapper
  on the right rack is not going to be that useful.  A lot of our
  calculations are going to be disordered stuff based on 3D spatial
  relationships like nearest-neighbor finding, so things will be in a
  random access pattern most of the time.
  Is there a way to set up the configuration for HDFS so that different
  datanodes keep their data in different directories?  That would be a big
  help in the short term.
  yes, but you'd have to push out a different config to each datanode

Re: Hadoop over Lustre?

2008-08-29 Thread Joel Welling
That seems to have done the trick!  I am now running Hadoop 0.18
straight out of Lustre, without an intervening HDFS.  The unusual things
about my hadoop-site.xml are:

  descriptionThe shared directory where MapReduce stores control

where /bessemer/welling is a directory on a mounted Lustre filesystem.
I then do 'bin/' (without starting dfs), and I can run
Hadoop programs normally.  I do have to specify full input and output
file paths- they don't seem to be relative to .  That's
not too troublesome, though.

Thanks very much!  

On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 10:52 -0700, Owen O'Malley wrote:
 Check the setting for mapred.system.dir. This needs to be a path that is on
 a distributed file system. In old versions of Hadoop, it had to be on the
 default file system, but that is no longer true. In recent versions, the
 system dir only needs to be configured on the JobTracker and it is passed to
 the TaskTrackers and clients.

Re: Hadoop over Lustre?

2008-08-23 Thread Joel Welling
So far no success, Konstantin- the hadoop job seems to start up, but
fails immediately leaving no logs.  What is the appropriate setting for
mapred.job.tracker ?  The generic value references hdfs, but it also has
a port number- I'm not sure what that means.

My cluster is small, but if I get this working I'd be very happy to run
some benchmarks.  Are there standard tests of hadoop performance?


On Fri, 2008-08-22 at 15:59 -0700, Konstantin Shvachko wrote:
 I think the solution should be easier than Arun and Steve advise.
 Lustre is already mounted as a local directory on each cluster machines, 
 Say, it is mounted on /mnt/lustre.
 Then you configure hadoop-site.xml and set
 And then you start map-reduce only without hdfs using
 By this you basically redirect all FileSystem requests to Lustre and you 
 don't need
 data-nodes or the name-node.
 Please let me know if that works.
 Also it would very interesting to have your experience shared on this list.
 Problems, performance - everything is quite interesting.
 Joel Welling wrote:
  2. Could you set up symlinks from the local filesystem, so point every 
  node at a local dir
  with each node pointing to a different subdir in the big filesystem?
  Yes, I could do that!  Do I need to do it for the log directories as
  well, or can they be shared?
  On Fri, 2008-08-22 at 15:48 +0100, Steve Loughran wrote:
  Joel Welling wrote:
  Thanks, Steve and Arun.  I'll definitely try to write something based on
  the KFS interface.  I think that for our applications putting the mapper
  on the right rack is not going to be that useful.  A lot of our
  calculations are going to be disordered stuff based on 3D spatial
  relationships like nearest-neighbor finding, so things will be in a
  random access pattern most of the time.
  Is there a way to set up the configuration for HDFS so that different
  datanodes keep their data in different directories?  That would be a big
  help in the short term.
  yes, but you'd have to push out a different config to each datanode.
  1. I have some stuff that could help there, but its not ready for 
  production use yet [1].
  2. Could you set up symlinks from the local filesystem, so point every 
  node at a local dir
  with each node pointing to a different subdir in the big filesystem?

Re: Hadoop over Lustre?

2008-08-22 Thread Joel Welling
 2. Could you set up symlinks from the local filesystem, so point every 
 node at a local dir
 with each node pointing to a different subdir in the big filesystem?

Yes, I could do that!  Do I need to do it for the log directories as
well, or can they be shared?


On Fri, 2008-08-22 at 15:48 +0100, Steve Loughran wrote:
 Joel Welling wrote:
  Thanks, Steve and Arun.  I'll definitely try to write something based on
  the KFS interface.  I think that for our applications putting the mapper
  on the right rack is not going to be that useful.  A lot of our
  calculations are going to be disordered stuff based on 3D spatial
  relationships like nearest-neighbor finding, so things will be in a
  random access pattern most of the time.
  Is there a way to set up the configuration for HDFS so that different
  datanodes keep their data in different directories?  That would be a big
  help in the short term.
 yes, but you'd have to push out a different config to each datanode.
 1. I have some stuff that could help there, but its not ready for 
 production use yet [1].
 2. Could you set up symlinks from the local filesystem, so point every 
 node at a local dir
 with each node pointing to a different subdir in the big filesystem?

Hadoop over Lustre?

2008-08-21 Thread Joel Welling
Hi folks;
  I'm new to Hadoop, and I'm trying to set it up on a cluster for which
almost all the disk is mounted via the Lustre filesystem.  That
filesystem is visible to all the nodes, so I don't actually need HDFS to
implement a shared filesystem.  (I know the philosophical reasons why
people say local disks are better for Hadoop, but that's not the
situation I've got).  My system is failing, and I think it's because the
different nodes are tripping over each other when they try to run HDFS
out of the same directory tree.
  Is there a way to turn off HDFS and just let Lustre do the distributed
filesystem?  I've seen discussion threads about Hadoop with NFS which
said something like 'just specify a local filesystem and everything will
be fine', but I don't know how to do that.  I'm using Hadoop 0.17.2.

Thanks, I hope;
-Joel Welling

Problem with installation of 0.17.0: things start but tests fail

2008-08-13 Thread Joel Welling
I'm new to Hadoop, and am doing an installation of 0.17.1 on a small
system.  The only thing that I know is unusual about the system is that
the underlying filesystem is in fact shared- a single Lustre filesystem
is visible to all the nodes, and individual nodes all seem to be storing
their blocks in the same directory, under .

I follow the installation instructions on , and
everything seems to start up just fine.  I then try the test problem
from with:

bin/hadoop dfs -put conf input
bin/hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar grep input output 'dfs[a-z.]+'

This results in:

08/08/13 19:18:47 INFO mapred.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to
process : 1308/08/13 19:18:47 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job:
08/08/13 19:18:49 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 0% reduce 0%
08/08/13 19:18:51 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 14% reduce 0%
08/08/13 19:19:05 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 14% reduce 4%
08/08/13 19:19:05 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id :
task_200808131916_0001_m_02_0, Status : FAILED Could not obtain block: blk_-4001091320210055678
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DFSClient

and similar errors on a bunch of other files.  When I look at the status
of a particular file, like, I see: Got error in response to OP_READ_BLOCK for file for block

However, I do see a block by that name in !  Is
this some sort of configuration issue?  Do I need to somehow arrange for
the different datanodes to keep their files in separate directories?

Thanks, I hope,
-Joel Welling