Hello all,

I have my own VersionedWritable class like so:

public class MyWritable extends VersionedWritable {
  public OtherWritable anotherWritable; // instance var, implements Writable

  public MyWritable() {
    anotherWritable = null;

  public void readFields(DataInput in) {
    if (condition) {
      anotherWritable = new OtherWritable();
      // ...

I can verify that the no-arg constructor of MyWritable is being called,
but it appears as if the no-arg constructor for OtherWritable is being
called some time between the construction of MyWritable and the call to
MyWritable's readFields().  Is this expected behavior, because the
OtherWritable is a public instance variable that implements Writable?

This is happening when a SequenceFile containing a bunch of these is
read into a Reducer.


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