[Your plain text email part of the mail is strangely indented.]

Dear David,

Am 01.02.20 um 19:16 schrieb dhendrix--- via coreboot:

        Recently there was some unpleasant activity on Gerrit which violated 
the guidelines [1] regarding respectful conduct. Unfortunately this has 
directly caused a valued member of the community to withdraw from 
maintainership and has damaged relations with others as well.

        After discussion and deliberation, the coreboot leadership has decided 
to revoke +2/-2 privileges for the provocateur and have asked him to fork the 
project to continue his work elsewhere, at least for the time being. This 
decision might be reconsidered at a later date if this person shows respectful 
behavior when working with community members in the future.

        This is not the first time such situations have occurred and similar 
actions taken. It’s never an easy decision to make, however it is necessary to 
maintain a healthy and productive community. Even when only two people are 
directly involved in a conflict there are often others who are impacted. The 
cost of alienating developers and damage to the project is too high to tolerate 
any individual’s bad behavior.

        We generally trust that developers acting in good faith and in a 
respectful manner can resolve conflicts on their own. However, we will continue 
to develop guidelines to help move things along when disagreements inevitably 
occur. In any case, it is always required that we treat others in a 
professional manner and communicate with respect, regardless of who is right or 
wrong on any issue.

Thank you for the email, which I am pretty sad about to hear. For such a drastic measure, I really want to know about more details, as otherwise it’s just accusation.

1. Who is the current coreboot leadership? How many of those voted, and what was the result?

2. Which comment violated the guidelines? I guess it’s about change-set [2]? Reading the comments, and considering, that English is not the mother tongue of some participants, and reading an apology, I’d really like to know what Gerrit guide lines were violated.

3. Why did the coreboot leadership not step in earlier to avoid further escalation despite being added early on as reviewer so was made aware of the discussion?

I really appreciate the work of everybody, and I am saddened, that such conflicts arise. Hopefully, there will be an amicable outcome nevertheless.

Kind regards,


[1]: https://doc.coreboot.org/getting_started/gerrit_guidelines.html
[2]: https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/38221
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