Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Sorry, entering a bug into the product JDT has been disabled.,

2022-04-19 Thread Ed Willink


A plan. Yes, a plan facilitates discussion that enables craziness to be 

So where is the Bugzilla that precedes the mad rush to issues?

Unfortunately I cannot participate on gitlab issues since gitlab seems 
unable to send notifications to me. I am excluded which may please many. 
I do not have the bandwidth to keep a Firefox tab open on every gitlab 
issue I care about and to poll them to see what has happened.

Re the respelling of as github. I moan but accept that 
this may be a necessary evil.

It is the loss of Bugzilla that I regard as unacceptable and a totally 
unjustified vandalism.

The plan never considered a new-GIT + new-Wiki + old-Bugzilla option.


        Ed Willink

On 18/04/2022 12:56, Ed Merks wrote:


The fate of Bugzilla, Gerrit, was 
announced to all committers:

The announcement included a plan:

It also included a place for providing feedback:

The platform has diligently migrated everything to Github, so that's a 
done deal and will not be undone.

Certainly there are issues with issues, e.g., you can't really move 
them between organizations, when an organization has many repos, it's 
not so clear where to open and issue, and how to search for issues 
across repos and organizations isn't clear.

Note that the Eclipse TLP has 4 organizations.

There are also advantages to issue, e.g., the user interface is much 
richer, allowing to create nice documentation with images and examples.

In any case, the place to  have a discussions, and to suggest concrete 
proposals to mitigate the downsides, is here rather than the mailing list:


On 18.04.2022 13:19, Ed Willink wrote:


Surely the fix is to abort this mad vandalism and so avoid the need 
to chase endless ripples?

While changing the spelling of and 
might be necessary and a manageable pain mitigated by redirects, 
terminating Bugzilla is madness.

Bugzilla has been providing an invaluable to service to the platform 
and JDT for over 20 years and as such is THE record of many design 
decisions. The integrity of this record should not lightly be 
discarded, particularly given that Bugzilla is not EOL. Ok it is not 
seeing much progress towards version 6, but to me that just 
demonstrates that it is adequate. Proposed replacements are far from 

Eclipse is an aggregate of many projects and so we have long 
encouraged users to report their bug making a best guess at the 
correct product, sure in the knowledge that it can be re-componented.

For instance was 
recently plausibly raised as an EMF bug, but then equally plausibly 
triaged as an OCL bug. Upon investigation this was bounced back again 
to EMF with the option to bounce further to platform. Bugzilla 
supports this very cleanly.

For instance again, last week I was forced to raise against PDE 
since JDT has gone. hoping that some PDE recipient would know what 
the new technology for re-componenting was. Instead a comment 
suggests that this is likely a side effect of the 16 year old that is still 
being worked on.

Examination of Bug 99622 shows that although JDT bugs have been moved 
to archive the active bugs have not yet been migrated and that no 
moved notifications have been sent.

It seems essential that ALL bugzillas from ALL 'platform' projects 
should be kept in the SAME search space; Bugzilla provides this. 
Replacements do not. This would seem to apply until some major 
disruption such as "e5" may justify the new team starting a new bug 
train for the new activity. Until then please keep e3 and e4 together.

For Modeling projects this is even more of an imperative. Sadly 
Eclipse and World Modeling is dying so the amount of new work in the 
next 20 years is likely to be much less than that in the last twenty. 
It is therefore crazy to split the dying embers off from their 
predecessors. If/when some magic new team of well funded enthusiasts 
comes along to pioneer EMF 3, then let them too choose the 
appropriate bug platform for the new initiative. For now please do 
not spend so much effort vandalizing out past achievements and 
burning our precious development resources.

Is there any long term Eclipse committer who actually wants this 
Bugzilla vandalism?


        Ed Willink


Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Sorry, entering a bug into the product JDT has been disabled.,

2022-04-19 Thread Ed Merks


I want to suggest *yet again *to please have this discussion on this 
issue rather than on this mailing list.

This way all the interested parties can partake in the discussion and it 
will be recorded in one place rather than threaded through this mailing 
list.  Also, you will then see how issues work (which is rather cool in 
my opinion) and you will be able to comment in a more informed way about it.

I'd also strongly suggest omitting the emotional baggage from the 
discussion because when you describe something as 'vandalism' it implies 
that there are vandals about.  I'm very sure that our fine, overworked, 
Eclipse-Foundation IT staff will not appreciate that implication, nor 
suggestions that there is craziness and madness involved.

Let's please be nice with one another, even when we are frustrated...


On 19.04.2022 10:08, Ed Willink wrote:


A plan. Yes, a plan facilitates discussion that enables craziness to 
be avoided.

So where is the Bugzilla that precedes the mad rush to issues?

Unfortunately I cannot participate on gitlab issues since gitlab seems 
unable to send notifications to me. I am excluded which may please 
many. I do not have the bandwidth to keep a Firefox tab open on every 
gitlab issue I care about and to poll them to see what has happened.

Re the respelling of as github. I moan but accept that 
this may be a necessary evil.

It is the loss of Bugzilla that I regard as unacceptable and a totally 
unjustified vandalism.

The plan never considered a new-GIT + new-Wiki + old-Bugzilla option.


        Ed Willink

On 18/04/2022 12:56, Ed Merks wrote:


The fate of Bugzilla, Gerrit, 
was announced to all committers:

The announcement included a plan:

It also included a place for providing feedback:

The platform has diligently migrated everything to Github, so that's 
a done deal and will not be undone.

Certainly there are issues with issues, e.g., you can't really move 
them between organizations, when an organization has many repos, it's 
not so clear where to open and issue, and how to search for issues 
across repos and organizations isn't clear.

Note that the Eclipse TLP has 4 organizations.

There are also advantages to issue, e.g., the user interface is much 
richer, allowing to create nice documentation with images and examples.

In any case, the place to  have a discussions, and to suggest 
concrete proposals to mitigate the downsides, is here rather than the 
mailing list:


On 18.04.2022 13:19, Ed Willink wrote:


Surely the fix is to abort this mad vandalism and so avoid the need 
to chase endless ripples?

While changing the spelling of and 
might be necessary and a manageable pain mitigated by redirects, 
terminating Bugzilla is madness.

Bugzilla has been providing an invaluable to service to the platform 
and JDT for over 20 years and as such is THE record of many design 
decisions. The integrity of this record should not lightly be 
discarded, particularly given that Bugzilla is not EOL. Ok it is not 
seeing much progress towards version 6, but to me that just 
demonstrates that it is adequate. Proposed replacements are far from 

Eclipse is an aggregate of many projects and so we have long 
encouraged users to report their bug making a best guess at the 
correct product, sure in the knowledge that it can be re-componented.

For instance was 
recently plausibly raised as an EMF bug, but then equally plausibly 
triaged as an OCL bug. Upon investigation this was bounced back 
again to EMF with the option to bounce further to platform. Bugzilla 
supports this very cleanly.

For instance again, last week I was forced to raise against PDE 
since JDT has gone. hoping that some PDE recipient would know what 
the new technology for re-componenting was. Instead a comment 
suggests that this is likely a side effect of the 16 year old that is still 
being worked on.

Examination of Bug 99622 shows that although JDT bugs have been 
moved to archive the active bugs have not yet been migrated and that 
no moved notifications have been sent.

It seems essential that ALL bugzillas from ALL 'platform' projects 
should be kept in the SAM

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Sorry, entering a bug into the product JDT has been disabled.,

2022-04-19 Thread Ed Willink


Sorry. This is vandalism. No other word for it. "action involving 
deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property." I 
didn't call anyone in particular a vandal since I do not know who / what 
is the underlying motivating force for this madness.

Yes I'm frustrated and seriously considering quitting Eclipse since the 
EF is pulling the rug out from facilities that I considered sacrosanct.

No I can't use gitlab since gitlab doesn't talk to me.



On 19/04/2022 09:25, Ed Merks wrote:


I want to suggest *yet again *to please have this discussion on this 
issue rather than on this mailing list.

This way all the interested parties can partake in the discussion and 
it will be recorded in one place rather than threaded through this 
mailing list.  Also, you will then see how issues work (which is 
rather cool in my opinion) and you will be able to comment in a more 
informed way about it.

I'd also strongly suggest omitting the emotional baggage from the 
discussion because when you describe something as 'vandalism' it 
implies that there are vandals about.  I'm very sure that our fine, 
overworked, Eclipse-Foundation IT staff will not appreciate that 
implication, nor suggestions that there is craziness and madness involved.

Let's please be nice with one another, even when we are frustrated...


On 19.04.2022 10:08, Ed Willink wrote:


A plan. Yes, a plan facilitates discussion that enables craziness to 
be avoided.

So where is the Bugzilla that precedes the mad rush to issues?

Unfortunately I cannot participate on gitlab issues since gitlab 
seems unable to send notifications to me. I am excluded which may 
please many. I do not have the bandwidth to keep a Firefox tab open 
on every gitlab issue I care about and to poll them to see what has 

Re the respelling of as github. I moan but accept 
that this may be a necessary evil.

It is the loss of Bugzilla that I regard as unacceptable and a 
totally unjustified vandalism.

The plan never considered a new-GIT + new-Wiki + old-Bugzilla option.


        Ed Willink

On 18/04/2022 12:56, Ed Merks wrote:


The fate of Bugzilla, Gerrit, 
was announced to all committers:

The announcement included a plan:

It also included a place for providing feedback:

The platform has diligently migrated everything to Github, so that's 
a done deal and will not be undone.

Certainly there are issues with issues, e.g., you can't really move 
them between organizations, when an organization has many repos, 
it's not so clear where to open and issue, and how to search for 
issues across repos and organizations isn't clear.

Note that the Eclipse TLP has 4 organizations.

There are also advantages to issue, e.g., the user interface is much 
richer, allowing to create nice documentation with images and examples.

In any case, the place to  have a discussions, and to suggest 
concrete proposals to mitigate the downsides, is here rather than 
the mailing list:


On 18.04.2022 13:19, Ed Willink wrote:


Surely the fix is to abort this mad vandalism and so avoid the need 
to chase endless ripples?

While changing the spelling of and 
might be necessary and a manageable pain mitigated by redirects, 
terminating Bugzilla is madness.

Bugzilla has been providing an invaluable to service to the 
platform and JDT for over 20 years and as such is THE record of 
many design decisions. The integrity of this record should not 
lightly be discarded, particularly given that Bugzilla is not EOL. 
Ok it is not seeing much progress towards version 6, but to me that 
just demonstrates that it is adequate. Proposed replacements are 
far from adequate.

Eclipse is an aggregate of many projects and so we have long 
encouraged users to report their bug making a best guess at the 
correct product, sure in the knowledge that it can be re-componented.

For instance was 
recently plausibly raised as an EMF bug, but then equally plausibly 
triaged as an OCL bug. Upon investigation this was bounced back 
again to EMF with the option to bounce further to platform. 
Bugzilla supports this very cleanly.

For instance again, last week I was forced to raise against PDE 
since JDT

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Sorry, entering a bug into the product JDT has been disabled.,

2022-04-19 Thread Ed Merks


Clearly you are not sorry.   So be it.  The underlying motivation has 
been articulated in the past of several occasions: reducing the number 
of essential services that must be supported.   Yes, it's frustrating I 
know.  I miss Gerrit already...

Apparently you do know how to create issues and how to comment on issues 
on gitlab:

So please comment there because I don't think the broader audience here 
needs to know the dictionary meaning of vandalism. Please, please try to 
be constructive.


On 19.04.2022 11:54, Ed Willink wrote:


Sorry. This is vandalism. No other word for it. "action involving 
deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property." I 
didn't call anyone in particular a vandal since I do not know who / 
what is the underlying motivating force for this madness.

Yes I'm frustrated and seriously considering quitting Eclipse since 
the EF is pulling the rug out from facilities that I considered 

No I can't use gitlab since gitlab doesn't talk to me.



On 19/04/2022 09:25, Ed Merks wrote:


I want to suggest *yet again *to please have this discussion on this 
issue rather than on this mailing list.

This way all the interested parties can partake in the discussion and 
it will be recorded in one place rather than threaded through this 
mailing list.  Also, you will then see how issues work (which is 
rather cool in my opinion) and you will be able to comment in a more 
informed way about it.

I'd also strongly suggest omitting the emotional baggage from the 
discussion because when you describe something as 'vandalism' it 
implies that there are vandals about.  I'm very sure that our fine, 
overworked, Eclipse-Foundation IT staff will not appreciate that 
implication, nor suggestions that there is craziness and madness 

Let's please be nice with one another, even when we are frustrated...


On 19.04.2022 10:08, Ed Willink wrote:


A plan. Yes, a plan facilitates discussion that enables craziness to 
be avoided.

So where is the Bugzilla that precedes the mad rush to issues?

Unfortunately I cannot participate on gitlab issues since gitlab 
seems unable to send notifications to me. I am excluded which may 
please many. I do not have the bandwidth to keep a Firefox tab open 
on every gitlab issue I care about and to poll them to see what has 

Re the respelling of as github. I moan but accept 
that this may be a necessary evil.

It is the loss of Bugzilla that I regard as unacceptable and a 
totally unjustified vandalism.

The plan never considered a new-GIT + new-Wiki + old-Bugzilla option.


        Ed Willink

On 18/04/2022 12:56, Ed Merks wrote:


The fate of Bugzilla, Gerrit, 
was announced to all committers:

The announcement included a plan:

It also included a place for providing feedback:

The platform has diligently migrated everything to Github, so 
that's a done deal and will not be undone.

Certainly there are issues with issues, e.g., you can't really move 
them between organizations, when an organization has many repos, 
it's not so clear where to open and issue, and how to search for 
issues across repos and organizations isn't clear.

Note that the Eclipse TLP has 4 organizations.

There are also advantages to issue, e.g., the user interface is 
much richer, allowing to create nice documentation with images and 

In any case, the place to  have a discussions, and to suggest 
concrete proposals to mitigate the downsides, is here rather than 
the mailing list:


On 18.04.2022 13:19, Ed Willink wrote:


Surely the fix is to abort this mad vandalism and so avoid the 
need to chase endless ripples?

While changing the spelling of and might be necessary and a manageable pain 
mitigated by redirects, terminating Bugzilla is madness.

Bugzilla has been providing an invaluable to service to the 
platform and JDT for over 20 years and as such is THE record of 
many design decisions. The integrity of this record should not 
lightly be discarded, particularly given that Bugzilla is not EOL. 
Ok it is not seeing much progress towards version 6, but to me 
that just demonstrates that it is adequate

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Sorry, entering a bug into the product JDT has been disabled.,

2022-04-19 Thread Christoph Läubrich

Just curious, if as you stated

> I do not know who / what is the underlying motivating
> force for this madness.

how do you know that, as you stated

> The plan never considered a new-GIT + new-Wiki + old-Bugzilla option.

and it was not considered?

From what I have seen on the mailingslist and elsewhere, many different 
options where discussion and there was a lot of room for the community 
to participate and give suggestions.

Am 19.04.22 um 11:54 schrieb Ed Willink:


Sorry. This is vandalism. No other word for it. "action involving 
deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property." I 
didn't call anyone in particular a vandal since I do not know who / what 
is the underlying motivating force for this madness.

Yes I'm frustrated and seriously considering quitting Eclipse since the 
EF is pulling the rug out from facilities that I considered sacrosanct.

No I can't use gitlab since gitlab doesn't talk to me.



On 19/04/2022 09:25, Ed Merks wrote:


I want to suggest *yet again *to please have this discussion on this 
issue rather than on this mailing list.

This way all the interested parties can partake in the discussion and 
it will be recorded in one place rather than threaded through this 
mailing list.  Also, you will then see how issues work (which is 
rather cool in my opinion) and you will be able to comment in a more 
informed way about it.

I'd also strongly suggest omitting the emotional baggage from the 
discussion because when you describe something as 'vandalism' it 
implies that there are vandals about.  I'm very sure that our fine, 
overworked, Eclipse-Foundation IT staff will not appreciate that 
implication, nor suggestions that there is craziness and madness involved.

Let's please be nice with one another, even when we are frustrated...


On 19.04.2022 10:08, Ed Willink wrote:


A plan. Yes, a plan facilitates discussion that enables craziness to 
be avoided.

So where is the Bugzilla that precedes the mad rush to issues?

Unfortunately I cannot participate on gitlab issues since gitlab 
seems unable to send notifications to me. I am excluded which may 
please many. I do not have the bandwidth to keep a Firefox tab open 
on every gitlab issue I care about and to poll them to see what has 

Re the respelling of as github. I moan but accept 
that this may be a necessary evil.

It is the loss of Bugzilla that I regard as unacceptable and a 
totally unjustified vandalism.

The plan never considered a new-GIT + new-Wiki + old-Bugzilla option.


        Ed Willink

On 18/04/2022 12:56, Ed Merks wrote:


The fate of Bugzilla, Gerrit, 
was announced to all committers:

The announcement included a plan:

It also included a place for providing feedback:

The platform has diligently migrated everything to Github, so that's 
a done deal and will not be undone.

Certainly there are issues with issues, e.g., you can't really move 
them between organizations, when an organization has many repos, 
it's not so clear where to open and issue, and how to search for 
issues across repos and organizations isn't clear.

Note that the Eclipse TLP has 4 organizations.

There are also advantages to issue, e.g., the user interface is much 
richer, allowing to create nice documentation with images and examples.

In any case, the place to  have a discussions, and to suggest 
concrete proposals to mitigate the downsides, is here rather than 
the mailing list:


On 18.04.2022 13:19, Ed Willink wrote:


Surely the fix is to abort this mad vandalism and so avoid the need 
to chase endless ripples?

While changing the spelling of and 
might be necessary and a manageable pain mitigated by redirects, 
terminating Bugzilla is madness.

Bugzilla has been providing an invaluable to service to the 
platform and JDT for over 20 years and as such is THE record of 
many design decisions. The integrity of this record should not 
lightly be discarded, particularly given that Bugzilla is not EOL. 
Ok it is not seeing much progress towards version 6, but to me that 
just demonstrates that it is adequate. Proposed replacements are 
far from adequate.

Eclipse is an aggregate of many projects and so we have long 
encouraged users to report their bug making a best guess at the 
correct product, sure in the k

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Sorry, entering a bug into the product JDT has been disabled.,

2022-04-19 Thread Denis Roy


I'm very sorry that you choose to see this as a vandalism. Change is 
always difficult to manage; yet if we refusing to accept it, we risk 
being left behind while our surroundings evolve around us. We've been 
holding onto good-old status quo for as long as we could. We must 
continue to evolve. Collectively.

I think your energies would be better invested in moving your projects 
forward. We can help, the burden is not all on you, and we've stretched 
the timelines as much as possible. You might be pleasantly surprised 
with the end result.

Unfortunately, you've been plagued with email issues for over a decade. 
Each time the EF IT team has plowed through logs and have given you 
trace IDs to try to track the issue at your provider. GitLab is talking 
to you. I don't feel we can do any more here.


On 2022-04-19 05:54, Ed Willink wrote:


Sorry. This is vandalism. No other word for it. "action involving 
deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property." I 
didn't call anyone in particular a vandal since I do not know who / 
what is the underlying motivating force for this madness.

Yes I'm frustrated and seriously considering quitting Eclipse since 
the EF is pulling the rug out from facilities that I considered 

No I can't use gitlab since gitlab doesn't talk to me.



On 19/04/2022 09:25, Ed Merks wrote:


I want to suggest *yet again *to please have this discussion on this 
issue rather than on this mailing list.

This way all the interested parties can partake in the discussion and 
it will be recorded in one place rather than threaded through this 
mailing list.  Also, you will then see how issues work (which is 
rather cool in my opinion) and you will be able to comment in a more 
informed way about it.

I'd also strongly suggest omitting the emotional baggage from the 
discussion because when you describe something as 'vandalism' it 
implies that there are vandals about.  I'm very sure that our fine, 
overworked, Eclipse-Foundation IT staff will not appreciate that 
implication, nor suggestions that there is craziness and madness 

Let's please be nice with one another, even when we are frustrated...


On 19.04.2022 10:08, Ed Willink wrote:


A plan. Yes, a plan facilitates discussion that enables craziness to 
be avoided.

So where is the Bugzilla that precedes the mad rush to issues?

Unfortunately I cannot participate on gitlab issues since gitlab 
seems unable to send notifications to me. I am excluded which may 
please many. I do not have the bandwidth to keep a Firefox tab open 
on every gitlab issue I care about and to poll them to see what has 

Re the respelling of as github. I moan but accept 
that this may be a necessary evil.

It is the loss of Bugzilla that I regard as unacceptable and a 
totally unjustified vandalism.

The plan never considered a new-GIT + new-Wiki + old-Bugzilla option.


        Ed Willink

On 18/04/2022 12:56, Ed Merks wrote:


The fate of Bugzilla, Gerrit, 
was announced to all committers:

The announcement included a plan:

It also included a place for providing feedback:

The platform has diligently migrated everything to Github, so 
that's a done deal and will not be undone.

Certainly there are issues with issues, e.g., you can't really move 
them between organizations, when an organization has many repos, 
it's not so clear where to open and issue, and how to search for 
issues across repos and organizations isn't clear.

Note that the Eclipse TLP has 4 organizations.

There are also advantages to issue, e.g., the user interface is 
much richer, allowing to create nice documentation with images and 

In any case, the place to  have a discussions, and to suggest 
concrete proposals to mitigate the downsides, is here rather than 
the mailing list:


On 18.04.2022 13:19, Ed Willink wrote:


Surely the fix is to abort this mad vandalism and so avoid the 
need to chase endless ripples?

While changing the spelling of and might be necessary and a manageable pain 
mitigated by redirects, terminating Bugzilla is madness.

Bugzilla has been providing an invaluable to service to the 
platform and JDT for over 20 years and as such is THE record of 
many design decisions. The integrity of this record

[cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Mickael Istria
Hi all,

In , active TM4E contributors
have agreed to consider the move the JavaSE-17 as minimal Java version
soon. The rationale is that some benefits of recent version of Java
languages (sealed Types, switch expressions) are likely to really
facilitate further maintenance and development of the parsers included in
TM4E, and also to increase quality (new constructs leave less space for
bugs, and often perform better). So we can expect a substantial gain for
TM4E future in adopting Java 17 soon.

I'm sharing this with Simultaneous Release channel as TM4E is part of
SimRel. At the moment, SimRel targets Java 11. So when TM4E is released
with Java 17 requirement, either SimRel allows that and the new release
gets in; or SimRel keeps Java 11 requirement and will use an older version
of TM4E (for which there would probably have no support given currently
active contributors are happy moving to Java 17).
TM4E is used by Wild Web Developer for instance; but Wild Web Developer
doesn't mandate 1 specific version of TM4E and we plan to keep TM4E
backward compatible in term of behavior and API; so those downstream
consumers should be able to work with former (Java 11-able) release as well
as newer (Java 17-able) release. So I don't think that downstream
consumption should be a main concern.

I would invite SimRel stakeholders to consider is whether/when to allow
Java 17-based code in SimRel.
Of course, I would advocate for "Do it right now" especially since JustJ
and thus SimRel and EPP packages ships a recent Java; but acknowledge that
this may require more discussion, hence why I'm sharing this plan for TM4E


Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE  developer, for Red Hat
cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, visit

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Jonah Graham
Thank you Mickael for starting this discussion.

I would be very keen to allow Java 17 as BREE in SimRel by a project that
wants it. I will endeavour to get the Planning Council to come to an
agreement on this as I think that is the group in charge of such

PS Where is "SimRel targets Java 11" defined? Is it just implicit at the
moment (because Eclipse Platform is Java 11), or is it explicit somewhere?
The only requirement on this topic in the SimRel Release Requirements is
that bundles have a BREE[1]



Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 10:25, Mickael Istria  wrote:

> Hi all,
> In , active TM4E contributors
> have agreed to consider the move the JavaSE-17 as minimal Java version
> soon. The rationale is that some benefits of recent version of Java
> languages (sealed Types, switch expressions) are likely to really
> facilitate further maintenance and development of the parsers included in
> TM4E, and also to increase quality (new constructs leave less space for
> bugs, and often perform better). So we can expect a substantial gain for
> TM4E future in adopting Java 17 soon.
> I'm sharing this with Simultaneous Release channel as TM4E is part of
> SimRel. At the moment, SimRel targets Java 11. So when TM4E is released
> with Java 17 requirement, either SimRel allows that and the new release
> gets in; or SimRel keeps Java 11 requirement and will use an older version
> of TM4E (for which there would probably have no support given currently
> active contributors are happy moving to Java 17).
> TM4E is used by Wild Web Developer for instance; but Wild Web Developer
> doesn't mandate 1 specific version of TM4E and we plan to keep TM4E
> backward compatible in term of behavior and API; so those downstream
> consumers should be able to work with former (Java 11-able) release as well
> as newer (Java 17-able) release. So I don't think that downstream
> consumption should be a main concern.
> I would invite SimRel stakeholders to consider is whether/when to allow
> Java 17-based code in SimRel.
> Of course, I would advocate for "Do it right now" especially since JustJ
> and thus SimRel and EPP packages ships a recent Java; but acknowledge that
> this may require more discussion, hence why I'm sharing this plan for TM4E
> early.
> Cheers,
> --
> Mickael Istria
> Eclipse IDE  developer, for Red Hat
> Developers 
> ___
> cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
> To unsubscribe from this list, visit
cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, visit

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] [tm4e-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Mickael Istria
On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 4:38 PM Jonah Graham  wrote:

> PS Where is "SimRel targets Java 11" defined? Is it just implicit at the
> moment (because Eclipse Platform is Java 11), or is it explicit somewhere?

Good question. It's more something that seems to me as an ad-hoc rule; but
maybe I'm just over-interpreting. Anyway, the goal is more to raise
awareness, we won't change the SimRel contribution to require JavaSE-17
immediately. It's just to clarify that support for older versions of TM4E
that use JavaSE-11 as BREE is likely to disappear soon and project that
depend on it may find it interesting for their own planning.
Also, if we can have an agreement to have JavaSE-17 requirement in SimRel
2022-06, we'll for sure welcome it and do the move & release ASAP so it
gets included in SimRel early May; but if not, we may delay a bit the
release. Overall, for TM4E, the sooner we can release with JavaSE-17
requirement, the better; but we're not in despair and can arrange things a
bit to better fit other constraints.
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] [tm4e-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Jonah Graham
On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 10:49, Mickael Istria  wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 4:38 PM Jonah Graham 
> wrote:
>> PS Where is "SimRel targets Java 11" defined? Is it just implicit at the
>> moment (because Eclipse Platform is Java 11), or is it explicit somewhere?
> Good question. It's more something that seems to me as an ad-hoc rule; but
> maybe I'm just over-interpreting. Anyway, the goal is more to raise
> awareness, we won't change the SimRel contribution to require JavaSE-17
> immediately. It's just to clarify that support for older versions of TM4E
> that use JavaSE-11 as BREE is likely to disappear soon and project that
> depend on it may find it interesting for their own planning.
> Also, if we can have an agreement to have JavaSE-17 requirement in SimRel
> 2022-06, we'll for sure welcome it and do the move & release ASAP so it
> gets included in SimRel early May; but if not, we may delay a bit the
> release. Overall, for TM4E, the sooner we can release with JavaSE-17
> requirement, the better; but we're not in despair and can arrange things a
> bit to better fit other constraints.

Thanks for that. I'll try to get an answer from the planning council soon.
It may have to wait until our May 4th meeting if we can't agree on the
mailing list.


> ___
> tm4e-dev mailing list
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Martin Lippert

Thanks a lot for bringing this to the wider audience, much appreciated.

I added a comment around a somewhat unpleasant consequence of an upgrade to 
JavaSE-17 as a minimal Java version: 

Which draws the attention to the tight coupling between the JRE that is used to 
run the IDE and the version of Gradle that users use in their projects (caused 
by the Buildship integration): 

Not sure what the best approach here is (beyond fixing the coupling that 
Buildship causes)… But probably worth to draw some attention to… :-)


> Am 19.04.2022 um 16:25 schrieb Mickael Istria :
> Hi all,
> In 
>  , active TM4E contributors have 
> agreed to consider the move the JavaSE-17 as minimal Java version soon. The 
> rationale is that some benefits of recent version of Java languages (sealed 
> Types, switch expressions) are likely to really facilitate further 
> maintenance and development of the parsers included in TM4E, and also to 
> increase quality (new constructs leave less space for bugs, and often perform 
> better). So we can expect a substantial gain for TM4E future in adopting Java 
> 17 soon.
> I'm sharing this with Simultaneous Release channel as TM4E is part of SimRel. 
> At the moment, SimRel targets Java 11. So when TM4E is released with Java 17 
> requirement, either SimRel allows that and the new release gets in; or SimRel 
> keeps Java 11 requirement and will use an older version of TM4E (for which 
> there would probably have no support given currently active contributors are 
> happy moving to Java 17).
> TM4E is used by Wild Web Developer for instance; but Wild Web Developer 
> doesn't mandate 1 specific version of TM4E and we plan to keep TM4E backward 
> compatible in term of behavior and API; so those downstream consumers should 
> be able to work with former (Java 11-able) release as well as newer (Java 
> 17-able) release. So I don't think that downstream consumption should be a 
> main concern.
> I would invite SimRel stakeholders to consider is whether/when to allow Java 
> 17-based code in SimRel.
> Of course, I would advocate for "Do it right now" especially since JustJ and 
> thus SimRel and EPP packages ships a recent Java; but acknowledge that this 
> may require more discussion, hence why I'm sharing this plan for TM4E early.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Mickael Istria
> Eclipse IDE  developer, for Red Hat 
> Developers 
> ___
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Apache Maven 3.8.5 is available on all Jenkins instances now

2022-04-19 Thread Frederic Gurr

Since there were no regressions reported, the
/opt/tools/apache-maven/latest link is pointing to 3.8.5 now.

See also:



On 18.03.22 11:35, Frederic Gurr wrote:
> Hi,
> Maven 3.8.5 has been deployed to all Jenkins instances.
> Note that apache-maven-latest has been set to 3.8.4 now and will stay
> for a while (at least 4 weeks) to give projects some time to check if
> there are any regressions with 3.8.5.
> Release notes for Maven 3.8.5 can be found here:
> Version details are available at
> Regards,
> Fred

Frederic Gurr
Release Engineer | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH

Berliner Allee 47, D-64295 Darmstadt
Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 92821
Managing Directors: Gaël Blondelle, Mike Milinkovich
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Mickael Istria
Thanks a lot Martin, it's indeed an annoyance.

Is specifying a (older) Gradle version on project a common practice? How
does it work in CLI if one uses a newer Gradle install to run some build
that defines an older Gradle version?
What are the chances that this bug gets fixed soon enough? (I'm going to
ask on the bug as well and link to the discussion).
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Christoph Läubrich

> I would be very keen to allow Java 17 as BREE in SimRel by a project
> that wants it.
> PS Where is "SimRel targets Java 11" defined? Is it just implicit
> at the moment (because Eclipse Platform is Java 11),

I think there is at least no *technical* reason of this, as far as I 
know there are still bundles targeting Java 8 (or even 6), one should 
only keep in mind that if Eclipse is run with JDK11 then it would 
require users to install never version if they want install such Java 17 
stuff (probably that will be automated with the JustJ updatesite 
included), so maybe there is nothing special to consider?

Am 19.04.22 um 16:37 schrieb Jonah Graham:

Thank you Mickael for starting this discussion.

I would be very keen to allow Java 17 as BREE in SimRel by a project 
that wants it. I will endeavour to get the Planning Council to come to 
an agreement on this as I think that is the group in charge of such 

PS Where is "SimRel targets Java 11" defined? Is it just implicit at the 
moment (because Eclipse Platform is Java 11), or is it explicit 
somewhere? The only requirement on this topic in the SimRel Release 
Requirements is that bundles have a BREE[1]



Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders 

On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 10:25, Mickael Istria > wrote:

Hi all,

 , active TM4E
contributors have agreed to consider the move the JavaSE-17 as
minimal Java version soon. The rationale is that some benefits of
recent version of Java languages (sealed Types, switch
expressions) are likely to really facilitate further maintenance
and development of the parsers included in TM4E, and also to
increase quality (new constructs leave less space for bugs, and
often perform better). So we can expect a substantial gain for TM4E
future in adopting Java 17 soon.

I'm sharing this with Simultaneous Release channel as TM4E is part
of SimRel. At the moment, SimRel targets Java 11. So when TM4E is
released with Java 17 requirement, either SimRel allows that and the
new release gets in; or SimRel keeps Java 11 requirement and will
use an older version of TM4E (for which there would probably have no
support given currently active contributors are happy moving to Java
TM4E is used by Wild Web Developer for instance; but Wild Web
Developer doesn't mandate 1 specific version of TM4E and we plan to
keep TM4E backward compatible in term of behavior and API; so those
downstream consumers should be able to work with former (Java
11-able) release as well as newer (Java 17-able) release. So I don't
think that downstream consumption should be a main concern.

I would invite SimRel stakeholders to consider is whether/when to
allow Java 17-based code in SimRel.
Of course, I would advocate for "Do it right now" especially since
JustJ and thus SimRel and EPP packages ships a recent Java; but
acknowledge that this may require more discussion, hence why I'm
sharing this plan for TM4E early.


Mickael Istria

Eclipse IDE  developer, for Red
Hat Developers 
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Torbjorn SVENSSON via cross-project-issues-dev

Is it only me that sees problems for downstream consumers of the SimRel? I 
mean, what happens if you use the SimRel as a way to define a stable target 
platform for your product?
As long as the BREE of the plugins is not newer than version X will allow the 
product to run with JRE of that version "X".
What you are talking about here is more or less requiring anyone using SimRel 
to also move to a JRE 17. I think that's okay to do, but there should be some 
heads up for this type of change as it can cause major problem for our 
downstream consumers.

My 2 cents is that the newest BREE allowed in SimRel should be the same version 
that is said to be the required JRE version to run the Eclipse IDE (AFAIK, 
that's JRE 11 ATM).

Kind regards,

ST Restricted

-Original Message-
From: cross-project-issues-dev  
On Behalf Of Christoph Läubrich
Sent: den 19 april 2022 19:16
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 
as BREE soon

 > I would be very keen to allow Java 17 as BREE in SimRel by a project
 > that wants it.
 > PS Where is "SimRel targets Java 11" defined? Is it just implicit
 > at the moment (because Eclipse Platform is Java 11),

I think there is at least no *technical* reason of this, as far as I 
know there are still bundles targeting Java 8 (or even 6), one should 
only keep in mind that if Eclipse is run with JDK11 then it would 
require users to install never version if they want install such Java 17 
stuff (probably that will be automated with the JustJ updatesite 
included), so maybe there is nothing special to consider?

Am 19.04.22 um 16:37 schrieb Jonah Graham:
> Thank you Mickael for starting this discussion.
> I would be very keen to allow Java 17 as BREE in SimRel by a project 
> that wants it. I will endeavour to get the Planning Council to come to 
> an agreement on this as I think that is the group in charge of such 
> requirements.
> PS Where is "SimRel targets Java 11" defined? Is it just implicit at the 
> moment (because Eclipse Platform is Java 11), or is it explicit 
> somewhere? The only requirement on this topic in the SimRel Release 
> Requirements is that bundles have a BREE[1]
> [1] 
> Jonah
> ~~~
> Jonah Graham
> Kichwa Coders
> On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 10:25, Mickael Istria  > wrote:
> Hi all,
> In
>  , active TM4E
> contributors have agreed to consider the move the JavaSE-17 as
> minimal Java version soon. The rationale is that some benefits of
> recent version of Java languages (sealed Types, switch
> expressions) are likely to really facilitate further maintenance
> and development of the parsers included in TM4E, and also to
> increase quality (new constructs leave less space for bugs, and
> often perform better). So we can expect a substantial gain for TM4E
> future in adopting Java 17 soon.
> I'm sharing this with Simultaneous Release channel as TM4E is part
> of SimRel. At the moment, SimRel targets Java 11. So when TM4E is
> released with Java 17 requirement, either SimRel allows that and the
> new release gets in; or SimRel keeps Java 11 requirement and will
> use an older version of TM4E (for which there would probably have no
> support given currently active contributors are happy moving to Java
> 17).
> TM4E is used by Wild Web Developer for instance; but Wild Web
> Developer doesn't mandate 1 specific version of TM4E and we plan to
> keep TM4E backward compatible in term of behavior and API; so those
> downstream consumers should be able to work with former (Java
> 11-able) release as well as newer (Java 17-able) release. So I don't
> think that downstream consumption should be a main concern.
> I would invite SimRel stakeholders to consider is whether/when to
> allow Java 17-based code in SimRel.
> Of course, I would advocate for "Do it right now" especially since
> JustJ and thus SimRel and EPP packages ships a recent Java; but
> acknowledge that this may require more discussion, hence why I'm
> sharing this plan for TM4E early.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Mickael Istria
> Eclipse IDE  developer, for Red
> Hat Developers 
> ___
> cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Jonah Graham
> Is it only me that sees problems for downstream consumers of the SimRel?

I think that is key the point of this discussion. If we allow BREE > 11,
then it complicates everything.

At some point we will allow it (because at some *future* point Eclipse
Platform will require it - I have no idea when that may be, it is out of my

If we don't allow BREE > 11 this means that SimRel will keep the last
BREE=Java 11 version of such bundles. For now it is just TM4E - but if
other projects also make such a move SimRel won't be keeping up with some
of the projects, which tells me this can't be a long term solution.

* although non-SimRel projects ShellWax and Corrosion are or will soon be
BREE of Java 17 too.


Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 14:34, Torbjorn SVENSSON via
cross-project-issues-dev  wrote:

> Hello,
> Is it only me that sees problems for downstream consumers of the SimRel? I
> mean, what happens if you use the SimRel as a way to define a stable target
> platform for your product?
> As long as the BREE of the plugins is not newer than version X will allow
> the product to run with JRE of that version "X".
> What you are talking about here is more or less requiring anyone using
> SimRel to also move to a JRE 17. I think that's okay to do, but there
> should be some heads up for this type of change as it can cause major
> problem for our downstream consumers.
> My 2 cents is that the newest BREE allowed in SimRel should be the same
> version that is said to be the required JRE version to run the Eclipse IDE
> (AFAIK, that's JRE 11 ATM).
> Kind regards,
> Torbjörn
> ST Restricted
> -Original Message-
> From: cross-project-issues-dev <
>> On Behalf Of Christoph
> Läubrich
> Sent: den 19 april 2022 19:16
> To:
> Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using
> JavaSE-17 as BREE soon
>  > I would be very keen to allow Java 17 as BREE in SimRel by a project
>  > that wants it.
>  > PS Where is "SimRel targets Java 11" defined? Is it just implicit
>  > at the moment (because Eclipse Platform is Java 11),
> I think there is at least no *technical* reason of this, as far as I
> know there are still bundles targeting Java 8 (or even 6), one should
> only keep in mind that if Eclipse is run with JDK11 then it would
> require users to install never version if they want install such Java 17
> stuff (probably that will be automated with the JustJ updatesite
> included), so maybe there is nothing special to consider?
> Am 19.04.22 um 16:37 schrieb Jonah Graham:
> > Thank you Mickael for starting this discussion.
> >
> > I would be very keen to allow Java 17 as BREE in SimRel by a project
> > that wants it. I will endeavour to get the Planning Council to come to
> > an agreement on this as I think that is the group in charge of such
> > requirements.
> >
> > PS Where is "SimRel targets Java 11" defined? Is it just implicit at the
> > moment (because Eclipse Platform is Java 11), or is it explicit
> > somewhere? The only requirement on this topic in the SimRel Release
> > Requirements is that bundles have a BREE[1]
> >
> > [1]
> >
> > <
> >
> >
> > Jonah
> >
> >
> > ~~~
> > Jonah Graham
> > Kichwa Coders
> > 
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 10:25, Mickael Istria  > > wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > In
> >  , active TM4E
> > contributors have agreed to consider the move the JavaSE-17 as
> > minimal Java version soon. The rationale is that some benefits of
> > recent version of Java languages (sealed Types, switch
> > expressions) are likely to really facilitate further maintenance
> > and development of the parsers included in TM4E, and also to
> > increase quality (new constructs leave less space for bugs, and
> > often perform better). So we can expect a substantial gain for TM4E
> > future in adopting Java 17 soon.
> >
> > I'm sharing this with Simultaneous Release channel as TM4E is part
> > of SimRel. At the moment, SimRel targets Java 11. So when TM4E is
> > released with Java 17 requirement, either SimRel allows that and the
> > new release gets in; or SimRel keeps Java 11 requirement and will
> > use an older version of TM4E (for which there would probably have no
> > support given currently active contributors are happy moving to Java
> > 17).
> > TM4E is used by Wild Web Developer for instance; but Wild Web
> > Developer doesn't mandate 1 specific version of TM4E and we plan

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Mickael Istria
On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 8:35 PM Torbjorn SVENSSON via
cross-project-issues-dev  wrote:

> Hello,


> What you are talking about here is more or less requiring anyone using
> SimRel to also move to a JRE 17.

Not directly (SimRel can still use older versions of TM4E), but yes, I
guess it can become the beginning of a trend for many projects and
ultimately SimRel moving to JRE 17.
Downstream projects/products that have different requirements from what
SimRel decides to provide will have to deal with them on their hand, eg
composing versions in their .target.

> I think that's okay to do, but there should be some heads up for this type
> of change as it can cause major problem for our downstream consumers.

This is kind of a 1st heads up ;)

My 2 cents is that the newest BREE allowed in SimRel should be the same
> version that is said to be the required JRE version to run the Eclipse IDE
> (AFAIK, that's JRE 11 ATM).

Eclipse IDE can currently run with JRE 11, but the vast majority of users
now do get JustJ from EPP packages; and that is currently Java 18.

But overall, it is still totally acceptable for some projects to stick to
older Java while some other move to newer.
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[cross-project-issues-dev] Two versions of ASM 9.3.0

2022-04-19 Thread Jonah Graham
Hi folks,

Not sure where this question goes.

At the moment Eclipse Platform consumes ASM directly from Maven, which
means the version it has in its I-builds is 9.3.0[1] - GPG signed.

Orbit also has ASM 9.3.0, made in the same way as 9.2.0 and previous
releases. This means Orbit contributes version 9.3.0.v20220409-0157[2] -
jar signed.

I am concerned this means we can end up with both versions in SimRel a bit
too easily.

What, if anything, should we do about this? Is this the expected outcome?



Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Jonah Graham
On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 15:07, Mickael Istria  wrote:

> Eclipse IDE can currently run with JRE 11, but the vast majority of users
> now do get JustJ from EPP packages; and that is currently Java 18.
I assume the "Java 18" was just a typo - EPP is shipping  withJava 17 and
will be (at least) until the next LTS Java version.

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Two versions of ASM 9.3.0

2022-04-19 Thread Mickael Istria

Do both version end in SimRel? I think the version constraint in Platform
are lax enough to let it use Orbit's version; so SimRel may actually
resolve it to only 1 version. If not and if this can help, we can consider
relaxing constraints in Platform to enable that.

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Two versions of ASM 9.3.0

2022-04-19 Thread Nitin Dahyabhai
Unless and until there is a pressing need for a newer version than what's in 
Orbit--which has a recipe that can be updated should that need arise--couldn't 
the Platform stop simply stop packaging its own?
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Two versions of ASM 9.3.0

2022-04-19 Thread Andrey Loskutov
A really hard to detect problem may appear if the code that used signed classes 
will get in contact with code loaded unsigned. While that this doesn't matter 
from compiler POV, and the actual code is identical, at runtime the classes and 
packages will be incompatible. I remember we had something like this in our 
code that used one ASM version from platform and another one coming from Xtext, 
at runtime both were loaded and we had verify errors where VM complained about 
incompatible class loaded or bad operand type on stack or something similar 
(asm bundles are not singletons and multiple bundle versions may coexist in one 

So ideally we shouldn't mix multiple ASM bundles in one release.

Am 19. April 2022 21:23:21 MESZ schrieb Jonah Graham :
>Hi folks,
>Not sure where this question goes.
>At the moment Eclipse Platform consumes ASM directly from Maven, which
>means the version it has in its I-builds is 9.3.0[1] - GPG signed.
>Orbit also has ASM 9.3.0, made in the same way as 9.2.0 and previous
>releases. This means Orbit contributes version 9.3.0.v20220409-0157[2] -
>jar signed.
>I am concerned this means we can end up with both versions in SimRel a bit
>too easily.
>What, if anything, should we do about this? Is this the expected outcome?
>Jonah Graham
>Kichwa Coders

Kind regards,
Andrey Loskutov
Спасение утопающих - дело рук самих утопающих
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Two versions of ASM 9.3.0

2022-04-19 Thread Aleksandar Kurtakov
On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 10:39 PM Nitin Dahyabhai 

> Unless and until there is a pressing need for a newer version than what's
> in Orbit--which has a recipe that can be updated should that need
> arise--couldn't the Platform stop simply stop packaging its own?

That's kind of what happened - [1] and [2]. At the time Platform (PDE
actually) had the need and work was initiated there was nothing in Orbit -


> ___
> cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
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Aleksandar Kurtakov
Red Hat Eclipse Team
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Two versions of ASM 9.3.0

2022-04-19 Thread Jonah Graham
On Tue., Apr. 19, 2022, 15:49 Aleksandar Kurtakov, 

> On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 10:39 PM Nitin Dahyabhai 
> wrote:
>> Unless and until there is a pressing need for a newer version than what's
>> in Orbit--which has a recipe that can be updated should that need
>> arise--couldn't the Platform stop simply stop packaging its own?
> That's kind of what happened - [1] and [2]. At the time Platform (PDE
> actually) had the need and work was initiated there was nothing in Orbit -
> [3].

So now that it is orbit would a PR to consume that one when M2 orbit is
ready be welcome?


> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
>> ___
>> cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
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> --
> Aleksandar Kurtakov
> Red Hat Eclipse Team
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Two versions of ASM 9.3.0

2022-04-19 Thread Aleksandar Kurtakov
On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 11:12 PM Jonah Graham 

> On Tue., Apr. 19, 2022, 15:49 Aleksandar Kurtakov, 
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 10:39 PM Nitin Dahyabhai 
>> wrote:
>>> Unless and until there is a pressing need for a newer version than
>>> what's in Orbit--which has a recipe that can be updated should that need
>>> arise--couldn't the Platform stop simply stop packaging its own?
>> That's kind of what happened - [1] and [2]. At the time Platform (PDE
>> actually) had the need and work was initiated there was nothing in Orbit -
>> [3].
> So now that it is orbit would a PR to consume that one when M2 orbit is
> ready be welcome?

What happens next time PDE/JDT needs new ASM? Same dance? This doesn't
sound like a good long term plan to me.
My personal opinion is that it's better to stop putting things in Orbit
when upstream provides OSGi bundles in Maven central but use directly.

> Thanks,
> Jonah
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>>> ___
>>> cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
>>> To unsubscribe from this list, visit
>> --
>> Aleksandar Kurtakov
>> Red Hat Eclipse Team
>> ___
>> cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
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> ___
> cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
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Aleksandar Kurtakov
Red Hat Eclipse Team
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Two versions of ASM 9.3.0

2022-04-19 Thread Jonah Graham
Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 16:28, Aleksandar Kurtakov 

> On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 11:12 PM Jonah Graham 
> wrote:
>> On Tue., Apr. 19, 2022, 15:49 Aleksandar Kurtakov, 
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 10:39 PM Nitin Dahyabhai 
>>> wrote:
 Unless and until there is a pressing need for a newer version than
 what's in Orbit--which has a recipe that can be updated should that need
 arise--couldn't the Platform stop simply stop packaging its own?

>>> That's kind of what happened - [1] and [2]. At the time Platform (PDE
>>> actually) had the need and work was initiated there was nothing in Orbit -
>>> [3].
>> So now that it is orbit would a PR to consume that one when M2 orbit is
>> ready be welcome?
> What happens next time PDE/JDT needs new ASM? Same dance? This doesn't
> sound like a good long term plan to me.
My personal opinion is that it's better to stop putting things in Orbit
> when upstream provides OSGi bundles in Maven central but use directly.

OK - in that case we have some specific SimRel testing to do:

1- Which bundles ends up SimRel - or do both end up there. I assume that it
will be the Orbit one because it is more recent as far as p2 is concerned
(not sure, just best guess).
2- Starting from the SDK, does installing features from SimRel cause both
to be installed, and if so, are both resolved.

I have added the above test to my M2 checks I will do - - and I
will report back then.


>> Thanks,
>> Jonah
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 as BREE soon

2022-04-19 Thread Christoph Läubrich
Just because some bundles are J17 don't mean everyone will need J17 if 
consuming "simrel", I assume there is no one really building a product 
that contains *ever* simrel project.

So lets assume there is a never java 17 version in simrel, and you want 
to stick with java 11, then you can simply use that part from an earlier 
simrel. In the end this is not different from keeping the old java 11 
version in simrel and publish a "non simrel" java 17 release.

So from my point of view it does not makes much sense to keep older 
releases in simrel and publish newer ones of it unless you plan to 
contribute bugfix releases to the java 11 one in parallel, that's what 
releases are for that people can still use the old stuff if you moved 
ahead... otherwise one update-site could be used for a rolling release 
and eclipse could save a lot of storage-space ;-)

Am 19.04.22 um 20:34 schrieb Torbjorn SVENSSON via cross-project-issues-dev:


Is it only me that sees problems for downstream consumers of the SimRel? I 
mean, what happens if you use the SimRel as a way to define a stable target 
platform for your product?
As long as the BREE of the plugins is not newer than version X will allow the product to 
run with JRE of that version "X".
What you are talking about here is more or less requiring anyone using SimRel 
to also move to a JRE 17. I think that's okay to do, but there should be some 
heads up for this type of change as it can cause major problem for our 
downstream consumers.

My 2 cents is that the newest BREE allowed in SimRel should be the same version 
that is said to be the required JRE version to run the Eclipse IDE (AFAIK, 
that's JRE 11 ATM).

Kind regards,

ST Restricted

-Original Message-
From: cross-project-issues-dev  
On Behalf Of Christoph Läubrich
Sent: den 19 april 2022 19:16
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] TM4E planning to start using JavaSE-17 
as BREE soon

  > I would be very keen to allow Java 17 as BREE in SimRel by a project
  > that wants it.
  > PS Where is "SimRel targets Java 11" defined? Is it just implicit
  > at the moment (because Eclipse Platform is Java 11),

I think there is at least no *technical* reason of this, as far as I
know there are still bundles targeting Java 8 (or even 6), one should
only keep in mind that if Eclipse is run with JDK11 then it would
require users to install never version if they want install such Java 17
stuff (probably that will be automated with the JustJ updatesite
included), so maybe there is nothing special to consider?

Am 19.04.22 um 16:37 schrieb Jonah Graham:

Thank you Mickael for starting this discussion.

I would be very keen to allow Java 17 as BREE in SimRel by a project
that wants it. I will endeavour to get the Planning Council to come to
an agreement on this as I think that is the group in charge of such

PS Where is "SimRel targets Java 11" defined? Is it just implicit at the
moment (because Eclipse Platform is Java 11), or is it explicit
somewhere? The only requirement on this topic in the SimRel Release
Requirements is that bundles have a BREE[1]



Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders 

On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 10:25, Mickael Istria>> wrote:

 Hi all,

  , active TM4E
 contributors have agreed to consider the move the JavaSE-17 as
 minimal Java version soon. The rationale is that some benefits of
 recent version of Java languages (sealed Types, switch
 expressions) are likely to really facilitate further maintenance
 and development of the parsers included in TM4E, and also to
 increase quality (new constructs leave less space for bugs, and
 often perform better). So we can expect a substantial gain for TM4E
 future in adopting Java 17 soon.

 I'm sharing this with Simultaneous Release channel as TM4E is part
 of SimRel. At the moment, SimRel targets Java 11. So when TM4E is
 released with Java 17 requirement, either SimRel allows that and the
 new release gets in; or SimRel keeps Java 11 requirement and will
 use an older version of TM4E (for which there would probably have no
 support given currently active contributors are happy moving to Java
 TM4E is used by Wild Web Developer for instance; but Wild Web
 Developer doesn't mandate 1 specific version of TM4E and we plan to
 keep TM4E backward compatible in term of behavior and API; so those
 downstream consumers should be able to work with former (Java
 11-able) release as well as newer (Java 17-able) release. So

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Two versions of ASM 9.3.0

2022-04-19 Thread Christoph Läubrich

I think there are two cases:

1) ASM is only included transitively (e.g. there is no feature 
referencing it) and everyone uses a proper version range.

2) It is referenced directly with a fixed version

In the first case i think we don't have a problem as it either is not 
part of the updatesite or p2 will chose only one version

In the second most probably two version will installed and it now 
depends how good the bundle is shaped (e.g. does it use proper 
use-clauses) if OSGi will sort that out at runtime.

To make the second case more lax, I have opened a bug [1] at Tycho to 
support version range inclusion of features so one do not need to stick 
to a strict version. Then it would even be possible to resolve this on 
p2 level and p2 will simply choose the highest matching version to install.


Am 20.04.22 um 00:26 schrieb Jonah Graham:

Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders 

On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 16:28, Aleksandar Kurtakov > wrote:

On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 11:12 PM Jonah Graham>> wrote:

On Tue., Apr. 19, 2022, 15:49 Aleksandar Kurtakov,>> wrote:

On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 10:39 PM Nitin Dahyabhai>> wrote:

Unless and until there is a pressing need for a newer
version than what's in Orbit--which has a recipe that
can be updated should that need arise--couldn't the
Platform stop simply stop packaging its own?

That's kind of what happened - [1] and [2]. At the time
Platform (PDE actually) had the need and work was initiated
there was nothing in Orbit - [3].

So now that it is orbit would a PR to consume that one when M2
orbit is ready be welcome? 

What happens next time PDE/JDT needs new ASM? Same dance? This
doesn't sound like a good long term plan to me.

My personal opinion is that it's better to stop putting things in
Orbit when upstream provides OSGi bundles in Maven central but use

OK - in that case we have some specific SimRel testing to do:

1- Which bundles ends up SimRel - or do both end up there. I assume that 
it will be the Orbit one because it is more recent as far as p2 is 
concerned (not sure, just best guess).
2- Starting from the SDK, does installing features from SimRel cause 
both to be installed, and if so, are both resolved.

I have added the above test to my M2 checks I will do - 
and I will report back then.






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Aleksandar Kurtakov

Red Hat Eclipse Team