Re: [crossfire] Quest management system proposal

2006-08-07 Thread Mark Wedel
Nicolas Weeger (Laposte) wrote:
   Looking at that, and looking at your example, it seems hardly really
 clear to follow.
 After some thinking, having a Python script handle the dialog seems the best 
 way, actually :)
 This way, the whole dialog is written into the Python script, including the 

  I'd rather not have the NPC conversation be in python.  IT has long been 
discusses that the NPC conversation needs to be improved, with things like 
conversation states, etc.  This is unrelated to quests in particular - just a 
general good thing to do.

  IMO, having some basic scripting syntax for states in the message/endmessage 
would be a good thing - after all, map makers are people that would be using 
that, and at current time, there isn't a requirement that map makers also be 
programmers.  I suppose and answer could be 'just copy the npc script from 
elsewhere' to the less technical map makers, but I'm not sure that is a good 

   I think that for the NPC state data, that should probably be stored in a
 force object that expires after some amount of time (like 1 minute
 real-time after last update).  After all, other players may interact with
 that NPC, and state should reset for them.
 I'd say each player has his/her own state, so they don't conflict.

  OTOH, for NPCs, such conflicting/local state may make sense.  If you think of 
a case of a couple players talking to the same NPCs at the same time, it would 
make perfect sense for the NPC to progress the conversation as it perceives it 
if the npc responds differently to 'foo' based on its state, and player a says 
foo, npc responds, then player b says foo, the npc should give its second 
to foo.

  This also makes sense that anything the NPC says can be heard to anyone near 
by (it isn't just at the player).  This is why I was thinking NPC's should have 
some limited state just for general conversations (the case this really covers 
is when you should be able to keep saying 'yes' to the npc to get more info, 
the current mechanism doesn't allow that, so instead players have to start 
guessing what is the word to continue the conversation).

  There certainly should be state information for the player itself related to 
npc conversations in some cases (especially quests).

   I'd put using a python script near the bottom.  Not that python is
 inherently bad, but I think for developer reasons.  In theory, the entire
 crossfire server could be in python - that obviously won't happen.  But
 given that the server is currently in C, it is quite reasonable to expect
 all developers to know C.  But if there are bugs/improvements that need to
 be done to the script, but the developer doesn't know python, not sure
 where that really leaves things.
 I'd say you underestimate developers :)
 Scripting wouldn't require many functions in Python, just basic ones, and any 
 C developer would feel at home looking at the logic imo.

  It seems like every year or so, the discussion of what should be in C and 
should be in plugins shows up, and this is sort of one of those.  I suppose we 
really should come up with a standard and document it.

  But some also goes to above - the people who will use quests are mapmakers. 
Should it be a requirement for mapmakers to know python/have scripting skills 
use many of the handy features of crossfire/map maker?

  If the answer there is yes, then no real issues.  If the answer is no, then 
perhaps need to revisit if python is the best solution.

   As a note, the ability to give such rewards just in general could be nice
 not really related to quests.  Drop an item, get some exp reward, etc.
 This can already be done, via a Python script for instance. Unless I'm 
 mistaking what you mean?

  Sort of goes to the same question above - what skills do developers need.

  That said, it may be reasonable to have some set of basic scripts that do 
basic actions (add exp, etc) - in a sense standard scripts that map makers can 
use without having to know scripting.  they just need to be well documented.

 So what I'd do is:
 * remove existing quest system, which is a bastardized version
 * write a Python quests command, with a few parameters (to get descriptions 
 and so on)
 * write a few Python scripts to help write quest scripts and manage quests 
 Then it's just a matter of writing Python scripts to handle quests :)

  One question completely unrelated to this - would it make sense for the 
scripts themselves to be located in the same directory as the maps itself?

  For example, right now, all scripts are in python/

  This makes it a little harder to have modularized maps (I just can't tar up 
'mwedel-newmaps' and send it out) - I also need to tar up the appropriate files 
within the python directory.

  If instead, I can have 'mwedel-newpaps/, ...' that is more 
convenient.  And I'd imagine it probably wouldn't be too hard to modify the 

Re: [crossfire] NPC recursive bug

2006-08-07 Thread Mark Wedel

  I agree that adding new static variables may not be the best thing.

  And actually, for the NPC code, making it so it doesn't need them may not be 
so hard (since I think it recursives pretty locally).  OTOH, it may not be so 
easy - I briefly looked at the apply code before formulating my reply, and it 
can recurse, but pretty indirectly, which is probably why it uses a static.

  The advantage of it actually recursing with passed in value is that it 
eliminates any bug where the count isn't being decremented - to start out with, 
you pass in zero when the player is saying something.

crossfire mailing list

Re: [crossfire] Makefile fun

2006-08-07 Thread Tchize
Have plugin_common make a static lib other plugins can use, that will 
mean duplicate code in memory when running various plugin uing common 
code, but that also is safer to isolate various plugins.

Nicolas Weeger (Laposte) wrote:

 I think the makefiles for the plugins are kind of weird :)

 Currently the Python makefile references directly 
 the ../common/plugin_common.c file, so the makefile for plugin_common is 
 basically useless.

 Meaning when we add files to the common directory we must update the Python 
 makefiles, something I think is weird.

 IMO, plugin_common should generate a library, which the Python plugin links 
 during build.

 But I'm no makefile expert, so I don't want to break anything :)


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[crossfire] Crossfire Release Cycles/Methodology

2006-08-07 Thread Mark Wedel
Per the recent discussion on code reorganization and what goes in what
release, this document is an attempt to gather the points raised and make it
into a formal document that can be included in the code or put on the wiki.

This document does not attempt to justify or explain why different things are
done for reasons of brevity - if we actually want every developer to read it,
we want to stick to the what the rules are, and not as much how we arrived at
those rules.

If I missed anything, or there is strong disagreement on any of these points, 
speak up.


- Crossfire versioning is described as major.minor.micro
   - 2.3.4 means major version 2, minor 3, micro 4
   - The main (head) of the CVS branch contains what will be the next major
   - A branch for the minor releases will be made when a major release is done
 - It is from this stable-major branch that future minor releases are made.
 - If a micro release is necessary, it will be branched from the
   stable-major branch, as stable-major-minor.
   - The RE may choose to make a branch for an upcoming minor release to
 limit changes, as stable-major-minor.
   - Minor releases will be made at periodic intervals (2-4 months apart).
   - Micro releases will only be done if an immediate release is necessary
 due to a critical bug, and waiting for the next minor release is not
 an option.
   - All releases will be symbolically tagged as rel-major-minor-micro
   - There is no practical upper limit to minor or micro versions -
 crossfire 1.16.22 is valid.
   - Client and server releases will be done at same time, with matching
 version numbers.
 - Exception is micro releases, where it may be only the client or
   only the server released.
   - Public servers expected to run the stable branch, not the head branch.
   - stable branch will be made for all arch, maps, client, and server
 components of crossfire.

- What goes in each version of Crossfire:
   - All changes go into the main head branch, what will become the
 the next major release.
   - Smaller features/additions will also be done in the stable branch.
 - Developer discretion on whether to make change to stable branch
   in addition to head branch
   - Bug fixes go in both branches.
 - Developer making bug fix responsible for updating both branches
   - Following changes can only be made in the head (next major) branch:
 - Changes that break compatibility
 - Changes that make signficant changes to the code.
 - Removal of programs (discontinue support for a client as an example)
 - Changing name of executables.
   - Feature set of next major release to be discussed by developers.
 - List of proposed changes sent to mailing list.
 - Developers comment, decide priorities on list of features for next
   major release.
 - For major features, brief design document needs to be written,
   describing the feature, why it is important, and in broad terms,
   how it will be done.
   - All changes to protocol must have a design doc, no matter how small.
   - Design doc must be done before changes are commited - no writing
 design doc after code is written
 - Major release is done when feature set is complete.
 - For 2.0, smaller list of features should be the criteria since this
   change of release strategy is happening later in the 1.x release cycle.

Open Issues:

- Should we switch to SVN?  Switching repositories at same time as switching
   what the head branch means would make the most sense.
- Need some way to drive development - need some way to make sure items
   on TODO list for next release get done, and that developers just don't
   work on cool features they want that may not match TODO list.

crossfire mailing list

Re: [crossfire] Crossfire Release Cycles/Methodology

2006-08-07 Thread Alex Schultz
Mark Wedel wrote:
 Per the recent discussion on code reorganization and what goes in what
 release, this document is an attempt to gather the points raised and make it
 into a formal document that can be included in the code or put on the wiki.

 snipped the large list
Those rules seem to make alot of sense to me. I can't think of any
disagreement I have with them.
 Open Issues:

 - Should we switch to SVN?  Switching repositories at same time as switching
what the head branch means would make the most sense.
I agree that when switching what the head branch means makes the most
sense, however I'm not sure that to SVN would be a great type of move to
me. SVN from what I've seen does address some of CVS's weaknesses,
however I have heard that the way it handles branching for example is
ugly. Could someone with more experience with SVN comment on branching
in SVN? Also, if we are willing/able to move off of for version
control, it might be worth considering other version control options (I
personally think that if we don't use either SVN or CVS, we should see
if we can set up a read-only CVS or SVN mirror for people to download
off of who don't have the other type of version control software.)
 - Need some way to drive development - need some way to make sure items
on TODO list for next release get done, and that developers just don't
work on cool features they want that may not match TODO list
Well, the best method of dealing with this I've seen, is with how many
projects set things like Blocking 2.0 in their bugzilla system. We
might be able to use either categories or priority with the
tracker, however that seems hackish to me and wouldn't be the clearest.
That said, I think if we are to continue using the tracker, it
would be best to use that for TODO goals, however I think it may be
worth considering moving off of for bug tracking.

Alex Schultz

crossfire mailing list

Re: [crossfire] create earth wall totally nerfed ...

2006-08-07 Thread ERACC Subscriptions
On Monday 07 August 2006 02:49 pm
ERACC Subscriptions wrote:

 I give up.

 I have about a dozen Zorn quest maps I have worked at on and off for the
 past several months on my local system that rely on players being able to
 cast spells and prayers through and jump over their own earth walls to
 survive. Unless the player is VERY high level s/he is unlikely to survive.
 Now that I have upgraded my local server and such-like the earth walls are
 horribly, horribly broken. I want the old creatable earth walls back that
 allowed casting through and jumping over. Please.

 I am not redoing these maps again and will just delete them and forget
 finishing the Zorn quest if this will not be done.

 Gene Alexander (aka poof)

Ok, I obviously needed to take a walk and a breather before writing that. I 
was just SO discouraged when my maps broke after that upgrade. My mind was 
screaming NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO! when I tried to play the four basically 
completed maps I have that are in the depths of the earth under Zorn castle 
and my local level 90 character could not survive even though I know ALL the 
tricks in the maps. With the earth walls prior to my local upgrade I was 
able to do those maps at level 75 with that character.

Alright, if a player could JUMP on and over her/his own earth walls that would 
be better than now. That way my maps are not going to be TOO hard just very, 
very challenging. I want people to survive the quest and the earth walls are 
the best way (if a player can figure that out). Please see what you can do to 
fix this at least for jumping on and over created earth walls. I will be more 
than willing to do any testing and provide feedback. Thanks.

Gene Alexander (aka poof)
Mandriva Linux release 2006.0 (Official) for i586
 16:38:34 up 1 day, 13:31, 10 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.09, 0.09
ERA Computers  Consulting - - get VOIP here!
eComStation, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenServer  UnixWare preloads  sales

crossfire mailing list

[crossfire] New spell?

2006-08-07 Thread ERACC Subscriptions
I just thought of a new spell: disinfect

It would be a cone or other area prayer that removes diseases from items, 
critters and players. Any groups that can cast disease should also have the 
disinfect prayer. Perhaps make it a low level prayer that increases in power 
with advancement in praying. Of course it could not disinfect disease that is 
stronger than the caster's praying level.

Gene Alexander (aka poof)
Mandriva Linux release 2006.0 (Official) for i586
 19:53:46 up 1 day, 16:46, 11 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.09, 0.10
ERA Computers  Consulting - - get VOIP here!
eComStation, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenServer  UnixWare preloads  sales

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