IP: Admin Plans to Loosen Encryption Restrictions

1999-09-14 Thread Robert Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 07:55:15 -0500
Subject: IP: Admin Plans to Loosen Encryption Restrictions
Status: U

Source:  New York Times

September 14, 1999


Administration Plans to Loosen Encryption Restrictions

WASHINGTON -- The Clinton Administration, facing mounting
pressure to eliminate controls on the export of encryption
technology, is preparing to announce a further loosening of the
controversial restrictions.

The planned changes come on the heels of a report from a special
presidential advisory committee recommending the White House
abandon nearly all export controls on software that protects Internet

They also come as the House is preparing
to debate a bill that would lift most controls
on the export of products intended to keep
computer communications and transactions

William Reinsch, the Undersecretary of
Commerce and President Clinton's point
man on encryption policy, declined to
comment on the upcoming announcement
or the advisory committee's report, which
has not been made public. But he said the
Administration's new policy would be
announced by September 16. The changes, he said, are the "result of our
own policy review," although he did acknowledge that the advisory
commission report "was valuable input into that."

That upcoming policy change comes exactly one year after Vice
President Al Gore first announced the Administration was lifting controls
on the export of strong encryption to certain business sectors, like banks
and insurance companies, and was providing limited export relief for
mass market products.

At the time, Gore promised the Administration would review the controls
again within a year. Since then, the Administration has come under
continued pressure to move even further, both from Congress and the
President's encryption advisory panel.

In June, the President's Export Council Subcommittee on Encryption sent
the White House a report recommending the Administration loosen its
restrictions on encryption technology to allow for the export of consumer
products based on a 128-bit key. That is significantly stronger than the
current limit on encryption products exempt from control.

The report also recommended allowing the export of a broad range of
encryption products to online merchants who need powerful security
systems to do business; eliminating approval requirements on exports to
countries that "do not present a significant national security concern," and
giving preferential treatment to exports aimed at utilities,
telecommunications companies and other infrastructure sectors at risk of
hacking attacks.

White House and Commerce Department officials are keeping quiet
about how far the policy changes will go. But if the changes reflect
recommendations made in the advisory panel's report, it would move the
Administration much closer to ending its years-long battle with the
high-tech industry. Technology executives say they are losing their lead to
companies in countries without export restrictions.

  The Administration has resisted calls
  to eliminate the restrictions because
  of strong opposition from the Federal
  Bureau of Investigation and other law
  enforcement agencies. Those groups
  have been pushing tying any easing of
  export restrictions to mandates that
  software developers develop "spare
  keys" so law officers can easily
  unlock scrambled data and
communications when they suspect a crime is being committed.

Stewart Baker, a member of the advisory panel and former counsel to
the National Security Agency, characterized the committee's report as
"the most sweeping set of liberalizations that have ever been
recommended by a government advisory body."

Although some who have been fighting the Administration's export
controls doubt the planned changes will go far enough to effect a truce
with House and Senate leaders pushing legislation to eliminate export
controls entirely, Baker said he remained optimistic that substantial
revisions would still be made.

"I think it's in play," said Baker. "There's still some possibility that
this will
turn out to be a smaller package than some might hope, but it's still

Ed Gillespie, executive director of Americans for Computer Privacy, a
coalition of high-tech and civil libertarian groups that have for years been
pushing for an elimination of all export controls on data-scrambling
technology, said adoption of the advisory committee report by the White
House would be significant.

"But we don't know what to expect at this point. We're watching like
everyone else," he said. "If it's good, great. If not, we'll continue to
advocate change."

This week:

A special task force appointed by Congress to study Internet tax issues
will hold its second meeting. The Advisory Commission on 

Re: message-signing at the MTA level

1999-09-14 Thread Bill Stewart

On Sat, Aug 21, 1999 at 10:09:31PM -0400, Russell Nelson wrote:
 I've been thinking about cryptographic signing of messages at the mail 
 transfer agent level.  I can think of how to do it, but I'm not sure
 what problem it solves.  :)  Anyone have any ideas?

At 12:01 PM 8/22/99 -0700, Eric Murray wrote:
I wrote a similar system for Sun 4 or 5 years ago.   However its purpose
was to encrypt the email for secrecy.  It used sendmail and PGP, would
automagically encrypt messages sent to hosts/domains registered in a
config file, and would use the same config file to attempt to decrypt
incoming PGP'd messages.

PGP/NAI developed an SMTP forwarder system that does rule-based processing
with capabilities like 
- Encrypt outgoing mail when possible
- Block unencrypted outgoing mail to some/all sites
- Block encrypted   outgoing mail to some/all sites
- copy+encrypt in/outgoing mail to Corporate Email Escrow
- Block outgoing mail not also encrypted to Corporate Escrow
- Signdate incoming or outgoing mail
This was during their Corporate Escrow period, so we all taunted them about
rather than doing much thought about what things might be useful.

Cryptographic signing of the messages can be useful in some
business environments, though I'd prefer encryption+signing for many of them.
If you always sign outgoing mail, and somebody asserts that
an unsigned message is from your company, you've got some ability to
argue that it's forged.  More importantly, if someone knows you
always sign your mail, and they receive unsigned mail claiming to be from you,
you and they can be suspicious.

One of the fun things about just doing signatures is that you can
distribute the software for free if you want, without US export laws.

A big problem with this, though, is making very sure that the software
doesn't sign things it's not supposed to sign.  This is hard, because
it depends on the user's configuration of their mailserver and firewalls, 
which is mostly out of your control - having software with your name on it
that gets abused this way would be Really Bad.

PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-14 Thread Arnold Reinhold

At 10:32 AM -0700 9/13/99, Eugene Leitl wrote:
Why don't you just erase flash when a pressure change (hull breach) is
detected. Using double-walled hull, to look for shortcuts.  You can
also couple this to light detection, and whatnot.

Andreas Bogk writes:
  Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 There's some question about how hard it will be to design
 hardware that will be DPA-resistant for different
   Big on-chip caps.  Lithium batteries.  Tamper-resistant housings.

A sophisticated attacker could measure the pressure in each 
compartment and work in a pressurized, darkened room.

One thought I had is to include a circuit on chip (perhaps duplicated 
in several places) that would monitor on-chip supply voltage and keep 
the program from executing sensitive code for some period if dV/dt 
were too high.  If the cap or Li battery were disconnected, the 
circuit would see continuous fluctuations and shut the processor 
down. A accidental power glitch would only cause a short delay in 

If an attacker can get to the chip and disable these power monitor 
circuits, he can probably also put a logic analyzer on the memory 
lines and extract the key that way.

Arnold Reinhold

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-14 Thread Eugene Leitl

John Gilmore writes:

  What are you guys talking about?  Differential power analysis doesn't
  require any physical attack, nor does it deal with voltage
  variations.  (You are probably thinking of Shamir's fault-injection

You can't do differential power analysis if you supply power
photonically to an encapsulated unit. Power dissipated gets averaged
out over time so you can't just monitor the temperature.

  attacks.)  Differential power analysis measures the current
  consumption of the part as it operates, completely outside the device.

1) A self contained, sealed unit is immune to this
2) What prevents us from measuring the power  fill out lacunes a la
resistance heating? The unit would then show constant dissipation
regardless of which computation it performs.

  It uses statistical techniques to confirm or reject hypotheses about
  the key values being operated on in the final rounds of encryption
  algorithms.  Paul Kocher's team has developed some countermeasures,
  see the end of the technical discussion linked from:

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-14 Thread David Honig

At 01:35 PM 9/14/99 -0700, John Gilmore wrote:

What are you guys talking about?  Differential power analysis doesn't

The power analysis thread mutated into a tamper-react thread 
without changing the Subject line.

 At 10:32 AM -0700 9/13/99, Eugene Leitl wrote:
 Why don't you just erase flash when a pressure change (hull breach) is

Arnold Reinhold said:
 in several places) that would monitor on-chip supply voltage 


Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-14 Thread Eli Brandt

Andreas Bogk wrote:
 The usual setup for DPA involves a 10 Ohm resistor which sits in the
 power supply and measuring the voltage across that resistor. The
 countermeasure we're talking about is an on-chip capacitor that
 smoothes the power consumption, [...]

Has this been analyzed?  It's got to take the high-freqency
information the attacker's looking for so far below the thermal noise
floor that it can't recovered by averaging multiple runs.  I do DSP,
not EE, but I'd think this smoothing capacitor would effect a one-pole
lowpass filter.

If so, doubling the cap size halves the cutoff frequency (right?),
halving the leaked power.  Integrating runs gives signal voltage
linear in n and noise voltage sqrt(n); voltage ratio is sqrt; power
ratio is linear.  So leaked-signal power is
Theta( (attacker's number of runs) / (capacitor size) ).
No asymptotic edge either way; attacker wins against bounded cap size.

 Eli Brandt  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~eli/

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-14 Thread David Honig

At 02:58 PM 9/14/99 -0700, Eugene Leitl wrote:

You can't do differential power analysis if you supply power
photonically to an encapsulated unit. 

Interesting.  Such supplies have been proposed for medical gear, where you
need absolute isolation.  Intense light, reflector,
Si cells.  A few cm of air.  Baroque and inefficient, yes..


RE: Paul Brown on Solitiare randomness flaw?

1999-09-14 Thread Arnold Reinhold

At 2:01 PM +0200 9/14/99, Kuehn, Ulrich wrote:

please find here included a mail from Holger Klawitter, the author of one of
the mentioned palm cipher programs... He would have liked to recieve the
critique himself.


[quoted form Holger Klawitter [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

   http://www.klawitter.de/palm/cipher.html uses IDEA to encrypt the
   clipboard, but it's ascii armouring  would make it hard to manually
   transmit ciphertext, if I understand what he is doing.

One of the major drawbacks of the Palm pilot is the maximum length
of a note which is 4096 bytes. ASCII Armouring makes text longer so
I decided to use an armour with 7bit significance. If the demand
proves to be more base 64 encoding I'll be happy to switch.

Sorry, I was not critiquing Holger's program here, but rather 
considering its suitability for an application very different from 
its original purpose. The problem was how to enable a human rights 
worker in the field to send and receive coded messages.  Such a 
worker might not have access to e-mail, so it is desirable that 
messages be capable of transmission via snail-mail, FAX, voice, Morse 
code, carved coconut shells or whatever.  In this situation, even 
base-64 would be a pain.  In its original contest, 7/8 encoding makes 

   length is limited to 16 characters, which is unfortunate.

   Also, I wonder if the lack of a keyboard would make it a pain to
   enter persnickety text like passphrases and ciphertext.

I think you've predicted my answer.

In general, I think forcing a user to pick a short password is a bad 
idea. Even though entering a long password or passphrase on a Pilot 
is awkward, that choice should be left to the user.  A password 
consisting of 16 random letters of the Roman alphabet offers 75 bits 
of entropy. That is adequate for strong security, but barely. If a 
user wants a strong passphrase that is easy to remember, 16 
characters is hopeless.

The consensus recommendation for long term security is 90 bits. To 
get that from 16 random characters, each character must be drawn from 
an alphabet of 50 symbols.

Side note to document what some people really (believe to) want:

I got some request for storing the passord in a database in order
not to have to type it in so often.

Of course, I denied the request :-)

I agree that this is a dumb request if the program is only being used 
to protect files on the Pilot. But I wouldn't dismiss the suggestion 
quite so fast if the program is also being for communications 
security.  One possible solution might be to allow two passwords, one 
of which is stored on the pilot in encrypted form, with the second 
password as the key.

Arnold Reinhold

RE: Paul Brown on Solitiare randomness flaw?

1999-09-14 Thread Kuehn, Ulrich


please find here included a mail from Holger Klawitter, the author of one of
the mentioned palm cipher programs... He would have liked to recieve the
critique himself.


[quoted form Holger Klawitter [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

  http://www.klawitter.de/palm/cipher.html uses IDEA to encrypt the
  clipboard, but it's ascii armouring  would make it hard to manually
  transmit ciphertext, if I understand what he is doing.

One of the major drawbacks of the Palm pilot is the maximum length
of a note which is 4096 bytes. ASCII Armouring makes text longer so
I decided to use an armour with 7bit significance. If the demand
proves to be more base 64 encoding I'll be happy to switch.

  length is limited to 16 characters, which is unfortunate.

  Also, I wonder if the lack of a keyboard would make it a pain to
  enter persnickety text like passphrases and ciphertext. 

I think you've predicted my answer.

Side note to document what some people really (believe to) want:

I got some request for storing the passord in a database in order
not to have to type it in so often.

Of course, I denied the request :-)

Holger Klawitter +49 (0)251 484 0637
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.klawitter.de/