Re: The problem with Steganography

2000-01-26 Thread Nelson Minar

I wonder if stego users will have to choose between uncrackable
encryption or undetectable data.

I don't think so. Replacing the low-order bits of a picture with
random noise (or an encrypted message) is silly - like you say, anyone
can find it easily. But there is a certain amount of free entropy in a
picture. And if you create a data stream to match its statistical
properties, and you hide it there, no one's going to notice.

Of course, this isn't easy to do - "matching statistical properties"
isn't a simple closed problem. But I bet you could do fairly well in
certain circumstances. For instance, Linux uses a strong random number
when starting a TCP connections. I bet you can hide a few bits of data
in there and no one will see it.

.   .  . ..   .  . .

Re: The problem with Steganography

2000-01-26 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer

 The basic notion of stego is that one replaces 'noise' in a document with
 the stego'ed information. Thus, a 'good' stego system must use a crypto
 strategy whose statistical properties mimic the noise properties of the
 carrying document. Our favorite off the shelf crypto algorithms do *not*
 have this property -- they are designed to generate output that looks
 statistically random. So, can't we detect the presence of stego'ed data by
 looking for 'noise' in the document that's *too* random?

Yes, and no.

There is no particular difficulty in altering the statistics of encrypted
data to match whatever distribution is necessary for the noise.  So there
is no reason a priori to expect that stego'd data would be "too random".

The real problem arises in constructing an accurate noise model.
Whatever model is built can be matched, but there is always the worry
that the model is not quite right.  In particular, if the adversary can
spend more to construct an accurate noise model than the steganographer,
then he can detect the stego'd data because its statistics will differ
in subtle ways from natural data.

In these circumstances, it is prudent to assume that an adversary does
have more money to spend than the person hiding the data.  He may well
be a large government agency or a private bureaucracy which is looking
for illicit data.  The attacker's budget will often be far bigger than
that of the people who need to hide from him.

All is not necessarily lost; it becomes a matter of sufficient accuracy
for the purpose.  In order to distinguish the stego data from natural
data it may be necessary to acquire a considerable volume of messages.
The stego noise model only needs to be accurate enough to make the data
indistinguishable from noise for the specific volume of data being
embedded.  If this threshold is reached, then even if the attacker's
model is better the stego can still succeed.

The greater danger is a subtle but catastrophic failure of the noise
model, as for example when a new statistical analysis is used which
the steganographer did not consider, perhaps some kind of higher order
correlation.  The well funded attacker can afford to spend time searching
for such statistics, and if he is lucky, the game may be over before it
has begun.

These considerations are the real art and science of steganography.
Plunking data into LSBs is grade school stuff, analogous to ROT13 as a
cipher.  True steganography goes far beyond such elementary substitutions.

[Fwd: 1/28/00 C.S. Colloquium]

2000-01-26 Thread R. A. Hettinga

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 Department of Computer Science
   Courant Institute
  New York University


   Allan Gottlieb
 New York University


The Intermemory project proposes an autonomous, world wide distributed
system that will maintain information archivally and will offer
extremely high availability without the storage costs of a large
number of mirror sites.  Information is dispersed in a redundant
fashion so that only if an improbably large number of systems are down
can the data not be retrieved.  With one set of parameter values, an
availability level comparable to more than 500 mirror sites can be
obtained with a storage cost that is less than just 5 mirrors.

If one assumes that the long standing exponential growth in
bytes/dollar and hence bytes/system will continue, it can be shown
that a contribution of storage to the system for a finite time period
can entitle to the contributor to permanent ownership of (a smaller
amount of) system storage.  When exponential increases end, the
guarantees weaken but are still attractive.  The Intermemory project
exposes important questions in areas as diverse as cryptography and
DNS (domain name service).

Recently the project has begun investigating intramemories, that is
storage accessible throughout a smaller domain.  Applications range
from a single lan to a corporate-wide database.  A major difference is
that security is less of a concern since hosts are under a single
administrative domain.  Lowering the protection requirements will
result in higher performance.  When the system is
restricted to a single lan, further simplifications are available and
much higher performance is expected.

Our implementations to date have all required that the data to be
stored is write-once, i.e. immutable.  We continue to examine the
possiblility of full read-write support and believe that a system
based on a form of ``session semantics'' in which all updates to a
subtree are applied during a session of limited duration looks

Friday, January 28, 2000
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Room 101 Warren Weaver Hall
251 Mercer Street
New York, NY  10012-1185

Refreshments will be served in the Grumman Lounge from 11:00 - 11:30 a.m.
in 13th floor of Warren Weaver Hall.

Host: Allan Gottlieb, ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (212) 998-3344
Colloquium Information:


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"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: legal status of RC4?

2000-01-26 Thread Greg Broiles

At 10:45 AM 1/25/00 , Eric Murray wrote:
Real-To:  Eric Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does anyone know the legal status of RC4 in the US?

I know that a cipher purporting to be RC4 was published on
Cypherpunks by Anonymous, and that various crypto packages
have RC4 or "EC4".  My question is, has RSA taken anyone to
court in the US for using RC4 without buying a license from RSA?

I haven't heard of such a case.

I see four possible approaches by which RSA could hold an interest in the 
IP around RC4 - patent, trade secret, copyright, and trademark. With 
respect to RC4, I believe the following -

1.  No known patent covers RC4; so there is apparently no patent problem.
2.  RSA used to say that the RC4 algorithm was a trade secret - but 
it's been published in a book (see Applied Crypto) and so widely publicized 
by now that not even the DVD people would say that it's still a trade 
secret. So I think there's no trade secret problem.
3.  If you don't have an author who's willing to take credit for 
writing code, it's possible that the copyright in the code you're seeing 
hasn't been licensed to you, so there's a potential copyright problem. 
Safest course of action would be to reimplement RC4 from the published 
descriptions of its workings, e.g., Applied Crypto.
4.  RSA likely has a valid trademark in the term "RC4", so it's safest 
to be careful about using the term so that you're not creating confusion in 
the minds of consumers about whether or not you're providing them with 
something created by RSA or yourself or some third party. Some people and 
organizations have used the term ARC-four to describe an algorithm that 
interoperates with RSA's RC4; I don't think it matters much what you call 
it, so long as you're not creating confusion about who wrote the code and 
the algorithm, or otherwise clobbering someone else's trademark.

Greg Broiles
PGP: 0x26E4488C

Re: The problem with Steganography

2000-01-26 Thread Russell Nelson

David Honig writes:
  At 03:20 PM 1/25/00 -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
  I'm trying to do forward stego -- that is, publish some encrypted
  steganographic document, with the idea that, once everyone has a copy,
  *then* you reveal the key.
  Fascinating, captain.  Canna imagine why.

Blackmail?  But you don't really need stego for that.  You could just
send a private-key-encoded file to a list of friends, saying "Please
keep this until mm/dd/yy.  I may send you the key later."  Run a
watchdog process somewhere which checks a certain newsgroup for a
crypto-signed timestamped message.  If it fails to see the message, it 
sends the key to your list of friends.

You could also use it for "Oh, by the way, that gzipped file of the
Linux kernel that you downloaded, that's mirrored all over everywhere?
It's made with certain sub-optimal compressions.  If you run it
through this program, it will produce a copy of the DeCSS code."

If you wanted to be really clever, you'd bury it inside some
government document, so you could at least obfuscate the prosecution
with claims of First Amendment rights.

But that's not stego either, whether the document is encrypted or not,
because you're adding bits, not replacing relatively random bits.

  Problem is, how do you convince them to keep a copy of that
  document if they're unaware that it has something buried inside
  Now you're into psychology.

Yup.  And I'm certainly (obviously not) competent at that.

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | "Ask not what your country
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | can force other people to
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | do for you..."  -Perry M.

Re: The problem with Steganography

2000-01-26 Thread P.J. Ponder

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Rick Smith wrote:

. . . .
 For example, many stego implementations involve embedding data in the low
 order bits of a graphical image. Those low order bits undoubtedly have some
 measurably non-random statistical properties. Once we replace those bits
 with data, the bits will have serously random statistical properties. So,
 we can detect stego'ed data if the implementation uses any well known
 strong encryption algorithm.

Why disturb the measurably non-random statistical properties of the low
order bits?  No one says you have to use your crypto output straight,
without 'bluing', so to speak.  What if we replace every nth lower order
bit, and make n relatively large?  Message carrying capacity is reduced,
but it becomes harder to see (guess) that a message is hidden there.

 I wonder if stego users will have to choose between uncrackable encryption
 or undetectable data. 

Or extreme inefficiency?


Re: The problem with Steganography

2000-01-26 Thread Dan Geer

If the picture was taken by an actual camera, the least significant
bits will be random due to the nature of the way CCDs work in the real
world.  They might be biased, but it's not very hard to bias a
"random" data stream.  You could have the sender look at the bias in
the odd frames, and use that in the following even frames, if the bias
is similar.  The recipient could compute the bias in the odd frames,
and use that to normalize the stego in the even frames before applying
the crypto.  If the scene changes drastically, the bias may change,
the sender wouldn't encode anything in that frame, and the recipient
will need to resync somehow.  

Stego is subtle, but it's not impossible.

After thinking about this a bit, perhaps the point is that any
conversion, light-on-CCD to bits, bits to paper, etc., has a
certain amount of bias-able "random" data and hence it is
likely that any such process has a fingerprint that might even
be unique as, of course, the color copier example shows can be
made intentional.

My knowledge of media reproduction technology in the large is
near zero, but if a color copier can identify itself what is to
keep it from identifying the time of day or serial numbering
the individual copy or silently including a photo of the
operator?  Larger still, what's to prevent adding such a
fingerprint to every copy of National Geographic, to every film
processing lab's printing system, to every copy of every MP3
file, to the transmission of every PCS phone, etc., etc.?

In short, is steganography the ultimate surveillance tool?


Re: legal status of RC4

2000-01-26 Thread Vin McLellan

Eric Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED] queried the Listocracy:

Does anyone know the legal status of RC4 in the US?

I know that a cipher purporting to be RC4 was published on
Cypherpunks by Anonymous, and that various crypto packages
have RC4 or "EC4".  My question is, has RSA taken anyone to
court in the US for using RC4 without buying a license from RSA?

To my knowledge, neither RSADSI, nor the new firm formed by the
combination of RSADSI and Security Dynamics last year -- RSA Security, Inc.
-- has ever dragged any individual or enterprise into court for using an
unlicensed implementation of RC4.  

I may have missed something over the years, but there are today an
abundance of commercial products on the market which use ARC4, "Apparently
RC4," or some similar independent implementation of Rivest's RC4 -- with no
tithe to RSA, and no kickback that I can see.  (There was a fascinating
discussion of all this a year or two ago, on either Cypherpunks or here on
C2's Cryptography.  Search for an evocative subject-line: "None Dare Speak
its Name," or "The Cipher None Dare Name.")

RSA is reportedly far more conscientious in defending its trademark
on the label "RC4."  RC2, RC4, RC5, RC6 -- and probably MD2, MD4, and MD5,
Rivest's freeware message digests or hashs -- are registered trademarks.
("RC," Rivest once told me, simply stands for "Ron's Code" -- a workbench
label for crypto in development that somehow escaped into the hands of the
RSA marketing guys.)
I suspect that RSA did send out more than a few nastygrams to OEMs
or other mass marketeers about "illicit use" of RC4, but -- at least in
recent years -- its complaints probably went to commercial enterprises which
both (a) sought to resell  the algorithm in the US, and (b) blatently used
the RC4 label in a way that is likely to confuse many people as to the
source of the RC4 implementation code.  In the real world, RC4 is today
almost exclusively associated with the implementation of RC4 in the RSA
BSAFE toolkits, which have been licensed to some 700 OEMs, designed into
thousands of products, and installed in a half *billion* user machines.

[Gothic legend to the contrary, I have also never heard of RSA
rousting _any_ US firm or individual who used their own unlicensed
implemention of RSApkc (and RC2 and RC4) in various homebrew SSL grafts, or
in the famous freeware SSL kits:  SSLeay or OpenSSL. The elegant design of
RC4 has been widely studied and discussed in academia.]

[Vendors of commercial products which include various ARC4
implementations putz along untouched.  The IETF also has several RFCs which
document and refer to various independent and equivalent ACR4
implementations.  Indeed, in order to market Eric Young's BSAFE SSL-C
toolkit out of RSA-Australia, Young -- the "eay" of SSLeay in a previous
life, now the CTO of RSA-Australia -- had to prove to both the Australian
and US export control mavens that Young's implementation of RC4 for SSL-C
was based on wholly non-RSADSI and non-American sources.]

Of course, back in the early-90s when the reverse-engineered RC4
code was first anonymously posted to the Net, it immediately became clear
that the old combination of software license, trade secret status,
copyright, and trademark IP with which RSADSI had tried to protect and
control access to Rivest's RC4 algorithm was an utter failure.  

As I think the insightful Greg Boiles, Esq.,  has pointed out
elsewhere, the possibility of unattributed global publication guts many of
the traditional IP defenses for commercial know-how or technical savvy in
commercial products.  

Anyone who can deconstruct or reverse-engineer a  proprietary and
secret design or formula --  be it the Coca Cola formula or Ron Rivest's RC4
--  can use the Net to duck the retribution that was at the heart of most
traditional IP defenses.  (Ya gotta have a 16 year-old's sense of
invulnerability to sign your name to the deed, be you a DVD devil, an angel,
a curious teen scientist, or just a guy who doesn't like to pay royalties to
artists or inventors;-)

The fate of RC4 -- the anonymous post to the Net has led to the
widespread use of unlicensed "ARC4" in hundreds of commercial software
products today -- led RSADSI (and many other corporations) to conclude than
only patents could effectively protect software IP.  

In 199o, there were 1,300 US patents issued for software
innovations.  In 1999, there were 22,500 software patents issued.  sigh  I
have always believed the rogue publication of RC4 was a major accelerator in
this trend.  

With the threat of anonymous publication of trade secrets on the
Net, it seems inevitable, at least in hindsight, that patents were to become
more important; more broaded applied; and more broadly construed.   

Ain't nothin' else, folks, which can define and defend an
intellectual property claim for a novel and non-obvious invention -- 

Re: The problem with Steganography

2000-01-26 Thread Eric Tully

Forgive me if I'm missing the point here but I don't think the original
question was how to make steganography better and hide the message more
effectively (although that's certainly a valuable goal).

Sometimes it's important to hide the fact that a secret message exists.  A
good guy in enemy territory may wish to communicate with friends outside.
Discovery of the ciphertext would alert the enemy to his presence.  So the
question becomes, without identifying the location of the ciphertext in a
prior agreement or on some outside channel, can a person communicate with
friends without alerting enemies to the existance of secret communications?

For example, it's possible that this email was written by a political
prisoner in a 3rd world country and he's used steganography to conceal a
message to his friends and family right here in these 3 paragraphs.  My
question is, without prior agreement or access to an outside channel, how
are his friends to know to look on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] Listserv for the
ciphertext?  No matter how well concealed (stego)or how well encrypted
(crypto), does he have any way of notifying his friends that they should
look here without alerting the enemy of his attempts to communicate?

- Eric Tully

Re: NSA Declassified

2000-01-26 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

John Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] responded:

Your points are valid for the AIA document. However, in the
Navy document, Number 9, image 3, there is the phrase,
"Maintain and operate an ECHELON site."

I had missed that reference. A agree that the capitalization here is 
consistent with a code name. On the other hand, the sentence 
"Maintain and operate an ECHELON site." is the first item in a list 
of specific functions and tasks that the commander of Sugar Grove is 
being ordered to carry out.  The dictionary meaning of "echelon" fits 
well in this context, i.e. the commander is instructed to operate a 
facility subordinate to headquarters in the overall Navel Security 
Group hierarchy. While a few items on the list are blacked out, most 
seem to be boilerplate. The main mission of Sugar Grove appears to be 
detailed in a classified "Enclosure 1."

I did a search on "echelon" at (they had a search 
engine that actually worked) and found a number of examples of the 
word's ordinary usage in the Navy:

"Multi-echelon modeling optimizes spares requirements across the 
wholesale and consumer echelons, and provides the ability to compute 
wholesale requirement on a readiness-to-response time basis. "

"All naval commanders will report through their immediate superior 
via the chain of command (ISIC) to second echelon commanders when 
this action has been complete. All second echelon commanders will 
report to DON CIO upon completion of this tasking by their claimancy 
NLT 15NOV98. "

"Equal Opportunity Assistants provide equal opportunity/sexual 
harassment subject matter expertise to second and third echelon 

In light of these examples, the appearance of the term "Echelon 2" in 
the document fragment at could also be 
interpreted as telling the recipient that he is responsible for 
documents coming from the second echelon level in the chain of 

The ACLU Echelon watch page says 
"ECHELON is a code word for an automated global interception and 
relay system operated by the intelligence agencies in five nations: 
the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New 
Zealand (it is rumored that different nations have different code 
words for the project)." I have no doubt that NSA runs automated 
global interception and relay systems and has cooperative agreements 
with the nations listed and many others. Interception  is the 
essential first step in signals intelligence (SIGINT) which is a 
major mission of NSA. "Today, SIGINT continues to play an important 
role in maintaining the superpower status of the United States."

Do these interception capabilities include the monitoring and 
recording of individual phone calls? I am sure they do. I even 
remember press reports decades ago about whether NSA was restricted 
from monitoring intercepted down links from Soviet SIGINT satellites 
that were capturing the phone conversations of US citizens over 
microwave relays.

But I am not convinced that ECHELON is the overarching code word for 
this activity or even a major component.
I wonder why the code word question attracts so much interest. 
SIGINT is such a large part of NSA mission that it must have spawned 
dozens or hundred of code words. ECHELON might be better viewed as 
press moniker for an important story a la Watergate or Whitewater. 
The activities are real enough. Why does the code name matter so much?

Arnold Reinhold

Re: DVD CCA Emergency Hearing to seal DeCSS

2000-01-26 Thread John Young

Up to 4 PM EST we've had no notice that the file has been "sealed." 

There have been over 26,000 downloads and they are now going out at 
600 per hour.

Re: DVD CCA Emergency Hearing to seal DeCSS

2000-01-26 Thread John Young

This is becoming picayune but:

I'm told that the court has now sealed Exhibits A and B of Hoy's 
declaration. These are the DeCSS notes and the CSS scramble
code. However, the sealing applies only to the paper versions
and will prevent hardcopying.

Denying access to online versions will require some other action.

Re: The problem with Steganography

2000-01-26 Thread Ben Laurie

Rick Smith wrote:
 It sounds like there are a number of interesting design questions. For
 example, the sender and recipient must obviously share a secret key.

Why is that obvious? What's wrong with encoding with the recipient's
public key?




Y19100 no-prize winner!

Re: The problem with Steganography

2000-01-26 Thread Ben Laurie

Rick Smith wrote:
 Rick Smith wrote:
  It sounds like there are a number of interesting design questions. For
  example, the sender and recipient must obviously share a secret key.
 At 10:18 PM 01/26/2000 +, Ben Laurie wrote:
 Why is that obvious? What's wrong with encoding with the recipient's
 public key?
 It depends on what you're encoding.
 I expect we end up with a three step process: first, encrypt the data,
 second, stego it into the image or other file, and third, provide the
 recipient with information for recovering the hidden data.
 If we're talking about the first step, encryption of the raw data that's
 being stego'ed (is there a more legitimate verb for that?), then I'd prefer
 to use secret key encryption, since it introduces fewer uncertainties
 regarding the safety of the ciphertext.
 As to step 3, how this secret information is shared with potential
 recipients, public key techniques are fine. If we're talking about Russ
 Nelson's "forward stego" problem, then PK is overkill -- he just needs to
 publish the secret information and voila, the previously hidden information
 is uncovered.
 As to Russ' problem of how to keep the information "available," I suggest
 we look around our environments and take stock of what iconic images or
 files we all have and for some reason can't part with. Perhaps there's some
 really great crt wallpaper image that would do the job, or one could embed
 it in a Craig Shergold make-a-wish chain letter. Those things NEVER die.

I can't quite see the point of forward stego. Why not publish something
public key encrypted and publish the private key later?

If you want a lot of people to see it, you can't keep it secret. If you
can't keep it secret, you may as well just come out with it and publish
the bits without stego.

What did I miss?




Y19100 no-prize winner!

Re: The problem with Steganography

2000-01-26 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer

 For example, it's possible that this email was written by a political
 prisoner in a 3rd world country and he's used steganography to conceal a
 message to his friends and family right here in these 3 paragraphs.  My
 question is, without prior agreement or access to an outside channel, how
 are his friends to know to look on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] Listserv for the
 ciphertext?  No matter how well concealed (stego)or how well encrypted
 (crypto), does he have any way of notifying his friends that they should
 look here without alerting the enemy of his attempts to communicate?

Ideally, this would be handled by prearrangement, so that anyone involved
in a resistance movement or who might be a target as a political prisoner
would know where to post his messages and what keys to use so that they
could be read.

If this was not done, he could still tell his friends that he has heard
that some people embed messages in that specific location.  He could
describe the software program used to do so, and that their public keys
would be used to read the message.  Maybe to be "politically correct"
he could go on and say that doing this would be wrong.

Presumably this would be enough of a hint for anyone; even the bad
guys, of course, but they would not be able to tell whether any data
was actually being sent by this channel.

[Presumably the bad guys would only need to suspect, not to know for
sure -- if they really don't pay attention to human rights, well, I'm
sure the rubber hose will be cheap enough for them to buy. --Perry]