[PGP]: Bruce Schneier weighs in

1999-09-04 Thread Robert Hettinga

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Subject: [PGP]: Bruce Schneier weighs in


 from: sci.crypt
 subject: NSA and MS windows

 A few months ago in my newsletter Crypto-Gram, I talked about
 Microsoft's system for digitally signing cryptography suits that go
 into its operating system.  The point is that only approved crypto
 suites can be used, which makes thing like export control easier.
 Annoying as it is, this is the current marketplace.

 Microsoft has two keys, a primary and a spare.  The Crypto-Gram
 article talked about attacks based on the fact that a crypto suite
 is considered signed if it is signed by EITHER key, and that there
 is no mechanism for transitioning from the primary key to the
 backup.  It's stupid cryptography, but the sort of thing you'd
 expect out of Microsoft.

 Suddenly there's a flurry of press activity because someone notices
 that the second key is called "NSAKEY" in the code.  Ah ha!  The NSA
 can sign crypto suites.  They can use this ability to drop a
 Trojaned crypto suite into your computers.  Or so the conspiracy
 theory goes.

 I don't buy it.

 First, if the NSA wanted to compromise Microsoft's Crypto API, it
 would be much easier to either 1) convince MS to tell them the
 secret key for MS's signature key, 2) get MS to sign an
 NSA-compromised module, 3) install a module other than Crypto API to
 break the encryption (no other modules need signatures).  It's
 always easier to break good encryption.

 Second, NSA doesn't need a key to compromise security in Windows.
 Programs like Back Orifice can do it without any keys.  Attacking
 the Crypto API still requires that the victim run an executable
 (even a Word macro) on his computer.  If you can convince a victim
 to run an untrusted macro, there are a zillion smarter ways to
 compromise security.

 Third, why in the world would anyone call a secret NSA key "NSAKEY."
 Lots of people have access to source code within Microsoft; a
 conspiracy like this would only be known by a few people.  Anyone
 with a debugger could have found this "NSAKEY."  If this is a covert
 mechanism, it's not very covert.

 I see two possibilities.  One, that the backup key is just as
 Microsoft says, a backup key.  It's called "NSAKEY" for some dumb
 reason, and that's that.

 Two, that it is actually an NSA key.  If the NSA is going to use
 Microsoft products for classified traffic, they're going to install
 their own cryptography.  They're not going to want to show it to
 anyone, not even Microsoft.  They are going to want to sign their
 own modules.  So the backup key could also be an NSA internal key,
 so that they could install strong cryptography on Microsoft products
 for their own internal use.

 But it's not an NSA key so they can secretly install weak
 cryptography on the unsuspecting masses.  There are just too many
 smarter things they can do to the unsuspecting masses.

 My original article:


 Nice analysis:

 Useful news article:
 ** Bruce Schneier, President, Counterpane SystemsPhone:
 612-823-1098 101 E Minnehaha Parkway, Minneapolis, MN  55419
 Fax: 612-823-1590   Free crypto newsletter.  See:

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Robert A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
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ADMIN: enough _NSAKEY for now

1999-09-04 Thread Perry E. Metzger

Okay, I think we're rubble bouncing now. I'm going to start ruthlessly
trimming the _NSAKEY stuff until there is some actual new news. I
might allow through something with particularly interesting insights
or which sheds new light on things. If and when there are news reports
with substantive new data, I'll loosen up again.

Perry Metzger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Ask not what your country can force other people to do for you..."

NSA aka 'Big Brother' in Lotus Notes

1999-09-04 Thread Adam Back

btw. I had a go at reverse engineering Lotus Notes a few months back
to get the NSA's key out of it.  I found the key, and the DN
(Distinguished Name -- the name attatched to the key) was 'Big
Brother'.  Spooky huh?  Someone at IBM had a sense of humor, or a
sense of resentment about having to implement GAK.

I did not however reverse engineer in sufficient detail to work out
the big number representation to extract the actual the modulus and
exponent with good confidence.

Still on my 'to do' list.

If anyone wants to give it a go -- I'll be happy to share notes.

(Lotus Notes was the application which was in the news a while back
when the Swedish(?) government adopted Lotus Notes for their email
solution and only realised it had key escrow with the NSA able to
decrypt mail with a work factor of only 2^40.  (IBM's key escrow
technique is to have 24 bits escrowed with NSA, 40 not escrowed; which
makes 64 bits to everyone else, but only 40 for the NSA).


Re: NSA key in MSFT Crypto API

1999-09-04 Thread Jay Holovacs

Some quotes from:


"Windows is compromised!! Microsoft is in bed with the Federal
Government," wrote one poster to a mailing list addressing privacy and
crypto issues. 

Not attributed, but that sounds like cypherpunk WG III.

Unfortunately also these quotes from Russ Cooper, moderator of the
NTBugtraq Windows security resource:

He said the lion's share of individuals overreacting to the claims are
freedom fighters and privacy advocates. "Unfortunately they have a loud
voice," he said. 

"I don't think they are representative of the average person, the real
people that populate the Net," he said. 

"We give away all kinds of things, every day, that sacrifice our privacy.
These privacy advocates, I'd put them in the category of the Michigan
Militia, the Ruby Ridge folks." 

Apparently, according to Cooper, privacy folks are not like "real people".
His comment not only dismissese the seriousness of the immediate issue
(which may or may not prove to be valid ultimately) but he seems to
consider those who raise such questions government intrusion as some form
of crackpot not to be taken seriously (real people shouldn't mind privacy


Re: NSA key in MSFT Crypto API

1999-09-04 Thread Markus Kuhn

The actual funny story behind the presence of the NSA key has been
seriously misunderstood here. CSP verification keys have only one *real*
purpose: They are intended to enforce the US export restriction
requirement that Microsoft is not allowed to ship software abroad that
can easily be extended with strong cryptography. They are certainly not
intended as any useful form of integrity protection for your system.

The NSA got their own CSP verification key, because they want to be able
to change their own secret US government CSPs required for the handling
of classified documents, without having to go to Microsoft each time to
get a signature for an NSA CSP update. Fair enough. So Microsoft built
in a second verification key such that the NSA can produce and install
on DoD PCs their own CSPs without requiring any Microsoft involvement.

The real funny part is that Microsoft did not protect the NSA key
particularly well, such that everyone can easily replace the NSA key
easily with his own key. This was reported by Nicko van Someren at the
Crypto'98 rump session. This means that everyone can now easily install
his own CSPs with arbitrarily strong cryptography. This means that the
NSA's demand to get quickly a second key added led in effect to the easy
international availability of strong encryption CSPs. My guess is that
this is Microsoft's sweet revenge against the NSA for creating all these
Export hassles (e.g., the requirement that CSPs be signed) in the first
place. It backfired nicely against the NSA. :)

All this has nothing to do with an NSA backdoor, because the CSP keys
are an export enforcement tool and not an integrity protection tool.
They do not protect all parts of the system that could be compromised by
someone who wants to install some eavesdropping malware. The CSP
verification keys only authenticate that no cryptography that violates
export laws has been installed. If you are worried about the NSA
installing malicious software on your PC, you should not rely on the CSP
verification keys (which were never designed for that purpose anyway),
but on virus scanners with tripwire functionality that report any
modifications to your DLLs. There is no digital signature functionality
required to implement these, simple secure hash algorithms will
perfectly do.

Please apply a bit of simple critical thinking here:

If the NSA wanted to have real backdoor functionality, they would much
more likely simply steal Microsofts own keys instead of embedding
additional keys with an obvious symbol name. Remember: The NSA is the
world's largest key thief. They have stolen crypto variables from
well-protected military and government agencies from all over the world
using the usual repertoire of techniques (bribery, extortion,
eavesdropping, hacking, infiltration, etc.). If they can do it with
eastern military agencies, they can most certainly also do it easily
with Microsoft, which is orders of magnitudes less well protected than
the usual NSA target. If there is a real NSA backdoor key in Windows,
that it would certainly be identical to Microsoft's own key.


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

Re: NSA key in MSFT Crypto API

1999-09-04 Thread William H. Geiger III

In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 09/04/99 
   at 11:41 AM, Markus Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Please apply a bit of simple critical thinking here:

If the NSA wanted to have real backdoor functionality, they would much
more likely simply steal Microsofts own keys instead of embedding
additional keys with an obvious symbol name. Remember: The NSA is the
world's largest key thief. They have stolen crypto variables from
well-protected military and government agencies from all over the world
using the usual repertoire of techniques (bribery, extortion,
eavesdropping, hacking, infiltration, etc.). If they can do it with
eastern military agencies, they can most certainly also do it easily with
Microsoft, which is orders of magnitudes less well protected than the
usual NSA target. If there is a real NSA backdoor key in Windows, that it
would certainly be identical to Microsoft's own key.


Have you considered the idea that perhaps the keys are being used for more
than what M$ claims (not that M$ would ever lie to us g)?

If you were going to build a backdoor into a system at the OS level
wouldn't it be nice to add some PK authentication into it so only you and
no one else could make use of it?

I think that this may better explain multiple keys than the weak excuses
coming from the Redmond spin doctors.

Note: for those of you who don't think a big corporation like M$ would
compromise their systems for the NSA remember Crypto AG  Lotus.

William H. Geiger III  http://www.openpgp.net
Geiger ConsultingCooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP  MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
OS/2 PGP 5.0 at: http://www.openpgp.net/pgp.html
Talk About PGP on IRC EFNet Channel: #pgp Nick: whgiii

Hi Jeff!! :)

RE: NSA key in MSFT Crypto API

1999-09-04 Thread Phill Hallam-Baker

  It works
  better to patch out NSA's key with your own -- then you can load both
  your own crypto code and all the standard MS stuff.

I'm sorry, but my original followup apparently wasn't clear enough.

In a very important sense, it doesn't matter who actually "owns"
the NSAKEY.  What matters is that there is a second key, that this
key can be used to verify CSP's, that it can be replaced without adversely
affecting the rest of the "operating system," and that no special
privileges are needed to do the replacement.  A program that does
exactly this is already available.

Rich, that is simply not fair. If MSFT had created a complete operating
system in which every component was digitally signed (a damn good idea
BTW) and there was no other means of running a component than it was
signed a backdoor key would be a serious issue.

MSFT has not done anything remotely like that. They have merely created
a crypto system that passes the ludicrous crypto export rules.

If as MSFT claim they still have full control of both keys the fact
one is labelled NSA is pretty irrelevant.

The only relevant fact is that the second key can be easilly replaced
thus invalidating the whole export control concept.

The 128 bit patch is already circulating freely in Europe. The significant
fact of the second key is that it means that European software vendors can
distribute it with product - as US companies such as Quicken do today.

So if someone can persuade Eidos to distribute the patch with
Tombraider4 the optimim distribution path is probably realized.

Another interesting legal avenue would be for MSFT to request export
permission for the 128 bit patch then when it is refused take it to the
courts. The ITAR act quite clearly excludes technology which is freely
available outside the US. There would be a direct correspondence between
a European 128 bit patch and a US 128 bit patch. A victory on summary
judgement could well be possible.

Whether this is advisable for MSFT is another issue. Many in Congress
are still upset that MSFT took so long to start making significant
campaign contributions.


PS: I have long said that we will know that the US govt cannot be trusted
on Key escrow for as long as the police headquarters are named after J.
Hoover. This brings up the question of who the building should be renamed
after. My personal choice would be to name the building after William
Jefferson Clinton since he was so closely attentive to the work of the FBI
for much of his presidential term.

RE: NSA key in MSFT Crypto API

1999-09-04 Thread William H. Geiger III

In 000f01bef6e8$bfdc8b60$bf011712@bananas, on 09/04/99 
   at 11:18 AM, "Phill Hallam-Baker" [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  It works
  better to patch out NSA's key with your own -- then you can load both
  your own crypto code and all the standard MS stuff.

I'm sorry, but my original followup apparently wasn't clear enough.

In a very important sense, it doesn't matter who actually "owns"
the NSAKEY.  What matters is that there is a second key, that this
key can be used to verify CSP's, that it can be replaced without adversely
affecting the rest of the "operating system," and that no special
privileges are needed to do the replacement.  A program that does
exactly this is already available.

Rich, that is simply not fair. If MSFT had created a complete operating
system in which every component was digitally signed (a damn good idea
BTW) and there was no other means of running a component than it was
signed a backdoor key would be a serious issue.

MSFT has not done anything remotely like that. They have merely created a
crypto system that passes the ludicrous crypto export rules.

So they say.

If as MSFT claim they still have full control of both keys the fact one
is labelled NSA is pretty irrelevant.

Again lets stress "If as MSFT claim" they have yet to provide any proof
one way or the other as to what is going on. I wouldn't believe the M$
spin doctors any more than I believe Bill Clinton didn't inhale.

The only relevant fact is that the second key can be easilly replaced
thus invalidating the whole export control concept.

No, the relevant fact is regardless of what M$ is doning or not doing with
these keys their software is insecure. It hardly matters to the end user,
who's security has been compromised, wether the flaw was a malicious act
or just plain incompetence. 

The 128 bit patch is already circulating freely in Europe. The
significant fact of the second key is that it means that European
software vendors can distribute it with product - as US companies such as
Quicken do today.

What 128 bit patch? All I have seen is a patch to replace the NSAKEY with
a different key.

So if someone can persuade Eidos to distribute the patch with Tombraider4
the optimim distribution path is probably realized.

Another interesting legal avenue would be for MSFT to request export
permission for the 128 bit patch then when it is refused take it to the
courts. The ITAR act quite clearly excludes technology which is freely
available outside the US. There would be a direct correspondence between
a European 128 bit patch and a US 128 bit patch. A victory on summary
judgement could well be possible.

LOL!!! I think you need to re-read the export regulations. Not only is the
above false there is explicit restrictions against the re-export of

BTW it is no longer ITAR but EAR, the change was back in '96.

Whether this is advisable for MSFT is another issue. Many in Congress are
still upset that MSFT took so long to start making significant campaign


PS: I have long said that we will know that the US govt cannot be trusted
on Key escrow for as long as the police headquarters are named after J.
Hoover. This brings up the question of who the building should be renamed
after. My personal choice would be to name the building after William
Jefferson Clinton since he was so closely attentive to the work of the
FBI for much of his presidential term.

Hey why not, replace the name of one statist with another.

Phil you really should stick to socialist advocacy.

William H. Geiger III  http://www.openpgp.net
Geiger ConsultingCooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP  MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
OS/2 PGP 5.0 at: http://www.openpgp.net/pgp.html
Talk About PGP on IRC EFNet Channel: #pgp Nick: whgiii

Hi Jeff!! :)

Re: Paul Brown on Solitiare randomness flaw?

1999-09-04 Thread William H. Geiger III

In v04210152b3f61485313b@[], on 09/03/99 
   at 05:20 PM, Dave Del Torto [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Does anyone (or you, Bruce?) have a URL handy to/for an paper (by  Paul
Brown in the UK?) speculating on a RNG weakness in Solitiare's  (Bruce's
playing card cipher)? I've been searching the web  unsuccessfully. The
paper may mention it as "Pontifex", as it was  referred to in
"Cryptonomicon." The implication is that it may not be  as secure as I'd
hoped, and that I should *not* train some human  rights people on how to
use it in the field...

Hi Dave,

I did some searching through my digital library. Take a look at:


William H. Geiger III  http://www.openpgp.net
Geiger ConsultingCooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP  MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
OS/2 PGP 5.0 at: http://www.openpgp.net/pgp.html
Talk About PGP on IRC EFNet Channel: #pgp Nick: whgiii

Hi Jeff!! :)