I'm sorry for my mistake.   The object was initialized .

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 3:13 PM, ma qiang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>     My code as below,
>      public class MapTest extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper {
>                 private int[][] myTestArray;
>                 private int myTestInt;
>                 public MapTest()
>                 {
>                        System.out.println("The construtor run !");
>                        myTestArray=new int[10][10];
>                        myTestInt=100;
>                  }
>  .........................
>   }
>   when I run this program,I find the constructor run and the parameter
>  myTestInt is 100,but myTestArray is null and can not initialize. I've
>  no idea why the object will not initialize in Map's constructor ?
>  Thank you for your reply !
>  Qiang Ma

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