Re: [Crm-sig] E-vote for issue 493 (example templates)

2021-06-18 Thread Christian-Emil Smith Ore via Crm-sig

From: Crm-sig  on behalf of Athanasios Velios via 
Sent: 18 June 2021 11:47
To: crm-sig
Subject: [Crm-sig] E-vote for issue 493 (example templates)

Dear all,

This issue is about agreeing a rationale and a template based on which CRMbase 
and CRM extension examples will be produced. The working document for this 
issue is here:

The homework including annotated templates is here:



The vote is to decide on whether to adopt the homework document.

The possible votes are:

  *   Yes = accept/agree
  *   No = do not accept/agree
  *   Other = With other you can either introduce a caveat (e.g.: 'Yes, but 
there is a typo on word x, fix it.') or you can write VETO, if you wish to stop 
the proposal, in which case you should also write a justification and 
reformulate the issue (e.g.: 'VETO, this change is unacceptable because it 
violates the following principle...')

Please send your e-votes by the 28th of June.

All the best,

Crm-sig mailing list

Re: [Crm-sig] E-vote for issue 493 (example templates)

2021-06-18 Thread Robert Sanderson via Crm-sig

On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 5:51 AM Athanasios Velios via Crm-sig <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> This issue is about agreeing a rationale and a template based on which
> CRMbase and CRM extension examples will be produced. The working document
> for this issue is here:
> The homework including annotated templates is here:
> odt:
> docx:
> The vote is to decide on whether to adopt the homework document.
> The possible votes are:
>- Yes = accept/agree
>- No = do not accept/agree
>- Other = With other you can either introduce a caveat (e.g.: 'Yes,
>but there is a typo on word x, fix it.') or you can write VETO, if you wish
>to stop the proposal, in which case you should also write a justification
>and reformulate the issue (e.g.: 'VETO, this change is unacceptable because
>it violates the following principle...')
> Please send your e-votes by the 28th of June.
> All the best,
> Thanasis
> ___
> Crm-sig mailing list

Rob Sanderson
Director for Cultural Heritage Metadata
Yale University
Crm-sig mailing list

Re: [Crm-sig] E-vote for issue 384 (template for family models)

2021-06-18 Thread Robert Sanderson via Crm-sig

Happy (after the SIG, due to timing) test this out in practice by trying to
write up the Linked Art ontology extensions using it.


On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 6:02 AM Athanasios Velios via Crm-sig <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> This issue is about agreeing a template based on which the specification
> documents of CRM family models will be produced. The working document for
> this issue is here:
> The proposed template is here:
> The vote is to decide on whether to adopt the template document. The main
> change from the existing template is the inclusion of a table for class and
> property dependencies to allow clear references to other models without
> repeating material and while keeping track of different versions.
> The possible votes are:
>- Yes = accept/agree
>- No = do not accept/agree
>- Other = With other you can either introduce a caveat (e.g.: 'Yes,
>but there is a typo on word x, fix it.') or you can write VETO, if you wish
>to stop the proposal, in which case you should also write a justification
>and reformulate the issue (e.g.: 'VETO, this change is unacceptable because
>it violates the following principle...')
> Please send your e-votes by the 28th of June.
> All the best,
> Thanasis
> ___
> Crm-sig mailing list

Rob Sanderson
Director for Cultural Heritage Metadata
Yale University
Crm-sig mailing list

Re: [Crm-sig] Issue 425: Example for I11 Situation, NEW Issue: Situation Time-Span.

2021-06-18 Thread Martin Doerr via Crm-sig

Dear Thanasi,

I think we decided not to fill the class examples with e-numbers of 
things within the noun phrase. Otherwise I agree.

I believe we need a property "Jxxx held at least for: E52 Time-Span"

"This property associates an instance of I11 Situation with the instance 
of E52 Time-span for which it was asserted. It constitutes part of the 
identity of this situation. Any different association of a time-span 
even to the same constituting propositions of this situation will 
identify another instance of I11 Situation.

Note that the respective situation may have had shorter duration than 
the one given by the property /P82 at some time within /to the 
associated time-span, but the same propositions may quite well have 
prevailed for longer and other times. In order to make a statement about 
how long at least the propositions of that situation uninterruptedly 
prevailed, the property /P81 ongoing throughout/ should be used for the 
associated time-span.

There is no means to declare that the propositions of that situation did 
not occur again ouside the given time-span."



On 2/5/2020 1:01 PM, Athanasios Velios wrote:

Dear all, Steve,

In the last meeting I was asked to provide an example for I11 
Situation from the domain of conservation. I am proposing this one:

"The persistence of the value of the pH (E55) for sample XIV (S13) 
during the period of the pH measurement (E52), which followed after 
one month from the application of Ca(OH)2 dispersion to the sample."1

[1] Rodorico Giorgi, Luigi Dei, Claudius Schettino & Piero Baglioni 
47:sup3, 69-73, DOI: 10.1179/sic.2002.47.s3.014

All the best,

Crm-sig mailing list


 Dr. Martin Doerr
 Honorary Head of the

 Center for Cultural Informatics
 Information Systems Laboratory

 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,

 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


Crm-sig mailing list

[Crm-sig] Issue 528: Guidelines and Protocols for Translating CIDOC CRM

2021-06-18 Thread Philippe Michon via Crm-sig
Dear all,

In anticipation of the SIG meeting, I wanted to inform you of the progress
of the work of the CIDOC CRM Translation Guidelines Working Group.

First of all, I would like to remind you that our current mandate is to
discuss issues related to translation, in particular questions relating to
methodology, protocols, and tools.

The working group is made up of 13 members who represent at least 8
different languages. I would like to take this moment to thank those who
have contributed to the reflection during these last two months.

The working group met twice. The first meeting made it possible to present
our respective projects in addition to initiating a reflection on the needs
that the group should address. The second meeting made it possible to
identify more clearly the needs and the documentation that we will have to
develop. We have also highlighted certain aspects that go beyond our

Without going into details in this email, we are considering the creation
of 5 potential documents:


   "Guide of CIDOC CRM Best Translating Practices" which will define the
   different levels of translation, the expertise required, the workflows and
   recommendations on how to properly develop a style guide.

   "Governance Guidelines" which will define the licensing options, a
   translation policy and rules to ensure quality translations.

   "Comparison and Update Protocol" which will make it possible to easily
   compare versions, in particular by explaining how changes will be tracked.
   This document will also include the mechanisms to ensure the improvement of
   the original version, in particular by the presentation of a clear
   communication protocol between the SIG and the translation initiatives.

   "Introduction for translators who are new to CIDOC CRM" which will serve
   as a practical guide for translators who are less familiar with CIDOC CRM.
   It is presently contemplated to reuse documents which already exist.

   "Tools and Interchange Protocols" which will define the technological
   aspects which will facilitate the exchange of information between the SIG
   and the translation initiatives. We think in particular the questions of
   formats, templates, styles, compatibility, updates, bibliography management
   and tools.

As mentioned above, some aspects are outside the scope of our working group
and for this reason, we would like to solicit the participation of the SIG
with regard to the following aspects:


   We believe that it is important to give visibility to translation
   initiatives on the CIDOC CRM website, in particular to be able to quickly
   identify current initiatives, but also to easily access the documentation
   that we are going to produce.

   We would also need your insight into governance, particularly in terms
   of licensing, the ecosystem the initiatives will be part of, and
   publication formats.

   We believe that a comprehensive glossary to cover certain ambiguous
   terms would be very useful to allow a quality translation.

   Finally, in order to facilitate the creation of references, direct
   access to the SIG bibliography on Zotero would be appreciated.

In conclusion, the next few months will be devoted to writing this
documentation and we invite those wishing to participate in the initiative
to contact us.

Everything will be presented to you in a more detailed fashion during the
SIG meeting; here is the visual support

that will accompany the presentation if you ever want to consult it in

All the best,

*Philippe Michon*

(he/il –

Semantic Web Analyst
Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN)
Department of Canadian Heritage, Government of Canada
1030 Innes Road, Ottawa (Ontario) K1B 4S7
Tel: 613-998-3721 ext. 225 or 1-800-520-2446

Analyste en web sémantique
Réseau canadien d'information sur le patrimoine (RCIP)
Ministère du Patrimoine canadien, Gouvernement du Canada
1030 chemin Innes, Ottawa (Ontario), K1B 4S7
Tél. : 613-998-3721 poste 225 ou 1-800-520-2446
Crm-sig mailing list

[Crm-sig] E-vote for issue 384 (template for family models)

2021-06-18 Thread Athanasios Velios via Crm-sig

 Dear all,
This issue is about agreeing a template based on which the
  specification documents of CRM family models will be produced. The
  working document for this issue is here:
The proposed template is here:

The vote is to decide on whether to adopt the template document.
  The main change from the existing template is the inclusion of a
  table for class and property dependencies to allow clear
  references to other models without repeating material and while
  keeping track of different versions.

The possible votes are: 

  Yes = accept/agree
  No = do not accept/agree
  Other = With other you can either introduce a caveat (e.g.:
'Yes, but there is a typo on word x, fix it.') or you can write
VETO, if you wish to stop the proposal, in which case you should
also write a justification and reformulate the issue (e.g.:
'VETO, this change is unacceptable because it violates the
following principle...')

Please send your e-votes by the 28th of June.
All the best,


Crm-sig mailing list

[Crm-sig] E-vote for issue 493 (example templates)

2021-06-18 Thread Athanasios Velios via Crm-sig

 Dear all,
This issue is about agreeing a rationale and a template based on
  which CRMbase and CRM extension examples will be produced. The
  working document for this issue is here:
The homework including annotated templates is here:

The vote is to decide on whether to adopt the homework document.

The possible votes are: 

  Yes = accept/agree
  No = do not accept/agree
  Other = With other you can either introduce a caveat (e.g.:
'Yes, but there is a typo on word x, fix it.') or you can write
VETO, if you wish to stop the proposal, in which case you should
also write a justification and reformulate the issue (e.g.:
'VETO, this change is unacceptable because it violates the
following principle...')

Please send your e-votes by the 28th of June.
All the best,


Crm-sig mailing list

[Crm-sig] Fwd: 50th CIDOC CRM SIG Meeting (22-25 June 2021)

2021-06-18 Thread E. Tsoulouha via Crm-sig
Dear all,

For the (draft) agenda of the 50th CIDOC CRM & 43rd FRBR CRM sig
meeting, click on the link below:

If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us
by replying to this email. 

* PS: if you haven't filled in the registration form [2], please take a
moment to do so, as we will need to know who to send the zoom details

All the best,

 Original Message 
Subject: 50th CIDOC CRM SIG Meeting (22-25 June 2021)
Date: 2021-06-11 10:39
From: Eleni Tsoulouha 
Cc: Bekiari Xrysoula 

Dear all,

As announced earlier on the SIG list, the 50th CIDOC CRM & 43rd FRBR CRM
SIG meeting will take place between 22-25 June 2021 on Zoom.
Below you may find a (very) draft outline of the meeting (i.e. subject
to changes):

22 June: CIDOC CRM issues (14.00-18.00 CEST)
23 June: CRMsoc (& Business Model & Activity Plans), CRMsci (14.00-18.00
24 June: CIDOC CRM & LRMoo (14.00-18.00 CEST)
25 June: CRMarchaeo, CRMdig (14.00-18.00 CEST)
Like last time, each day will be split into two sessions. 

Please take a moment to fill in the registration form [1 [2]], if you
haven't done so already. 

The SIG would like to highlight that there is room in the schedule for
presentations on research and on-going projects / work related to CIDOC
If groups or individuals would like to present their work (and
questions) involving CIDOC CRM, please contact Chrysoula [2 [3]]or
to indicate that you would like to present, along with the topic of your
presentation by Monday 13 June. Just a title for your presentation is
needed, no abstract of additional information. Presentations usually
take approximately half an hour and can be used as a means to engage the
CRM community  as well as to receive input from  and offer experience to

Looking forward to seeing you at our next virtual CRM SIG.

All the best,


Crm-sig mailing list