Hi Folks,

As most of you know by now we made a change for bug 407265 which unset the JAVA_HOME variable for Hudson. However as some of you found out this has caused some build issues as the 'default' JDK was no longer 1.6.0_21_x64(the current work around is to explicitly set the default JDK for your build via the config page).

I talked to the Hudson team about how Hudson determines the 'default' JDK and was told that there were 3 ways the JDK was picked(in order):

The JDK specified via JDK installation in the Global Configuration page
The JDK specified via the environmental variable JAVA_HOME
The JDK in the shell path

In the case of multiple installed JDKs the first entry is selected as the default. In our case that means that the 'default' JDK is now 1.6.0_x32 .

My proposed fix is re-ordering the installed JDK list and making 1.6.0_21_x64 the first entry by editing the Hudson config file and waiting for the weekly reboot to pick up the changes.

Given our proximity to Kepler this is the last change I'd like to make(barring emergency fixes).

Comments, questions or concerns?  Let's talk!


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