hiding plaintext

2000-03-01 Thread Russell Nelson

One could increase the difficulty of decryption by three or four
doublings by intermixing random data with plaintext in a message.
Here's the least stupid method I can think of: the first character in
a message is the start of text (SOT) character.  The second character
in a message is the end of text (EOT) character.  The message itself
consists of random data intermixed with plaintext prefixed by SOT and
suffixed with EOT.  An EOT outside of plaintext stands for itself.  An
SOT inside plaintext stands for itself.  This method can encode
arbitrary plaintext.  By implication, the random data does not contain
an SOT nor EOT.

Instead of being able to look at a fixed point in the encrypted text
for plain text, it's necessary to examine the entire text.  The
cryptanalyst gets a clue that they should continue if they look at
enough of the random text without finding SOT or EOT characters.  They
get a clue they should stop if the first two characters are identical,
but that's only 1/256 probability.

This mainly serves to increase the complexity and expense of
decryption engines.

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://russnelson.com
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | No intellectual property
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | rights were harmed in the
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | creation of this message.


2000-03-01 Thread Matt Blaze

Sorry if you've seen this message several times, but I've been receiving
email all day from people asking me about this.

I just learned that there's a company calling itself "Crypto.Com,
Inc." that just issued a press release making all sorts of claims about
some wonderful new cryptographic technology.  I have no idea what the
merits of this technology might or might not be, but this "Crypto.Com,
Inc." company is in no way affiliated with me, the www.crypto.com web
site, or anyone else connected with it.  I have no idea who they are,
where they came from or what they do, or why they decided to call
themselves "Crypto.Com", a name that I have had registered and been
using continuously since 1992.

Unfortunately, the Business Wire press release (which was about the
purchase of "Crypto.Com" by another company called "Eurotech") made a
number of very strong claims that I worry might seriously harm my own
reputation, should people erroneously conclude that this "Crypto.Com"
company has something to do with me.  In particular, the "Crypto.Com"
press release says:

   "The technology provides for absolute security on open circuits
   between two users without the use of a key. The new cryptography
   concept creates absolutely unbreakable ciphers allowing software to
   be absolutely secure for the Internet, networks, and telephone lines."


I have no idea what "the technology" is, but all cryptographers know that
the only "absolutely" unbreakable cipher that can ever exist for "open
circuits" is the one-time pad, which not only requires the use of a key,
but requires that the key be as long as the message, and used only once.

   -Matt Blaze, 29 February 2000

ARCOT/Cryptographic Camoflage

2000-03-01 Thread Marcus Leech

I've been (repeatedly) attempting to repel a sales droid from ARCOT, who wants
  to sell me their "cryptographic camoflage" product.  I reviewed their IEEE
  paper again, and I'm still unimpressed with this stuff.

In a nutshell, the security of the product lies in keeping the public exponent
  secret, as well as the private exponent  [It's an RSA system].  The idea is
  the PIN/passphrase that protects the private exponent need not be that
  since there's no way to verify that you've found the correct private exponent
  without also knowing the public exponent (in their scheme, the public
  is picked randomly, and is set to be roughly half the size of the modulus).

There's also a lot of other painful dancing around to make sure that things
  messages encrypted under the public key are never made available to anyone
  the "trusted domain" that this system lives in.

The only real protection they have is that the server side of this stuff
  disables the user after a small number of failed authentication attempts,
  otherwise you could use servers as oracles to test trial decryptions of
  the private key.

The system is horribly broken if it's ever possible to intercept a message
  encrypted under the public key of the target user, since they make no
  attempt to enforce any kind of passphrase quality, and it's not clear
  whether they use PKCS#5 techniques to generate (symmetric) keying material
from the

They do use random padding on signatures, which precludes verifying a guess at
  the private key by comparing signatures from an intercepted message.  But
  nothing special--I started doing that years ago.

Has anyone else looked at this stuff?

More on Echelon

2000-03-01 Thread Perry E. Metzger

From Edupage via IP

--- Start of forwarded message ---

The National Security Agency (NSA) recently defended itself in a
letter to Congress, claiming that all of its activities under the
Echelon satellite-surveillance program are conducted lawfully.
The agency has come under fire recently from the European
Parliament, which accused the NSA of using intelligence for the
benefit of American industry. The European Parliament also
contends that ordinary European and American citizens are being
spied upon. The American Civil Liberties Union has recently
requested congressional hearings on the matter.
(New York Times, 28 Feb 2000)

--- End of forwarded message ---

60 Minutes on Echelon

2000-03-01 Thread Perry E. Metzger

This URL points to a summary of last Sunday's story on 60 Minutes:


Perry Metzger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Ask not what your country can force other people to do for you..."

Re: crypto.com

2000-03-01 Thread Harald Koch

Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, Matt Blaze
had to walk into mine and say:
 I have no idea who they are,
 where they came from or what they do, or why they decided to call
 themselves "Crypto.Com", a name that I have had registered and been
 using continuously since 1992.

Do you have it registered with the PTO, or just in the DNS? If the
latter, their next move is probably to have the Internic take your
domain away from you under the current trademark infrigement policy.


"It takes a child to raze a village."
-Michael T. Fry

Re: More on Echelon

2000-03-01 Thread Geraint Price

 From Edupage via IP
 --- Start of forwarded message ---
 The National Security Agency (NSA) recently defended itself in a
 letter to Congress, claiming that all of its activities under the
 Echelon satellite-surveillance program are conducted lawfully.
 The agency has come under fire recently from the European
 Parliament, which accused the NSA of using intelligence for the
 benefit of American industry. The European Parliament also
 contends that ordinary European and American citizens are being
 spied upon. The American Civil Liberties Union has recently
 requested congressional hearings on the matter.
 (New York Times, 28 Feb 2000)

Unless my memory has let me down (and it's been a few years since I read "The 
Puzzle Palace") the three main reasons for Echelon are:

(i) Collaboration of intelligence on things that need global attention.

(ii) Getting listening stations closer to the heart of "Bad Guys of the week" 
due to the land masses that make up the five signatories.

(iii) Circumventing the provisions in the legislation that set up these
agencies which stop them from spying on their own civilians.

Regardless of what is currently being said about using Echelon wrt industrial 
espionage, I think (iii) is far more important to be made from a Civil 
Liberties point of view. This allows the NSA, GCHQ etc. to stand up and say 
that they are conducting everything totally legally, and that they are not
spying on their own nationals, the fact that the other agencies are providing
them with the relevant information is neither here nor there.


Re: crypto.com

2000-03-01 Thread John Young

Harald Koch wrote:

Do you have it registered with the PTO, or just in the DNS? If the
latter, their next move is probably to have the Internic take your
domain away from you under the current trademark infrigement policy.

Good point. In fact, an inspired challenge. If the nouveau Crypto.com
attempts to snatch the domain from Matt, what a wonderful public
battle that would be. Oh yes, may that foolish gambit be played.
Matt just might make a couple of hundred thousand to agree
to let them off the hook they've set for themselves. 

But no gentleperson handshake to forget about it. Particularly if
the culprits work daytime at Vodaphone RD, or worse, Crypto.ch.

Re: hiding plaintext

2000-03-01 Thread Eric Murray

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 11:14:31AM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
 One could increase the difficulty of decryption by three or four
 doublings by intermixing random data with plaintext in a message.
 Here's the least stupid method I can think of: the first character in
 a message is the start of text (SOT) character.  The second character
 in a message is the end of text (EOT) character.  The message itself
 consists of random data intermixed with plaintext prefixed by SOT and
 suffixed with EOT.  An EOT outside of plaintext stands for itself.  An
 SOT inside plaintext stands for itself.  This method can encode
 arbitrary plaintext.  By implication, the random data does not contain
 an SOT nor EOT.

I assume that you do this before encryption. 

Wouldn't compressing the plaintext before encryption have the same effect?

 Eric Murray www.lne.com/~ericm  ericm at the site lne.com  PGP keyid:E03F65E5

Justice Department criticizes online anonymity

2000-03-01 Thread Declan McCullagh

Of more relevance to this list, perhaps, is yesterday's testimony of the 
FBI's Michael Vatis with the bureau's usual crypto-complaints:

convicted terrorist Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the World Trade
Center bombing, stored detailed plans to destroy United States airliners on 
encrypted files on his laptop computer.



U.S. Wants Less Web Anonymity
by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

3:00 a.m. 1.Mar.2000 PST
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. government
may need sweeping new powers to
investigate and prosecute future
denial-of-service attacks, top law
enforcement officials said Tuesday.

Anonymous remailers and free trial
accounts allow hackers and online
pornographers to cloak their identity,
deputy attorney general Eric Holder told a
joint congressional panel.

"A criminal using tools and other
information easily available over the
Internet can operate in almost perfect
anonymity," Holder told the panel.

Holder said the Clinton administration is
reviewing "whether we have adequate
legal tools to locate, identify, and
prosecute cyber criminals," but stopped
short of endorsing a specific proposal.

Currently no laws require U.S. Internet
users to reveal their identity before
signing up for an account, and both
fee-based and free services offer
anonymous mail, Web browsing, and
dialup connections.


Re: hiding plaintext

2000-03-01 Thread Russell Nelson

Eric Murray writes:
  On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 11:14:31AM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
   One could increase the difficulty of decryption by three or four
   doublings by intermixing random data with plaintext in a message.
   Here's the least stupid method I can think of: the first character in
   a message is the start of text (SOT) character.  The second character
   in a message is the end of text (EOT) character.  The message itself
   consists of random data intermixed with plaintext prefixed by SOT and
   suffixed with EOT.  An EOT outside of plaintext stands for itself.  An
   SOT inside plaintext stands for itself.  This method can encode
   arbitrary plaintext.  By implication, the random data does not contain
   an SOT nor EOT.
  I assume that you do this before encryption. 


  Wouldn't compressing the plaintext before encryption have the same effect?

Only if you use a secret compression system.  Otherwise the structure
of your compression system still exists as a known plaintext.  You
could (probably should) compress your plaintext before running it
through the above algorithm.

The essence of the above algorithm (let's call it BP1, for Buried
Plaintext 1) is to force the decryption trial to be iterated until the
buried plaintext is found.  It means that the decryption engine needs
to have the full crypttext available to it.  If you can decrypt a
message in N steps, then using BP1 with half random data forces you to
do N*2 steps, where the steps themselves are more complicated.  The
storage requirements are higher, as are the data transfer pathways.

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://russnelson.com
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | "Ask not what your country
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | can force other people to
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | do for you..."  -Perry M.

Re: Justice Department criticizes online anonymity

2000-03-01 Thread Tim May

At 10:36 AM -0800 3/1/00, Declan McCullagh wrote:
Of more relevance to this list, perhaps, is yesterday's testimony of the
FBI's Michael Vatis with the bureau's usual crypto-complaints:

convicted terrorist Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the World Trade
Center bombing, stored detailed plans to destroy United States airliners on
encrypted files on his laptop computer.

Unsurprising. And a major reason I have long argued that crypto rights
should _never_ be based on the once-popular whines of "show me just one
example of a criminal who used cryptography." Using this argument is a
recipe for disaster.


U.S. Wants Less Web Anonymity
by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Currently no laws require U.S. Internet
users to reveal their identity before
signing up for an account, and both
fee-based and free services offer
anonymous mail, Web browsing, and
dialup connections.

And, critically, the U.S. Constitution provides a solid base that speech
need not be linked to a True Name. From the basic language of the First to
the recent cases (Talley, IIRC) about anonymous pamphlets.

Further, any person is free to incorporate into his writings the excerpted
writings of others (modulo copyright laws, which are not relevant for
obvious reasons). This means that "anonymous recommenters" are fully

"Hey, AnonymousRemailerFoo, look at what AnonymousSenderBar just sent me:

"Request-Recommenting-To: AnonymousRemailerBaz.


Of course, an anonymous remailer is just as protected by the First as this
hypothetical (and contrived) anonymous recommenter is, but it may help some
to see just how far-ranging the implications of banning anonymous speech
would be.

--Tim May

Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Re: Justice Department criticizes online anonymity

2000-03-01 Thread Steve Schear

At 01:36 PM 3/1/00 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
Of more relevance to this list, perhaps, is yesterday's testimony of the 
FBI's Michael Vatis with the bureau's usual crypto-complaints:

Michael was the FBI chief I put on the spot at the '98 RSA conference.  He 
proudly pitched how the FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Center 
would deter foreign countries from snooping and penetrating the Internet 
and communication systems of U.S. corporations.  However, he quickly fell 
silent and stammered when I asked how they intended to protect us from the 
ECHELON activities of our UKUSA partners.


please help FreeNet by becoming a node

2000-03-01 Thread Eugene Leitl

(((I urge you to donate some of your computational/networking 
   resources to the Freenet project, even if it's a single xDSL
   box. Details how to help see Latest News below.)))


"I worry about my child and the Internet all the time, even though
she's too young to have logged on yet. Here's what I worry about. I
worry that 10 or 15 years from now, she will come to me and say
'Daddy, where were you when they took freedom of the press away from
the Internet?'" -Mike Godwin


 Latest News 

18th Feb 2000 - Now is your chance to help Freenet is now in its
testing phase, to facilitate this we need people who can run a Freenet
node on their computers. To participate you will need a computer
capable of running java 1.1 which has a permanent connection to the
Internet, a fixed IP address, and is not behind a firewall. If you
have access to such a beast and would like to help the Freenet project
please click here for instructions on how to install a Freenet server.

 What is Freenet? 

The Freenet project aims to create an information publication system
similar to the World Wide Web (but with several major advantages over
it - see next section), where information can be inserted into the
system and associated with a "key" (the key is normally some form of
description of the data such as "freenet source code V1.0"). Later
anyone else can retrieve the data using the appropriate key. In this
respect it is a little like the World Wide Web which requires a "URL"
to retrieve a particular document.  To participate in this system
users will simply need to run a piece of Java software on their
computer, and optionally use a client to insert and remove information
from the system.  Anyone can write a client (or indeed a server)
however the reference implementations will be written in Java.  If you
are interested in why someone might want to create a system like
Freenet please take a look at the philosophy page.

 Why is Freenet interesting? 

Click on any of the following reasons for more information about each:

 Freenet does not have any form of centralised control or
 It will be virtually impossible to forcibly remove a piece
 of information from Freenet 
 Both authors and readers of information stored on this
 system may remain anonymous if they wish 
 Information will be distributed throughout the Freenet
 network in such a way that it is difficult to determine
 where information is being stored 
 Anyone can publish information, they don't need to buy
 a domain name, or even a permanent Internet
 Availability of information will increase in proportion to
 the demand for that information 
 Information will move from parts of the Internet where
 it is in low-demand to areas where demand is greater 

 What is Freenet's current status? 

Much of the server is complete, and a command line client (which is
developed in parallel and shares some code with the server) is also
nearing completion. As of 8th Feb 2000 the following remains to be

 Some minor changes to message behaviour 
 Fix hashing on Liberator (a contributed Perl
 implementation of a Freenet client) 
 Implement tunneling (a mechanism which will
 dramatically improve Freenet response times) 
 Speed up handshaking mechanism (which will also
 improve response times) 
 Conduct a wide-scale multi-node beta-test (at present
 most tests have been conducted by running several nodes
 on the same computer). 

You should subscribe to the announcement mailing list to be informed
of major releases (this is a low traffic mailing list).

 Can I help?

Yes, definitely. If you have Java programming experience, or are
familiar with cryptography then you will be particularly useful, but
everyone is welcome. If you just want to find out more make sure you
have read everything on this site - and then join the General mailing
list. If you are keen to contribute, first take a look at the code in
CVS, then you should join the Development mailing list and let us know
what you think you can do.

 Why implement the first Freenet server in


 Java is the most cross-platform language currently
 There are free Java implementations available such as
 Kaffe, we will ensure that Freenet is always compatible
 with these versions even if Sun attempt to make it more
 difficult for free Java implementations to keep up. 
 Java has excellent network support 
 Java is easier to debug than other languages such as C++,
 and this lets us get on with the business of implementing
 Freenet quickly and reliably!