crypto file system for Linux: which?

1999-08-25 Thread Eugene Leitl


recently we had a break-in where very valuable intellectual property
was stolen along with (negligeable) hardware.

To prevent this in future I'd like to establish a (physically secured)
Linux SMB server running a cryptographic file system.

I've taken a quick look, and there seem to exist essentially two
packages: one which encrypts at the partition, and the file system
level. (There seems to be also a system which encrypts/decrypts ~/ at
each login, but I doubt that's compatible with Windows).

Which cryptographic file system would you recommend?

Also, I'm unsure how authentication is accomplished. Are
passwords/phrases required at each access/session? Do passwords go
encrypted over the network?

Also, in future I'd like to use soft RAID (at least mirroring) and
XFS. It would be nice to have a crypto file system which can be
mounted over that.



Press release re Digicash asset sale

1999-08-25 Thread Robert Hettinga

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Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 16:17:12 -0700
From: John Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Press release re Digicash asset sale
List-Subscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't recall seeing this on the list:

PRESS RELEASE August 17, 1999, Seattle, Washington, USA
eCash Acquires Technologies from DigiCash

eCash Technologies, Inc., based in Seattle, Washington, is pleased to
announce its acquisition of the technologies of DigiCash Inc. These
technologies include the patented "blind signature" encryption scheme that
is the only known method of providing electronic cash on the Internet.

eCash Technologies designs, develops and markets Internet payment software
products that facilitate e-commerce. One of these products is ™ which
incorporates the blind signature encryption into user-friendly software. ™
may be used to make purchases on the Internet in any denomination which are
secure, private, non-counterfeitable and non-repudiable. ™ is the only
virtual equivalent to hard currency and is being used by a growing number
of multi-national banks and Internet merchants.

eCash Technologies is committed to fostering open e-commerce standards and
is currently receiving requests to license its various technologies.
Interested parties should send licensing inquiries to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Please direct all non-licensing inquiries

The investors in eCash Technologies include Ruloff Capital of Vancouver,
Canada, August Capital of Menlo Park, California, Applied Technology of
Boston, Massachusetts, and Gilde IT-Fund of The Netherlands. August
Capital, Applied Technology and Gilde IT-Fund were shareholders of DigiCash
and have carried their interests over to eCash Technologies.

All trade marks are owned by eCash Technologies, Inc.


John Muller

"Just because it's simple doesn't mean it's easy"

--- end forwarded text

Robert A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'