
As some of you who have been following bug 463510 know there have been some changes to the signing service provided by the Foundation. As of now the changes consist mainly of:

1) Increased verbosity in the logs indicate what Java version (6 or 8) is being used to both execute the 'jarsigner' command as well as run the jarprocessor
2) Previously signed files should no longer be re-signed
3) You can choose to use Java 6(and the old jar processor) or Java 8(and a newer jar processor)

To use Java 8 for signing/processing you'll need to do one of the following in your build:

1) Set the environment variable "JAR_PROCESSOR_JAVA" to 'java8' before signing. 2) include 'java8' in the path for the file to be signed, ie: /shared/download-staging.priv/myproject/java8/myjarfile.jar

If you do nothing, your builds should continue to be signed/processed using Java 6 and everything should 'just work' as it always has.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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