Dear Franco,

This may need an addition in the scope note of E19 Physical Object: We definitely regard that an instance of E19 with all parts replaced is identical. As an Amount of Matter, it is no more the same. The position is, that there is no paradox, but the question is underspecified, because the respective category providing a sameness condition is not given. We adopt the position of David Wiggins in that matter. We assume identity criteria for E19 which are based on the continuity of coherence and functionality of the physical thing, and not on its substance. Coherence includes keeping parts together as a functional whole, as a set of chessman. The identity condition for an Amount of Matter is that which is archaeologically important: Is there original matter in it which can provide evidence of its original/initial states?

"Second, suppose that each of the removed pieces were stored in a warehouse, and after the century, technology develops to cure their rotting and enable them to be put back together to make a ship. Is this "reconstructed" ship the original ship? And if so, is the restored ship in the harbour still the original ship too?"

The above is a border case, but I propose to regard the "reconstructed" as a new E19 object, because the continuity of functionality is broken. The ship was definitely not temporarily on repair within an extended activity making use of it.

We need not make deep philosophies out of the difference. The question is more practical, if the users/owners regard and treat it as the same. We do not make classification for the purpose of classification, but for assigning unambiguously properties.

Would that make sense:-)?



On 2/19/2019 10:37 AM, Franco Niccolucci wrote:
This discussion reminds me the “Ship of Theseus” paradox (for those who don’t 
remember it:

So Phases depend on the identity criteria assumed for the Entity.


Prof. Franco Niccolucci
Director, VAST-LAB
PIN - U. of Florence
Scientific Coordinator

ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH)

Piazza Ciardi 25
59100 Prato, Italy

Il giorno 19 feb 2019, alle ore 09:18, Francesco Beretta 
<> ha scritto:


I agree with Martin's definition of phase and point of view of not "connecting a discussion about 
"phases of ideas" with "phases of Physical Things".

I earlier thought myself that ideas, in some ways, could have 'phases' but it 
seems more suitable, in the way of modeling adopted by the CRM, to say that 
ideas (in the sense of propositional objects or of concepts/types — and what 
about symbolic objects ?) exist as such, are identifiable as such, and do not 
change in their identity over time. It seems to be our mind, our belief (CRMinf 
I2 Belief), our mental state (Issue 359: mental state), that can evolve, i.e. 
the substratum carries new ideas, our classification of concepts can change, 
our belief, etc.       but this would be about changing of mental state not 
about changing of the ideas themselves, as such. Would this be the point ?

Would then, it this is correct, Mental state (not existing yet as class – Issue 
359) and Belief I2 be subclasses of Exxx Phase ?

Another issue would be to ask if a E74 Group can have phases. Althogh the 
identity of the group remains the same, it can have different 'behaviours', 
strategies, situations, etc. This is of course related to social life, to an 
ongoing, virtual CRMsoc extension. But insofar as 'Phase' is modelled as high 
abstraction level class in CRMbase itself, wouldn't be appropriate to consider 
also phases in the life of groups ?

If yes, then we would need one property pointing from the temporal entity 
'Phase' to the object concerned by the specific appearence or characteristic 
identifying the phase. But E74 Group and E18 Physical Things do not belong to 
the same class, right? By the way I was wondering why E74 Group is not subclass 
of Legal Object – E72. But if it was, this wouldn't arrange things, I assume, 
because, ont the one side, having phases in not the intension of the Legal 
Object class and, on the other side, there's the E90 Symbolic Object subclass 
there which wouldn't seem to have 'phases'. Or does it have indeed ?

All the best


Le 18.02.19 à 20:40, Martin Doerr a écrit :
Dear Martijn,

On 2/18/2019 5:10 PM, van Leusen, P.M. wrote:
Dear Martin,

Would you want to tie the existence of a phase exclusively to E18 Physical 
Things? One can imagine phases in the development of ideas as well....
Yes to both. As always, we do not model the term, here "phase", but try to define a distinct 
concept we can associate with a clear-cut "behavior". Physical Things can be thought of as having a 
simple trajectory through space-time: Any change makes the previous disappear.  Therefore, substantial 
evolutionary steps can be represented with a begin and ending on a time-line.That is a concept I can perceive 
as a sort of "phase". Therefore the label.

The evolution of ideas, as any other immaterial thing, does not make previous 
ideas disappear. I will be very happy to discuss what phases of ideas may be 
confined to, whose they are, what sense of progress they have, and how we 
perceive the social effect of ideas we would associate with phases.

Because of the above considerations, I suggest not to connect a discussion about "phases of 
ideas" with "phases of Physical Things" (which include humans!!). I do not suggest 
that phases of humans are restricted to material aspects. In my proposed definition, they may be 
due to mental developments, as long as they characterize substantially the being.

All the best,



On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 8:54 PM Martin Doerr <> wrote:
Dear All,

Here a first attempt to define "phase":

Exxx Phase

Subclass of:        E2 Temporal Entity

Superclass of:    E3 Condition State

Scope note:       This class comprises phases during the existence and 
evolution of an instance of E18 Physical Thing characterized by an appearance, 
constitution or a behavior distinct from that in other times of its existence, 
or distinct in the evolution of things of comparable kind, such as the  
nestling, fledgling, juvenile and adult forms of birds, but some kinds of 
phases may also be consequence of incidental changes such as accidents.



Dr. Martin Doerr

Honorary Head of the
Center for Cultural Informatics

Information Systems Laboratory
Institute of Computer Science
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece



Crm-sig mailing list

Dr. Martijn van Leusen
Associate professor, Landscape Archaeology, Groningen Institute of Archaeology
Poststraat 6, 9712ER Groningen (Netherlands) / phone +31 50 3636717
Chair, Examination Board for Arts, Culture and Archaeology / Chair, Faculty of 
Arts Advisory Board for Data Management policies
Academia page

Dr. Martin Doerr

Honorary Head of the
Center for Cultural Informatics

Information Systems Laboratory
Institute of Computer Science
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece



Crm-sig mailing list
Crm-sig mailing list

Crm-sig mailing list

 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


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