RE: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of 3DES

2000-05-19 Thread David Honig

At 10:03 AM 5/18/00 -0400, Paul Kierstead wrote:
>OK, so I want to prevent some regular, every-day hackers from picking up my
>traffic. Or I just want reasonable protection for my passwords in Telnet or
>FTP. You are saying that some guy in his basement can break DES?

There's a lot of spare cycles *not* being used to comb RF for aliens...  

If you're only worried about the bored sysop with grep and five minutes to
spare, use rot13 -and you can do this at OC192+ no prob :-)

>I'm inclined to use 3-DES since
>the performance hit doesn't make much diff to my DSL-lite line 

DES was designed for hardware.  Its slow in software.  3 DES is thrice
as bad.   Modern ciphers are faster, and well supported by modern CPUs
(IDEA was designed for CPUs with 16-bit multipliers; Blowfish for CPUs with
4 kby cache).  

The *only* reason for using DES (or 3DES) is legacy systems, ie, backwards
interop.  IPSec stacks (like *all* crypto things) should come with, and
negotiate to use, better crypto when they can.  Which should be most of the
time, given how new both sides of most links will be.   (Most of the
computers ever built are alive today..)

I suppose it doesn't really matter what alg you use, as long as you're not
using your CPU for much else, and you're only driving a slow line.  That
situation, especially the latter, won't last.

Steam engines are fine for railroads, not so great for cars, and
useless for airplanes.  DES is a steam engine.

>I am not excusing MS; their flaw was misleading the user. 


Problem is, this is a very serious fraud; its not just a typical
MS lie ("WinNT server is *much* different from NT workstation")
but something that has real implications for the people who need
it most...   MS has a real strong reputation for designing in convenience
over security...

If software were buildings, the first woodpecker to come along would
knock down civilization.

If MS-software were locks, the first lockpicker to come along
would pass through like a ghost.  


Re: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of 3DES

2000-05-19 Thread Paul Crowley

"L. Sassaman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Frankly, I can't understand why the IPsec protocol still allows DES.
> > 
> > We are waiting for AES.
> So am I correct in assuming you are saying that DES will be disallowed as
> part of the IPsec protocol when AES is finalized?
> This would be good. I still think that DES should be dropped immediately,
> however.

I'm guessing that they have to have a MUST cipher, and they don't want
to change twice, so it makes sense to wait until September and then
make AES (or AES primary) the only MUST cipher.  
/\__/ Paul Crowley /~\

Re: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of 3DES

2000-05-19 Thread John Kelsey


At 08:58 AM 5/18/00 -0400, Russell Nelson wrote:
>L. Sassaman writes:
> > PGP's source code has always been available for public review.
> > This has not changed. There are no "back doors" for the NSA in
> > PGP, 
>Unless they are particularly subtle ones, based on a
>mathematical understanding that is not yet publicly known.  Remember
>that the NSA knew about differential cryptanalysis well before
>anyone else.  Times have changed, but maybe less than we

If there are weaknesses that the NSA didn't put there, they're holes,
not back doors.  If the NSA knows how to break some of the algorithms
(IDEA, CAST-128, 3DES, RSA, SHA1, El Gamal, etc.), that's still not a
back door, it's a successful cryptanalysis.  It seems very unlikely
to me, but maybe an F-16 would have seemed pretty damned unlikely to
Orville Wright, too.  

On the up side, if NSA knows how to break (say) CAST-128 with few
enough resources to be useful (e.g., 2^{80} work, 2^{40} memory, a
few thousand known plaintexts), that fact will be kept secret.  Which
means that they will have to be *very* careful making any use of
information recovered from that break, to avoid leaking the fact that
they can break it.

>-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- --John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.1 Int. for non-commercial use

Comment: foo


Re: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of 3DES

2000-05-19 Thread Sandy Harris

Paul Kierstead wrote:
> > Frankly, I can't understand why the IPsec protocol still
> > allows DES. It
> > should require strong encryption. Having DES in a product
> > these days makes
> > about as much sense as mandating the usage of ROT13.
> OK, so I want to prevent some regular, every-day hackers from picking up my
> traffic. Or I just want reasonable protection for my passwords in Telnet or
> FTP. You are saying that some guy in his basement can break DES?


My document explaining why Linux FreeS/WAN does not implement DES, and
why we think no-one should use it

has a section about that.

" What about someone working alone, without the resources of a large
" organisation? For them, cracking DES will not be easy, but it may be
" possible. A few thousand dollars buys a lot of surplus workstations,
" and will buy even more as Year 2000 concerns drive more old machines
" into the surplus market. A pile of such machines will certainly heat
" your garage nicely and might break DES in a few months or years. Or
" enroll at a university and use their machines. Or use an employer's
" machines. Or crack security somewhere and steal the resources to crack
" a DES key. Or write a virus that steals small amounts of
" resources on many machines. Or . . . 

" None of these approaches are really easy or break DES really quickly,
" but an attacker only needs to find one that is feasible and breaks DES
" quickly enough to be dangerous. How much would you care to bet that
" this will be impossible if the attacker is determined and/or clever?
" How valuable is your data? Are you authorised to risk it on a dubious
" bet? 

> For that matter, lets say I am protecting data from somewhat more
> sophisticated attackers. DES still requires significant resources to crack
> and I may have some level of assurance that it isn't worth their while. Or
> maybe I just want to waste their resources.
> OK, DES isn't great, but it is still sufficient for some (maybe even many)
> purposes. If your threat model isn't severe and you need the bandwidth more,
> then DES is fine.

No. The notion that there is a trade-off here is a myth promulgated by
people interested in encouraging the use of weak ciphers. Ciphers with
adequate keylength need no more computation than those without.

Use CAST-128 or Blowfish or IDEA, or your favorite AES candidate.
Those ciphers are all significantly faster than DES, and none have the
obvious, known weakness of inadequate key size.
> If you really need to protect your data, particularly from
> government agencies, use something better. I'm inclined to use 3-DES since
> the performance hit doesn't make much diff to my DSL-lite line and the other
> end has more then sufficient horsepower to handle many 3-DES connections;
> others may be in a more difficult position w.r.t. bandwidth vrs. security.
> I am not excusing MS; their flaw was misleading the user. Their real mistake
> is that the item should have been labeled '3-DES or DES (export friendly)'.
> Paul Kierstead
> TimeStep Corporation
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http:\\

Re: IP: FBI insists it can tap e-mail without a warrant

2000-05-19 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Perry E. Metzger" writes:

>>As interpreted by the FCC, the act also would require telecommunications 
>>providers to turn over "packet-mode communications" - such as those that 
>>carry Internet traffic - without the warrant required for a phone wiretap.

I think that the probability that the FBI will be allowed access to 
packet content without a warrant is about zero.  There's too much 
precedent against them.

First, look at the origin of the current Federal wiretap law (18 USC 
2511).  Circa 1967 (I'm on a plane and don't have my references handy), 
the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that warrantless wiretaps were violations 
of the Constitution.  The principle of stare decisis (which I can type
but not pronounce...) makes it quite improbable that they would overturn
that ruling, this soon.  The legislative response was Title III of the 
Ombnibus Crime Control Act of 1968, which set out the current wiretap 
requirements.  These were amended by the ECPA to cover other forms of 

The CALEA requirements are for headers -- for better or worse, the 
equivalent data in the voice world, the caller and called numbers, are 
not protected as strongly.  One can argue that those are, legally 
speaking, more easily obtainable.  The argument was made to the FCC 
that it's very hard to separate headers from content (and rightly so, I 
think -- consider all the myriad forms of tunneling).  So the FBI said, 
in effect, "give us all the data and we'll do the hard stuff".

It's very hard to see how that will fly.  It certainly won't in New 
York, where the courts have ruled that even pen registers require a 
wiretap warrant, since the same technology is involved.  Using not 
just the same technology, but actually turning over the content on a 
promise of good behavior, with no warrant -- that's not one I'm worried 
about.  (Of course, if it passes muster, I'll be *very* upset, but I 
very much doubt that that will be the case.)

--Steve Bellovin

htaccess help

2000-05-19 Thread John Young

[This isn't cryptography related, but helping John keep his web site
of useful crypto information working well helps the community, so I'm
allowing it. If you aren't a web server type who knows how to help,
you probably want to delete this now. --Perry]

We need help on analyzing the adverse effect of using
.htaccess to block misbehaving IP addresses.

We first installed the file in September 1999 to block a
single looping machine at Then added a few
more as such loopings occurred from other addresses.

Recently we discovered that nearly all our logfiles have been
inaccurate and asked our provider, Verio, to tell us why. Turns
out the culprit was .htaccess, according to Verio. We were 
blamed for listing hostnames to block rather than numeric
IP addresses, which led reverse lookup to go haywire (see 
message below).

Removal of .htaccess immediately stopped the inaccuracies,
and reinstallation with only numeric addresses seems to
work just fine, so that seems to have been the problem.

We are attempting to analyze the inaccurate logs for a particular
brief period and cannot find a pattern which would produce accuracy.
(Yes, we regularly delete logfiles to protect privacy) Verio claims 
that the inaccurate logs were generated automatically and there is 
no way to regenerate them accurately.

Help would be appreciated on means to figure out how to translate
the inaccuracies into accuracies. This involves only about two dozen
logfile entries we need to accurately identify (more on that when the
details can be substantiated -- it's about suspected gov improprieties).

A related odd discovery: Last December, visitors from,
including what we call the "NSA bot," disappeared from the logfiles.
We assumed the site was no longer of interest or that cover
addresses were now being used.

Well, maybe wholly coincidental, when we removed .htaccess
a few days ago the addresses, including the NSA bot, began 
reappearing in the logfiles. Reinstallation of .htaccess with only numeric
addresses has had no affect on the ncsc accesses.

Would anyone know what to make of this?


From:  David Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [IDS-946244] CRYPTOME.ORG and JYA.COM 
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 07:41:55 -0400 (EDT)

Dear John,

Thank you for contacting technical support. In response to your questions:

Our Apache implementation has HostnameLookups turned off - the 
access_log.custom file should NOT have hostnames in it. The lookups are 
done by logparse/logip when the servers' master log file is parsed. However, 
you had a bunch of 'deny from' directives in his .htaccess that used 

[addresses xxx'd here for privacy]

order allow,deny
deny from 165.xx.xx
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
allow from all

This forces Apache to look up the hostnames, so it knows where to 
deny from. Since they are already looked up, they are put into the 
log. So, when logparse runs, it takes the hostname, thinks it's an IP 
address, and tries to reverse it - with unpredictable results. You will 
need to put only IP addresses in your .htaccess file. We tried 
commenting out the entries with hostnames and then only IPs 
were logged - which would be correctly parsed by logip. I hope 

this clarifies things a bit more for you. If you wish to find some more 
information about Apache configurations, please take a look at There are also 
some links there for more detailed information about Apache 
modifications. If you have any other questions, please feel free to 
contact us. Have a good day.

David K.
Tech Support

Re: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of 3DES

2000-05-19 Thread Derek Atkins

Actually, the SAAG voted to drop DES from IPsec back in, oh, the
Minneapolis IETF in March '99 (IIRC).  I think the problem is that
nobody has revved the IPsec docs.


Paul Crowley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "L. Sassaman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > Frankly, I can't understand why the IPsec protocol still allows DES.
> > > 
> > > We are waiting for AES.
> > 
> > So am I correct in assuming you are saying that DES will be disallowed as
> > part of the IPsec protocol when AES is finalized?
> > 
> > This would be good. I still think that DES should be dropped immediately,
> > however.
> I'm guessing that they have to have a MUST cipher, and they don't want
> to change twice, so it makes sense to wait until September and then
> make AES (or AES primary) the only MUST cipher.  
> -- 
>   __
> /\__/ Paul Crowley /~\

   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available

Re: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of 3DES

2000-05-19 Thread David Honig

At 12:56 AM 5/19/00 -0500, John Kelsey wrote:
>few thousand known plaintexts), that fact will be kept secret.  Which
>means that they will have to be *very* careful making any use of
>information recovered from that break, to avoid leaking the fact that
>they can break it.
>- --John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Surely you know this is the first thing taught to pro (vs academic) analysts?

People have died to conceal analysis (see Kahn on WWII); the US
can't convince anyone about the five-million-dollar-man (bin Laden; or link
Libya to Lockerbie, etc.) because the spooks don't want to reveal their
sources.  This is even stated fairly frequently by the mouthpieces
in D.C. these days.

So not tipping your hand is standard procedure; ergo history favors

[Covert agents also appreciate it when you don't act immediately
on things they've leaked to you.. makes them too easy to sniff/snuff out..]

Vulnerability analysts are like blackhat crackers: they don't send memos
to the design team...


Re: GPS integrity

2000-05-19 Thread John Gilmore

>   This makes it quite possible to detect this kind of simple
> spoofing by using two or more GPS antennas located a known distance from
> each other and checking to see that the positions computed from the
> signal out of each one  differ by the known distances.

Sounds like some interested parties should take some GPS gear and some
radio receiving and test gear to one of the spots where the millatree
is warning airmen that "for the next two weeks, GPS doesn't work
here", and see just what sort of jamming they are using...


Re: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of 3DES

2000-05-19 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul C
rowley writes:

>I'm guessing that they have to have a MUST cipher, and they don't want
>to change twice, so it makes sense to wait until September and then
>make AES (or AES primary) the only MUST cipher.  


--Steve Bellovin

RE: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of 3DES

2000-05-19 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

Someone made the comment in this thread (I can't seem to find it 
again) that a bug in MS security that counts as a hole, not a 
backdoor. But a cooperative relationship between Microsoft and NSA 
(or any vendor and their local signals security agency) can be more 
subtle. What if Microsoft agreed not to fix that bug?  What if 
Microsoft gives NSA early access to source to look for bugs? The NSA 
may not need much more than an agreement that certain portions of, 
say, the RNG object code will never change (or only change 
infrequently, with lots of notice). That might be enough to insure 
that NSAs viruses and Trojan horses can always find the right spot to 
insert a patch that weakens random number generation.

It may be time to question whether we should ever expect that mass 
market operating systems from commercial vendors will protect users 
against a targeted attack from a high resource operation such as the 
major signals intelligence agencies.  Users may have to rely on open 
source OS's and security tools that are light weight,  easy to audit 
and isolated from the OS. Perhaps the best we can expect from a 
commercial OS is enough protection to make it hard to scan data in 
transit for users who super encrypt with stronger tools.

Arnold Reinhold

Re: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of 3DES

2000-05-19 Thread William Allen Simpson


"L. Sassaman" wrote:
> On Wed, 17 May 2000, Dennis Glatting wrote:
> > > Frankly, I can't understand why the IPsec protocol still allows DES. It
> > > should require strong encryption. Having DES in a product these days
> > > makes about as much sense as mandating the usage of ROT13. 
> > >
> >
> > We are waiting for AES.
> So am I correct in assuming you are saying that DES will be disallowed as
> part of the IPsec protocol when AES is finalized?
> This would be good. I still think that DES should be dropped immediately,
> however.

"Steven M. Bellovin" wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul
> C rowley writes: 
> >I'm guessing that they have to have a MUST cipher, and they don't want
> >to change twice, so it makes sense to wait until September and then
> >make AES (or AES primary) the only MUST cipher.
> Correct.
Not historically.  This has been an issue since long before AES was viable. 

When Perry and Phil and I wrote the first IPSec DES RFC in 1995, we 

   It is suggested that DES is not a good encryption algorithm for the
   protection of even moderate value information in the face of such
   equipment.  Triple DES is probably a better choice for such purposes.

But the IPSec WG refused to make 3DES an official option.  We had to 
publish as "Experimental".

Since immediately after Deep Crack, Scott Bradner and I have had an 
Applicability Statement draft out for years!  An Applicability Statement 
is a "Best Current Practice" that tells everyone in the Internet what 
is recommended.

The Steering Group (IESG) officially REJECTED Last Call for the IETF, 

   The Security ADs do not agree with the conclusion "Currently
   deployed equipment using DES should be eliminated, or upgraded to a
   more robust algorithm and key length." Instead they believe that
   new applications should use stronger technology and that efforts
   should be made to gracefully phase out the use of DES. The IESG
   therefore considers summary elimination proposed by your document

   We are also not prepared to move RFC-2419, RFC-2405, RFC-1829 to
   Historic status at this time.

   If the relevant Working Group makes a request to the IESG to move its 
   RFCs to Historic Status, the IESG will consider it.

FYI, the PPP WG _DID_ ask!  Here's the current history section from the 
latest (unposted) draft:


   On July 20, 1998, William Allen Simpson, with the concurrance of
   Perry Metzger and Phil Karn, asked that their DES encryption Proposed
   Standard [RFC-1829], and the related PPP DES encryption Proposed
   Standard [RFC-1619], be declared Historic (removed from the Standards
   Track), and recommended DESX [SB97] and Triple-DES [SMKD97] as
   interim Proposed Standards until the selection of AES.  With the
   assistance of Scott Bradner, this Applicability Statement was written
   to reflect the recommendation.

   Instead, the IESG approved RFC-2405 (November 1998) and RFC-2419
   (September 1998) for publication as Proposed Standards.

   On March 18, 1999, the Security Area Advisory Group overwhelmingly
   approved removal of DES from the Standards Track, and recommended
   Triple-DES as mandatory to implement.  This Applicability Statement
   was updated to reflect the recommendation.

   Instead, the IESG approved RFC-2574 (April 1999) for publication as   +
   Proposed Standard.+

   On November 8, 1999, the Point-to-Point Protocol Extentions Working   +
   Group overwhelmingly approved removal of DES [RFC-2419] from the  +
   Standards Track, and recommended Triple-DES [RFC-2420] as mandatory   +
   to implement.  On November 10, 1999, this recommendation was  +
   forwarded to the IESG Internet Area Directors by the Working Group+

   Unfortunately, in a communication dated December 3, 1999, the IESG+
   officially refused to publish this document as an Applicability   +
   Statement, stating they are "not prepared to move RFC-2419, RFC-2405, +
   RFC-1829 to Historic status at this time."

Version: PGP 6.5.1


Re: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of3DES

2000-05-19 Thread Andrew Loewenstern

David Honig wrote:
> The *only* reason for using DES (or 3DES) is legacy systems, ie, backwards
> interop.  IPSec stacks (like *all* crypto things) should come with, and
> negotiate to use, better crypto when they can.  Which should be most of the
> time, given how new both sides of most links will be.   (Most of the
> computers ever built are alive today..)

This is not true.  DES is the most intensely scrutinized block cipher available
to us.  I would think most security professionals would trust 3DES more than any
of the AES candidates, for instance, which have received much less analysis. 
For now, many people accept the lesser performance of 3DES in exchange for the
reduced risk.  Relatively inexpensive 3DES IPSEC hardware is readily available
which makes performance less of a concern.


RE: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of 3DES

2000-05-19 Thread Rick Smith

At 02:25 PM 05/19/2000 -0400, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:

> . But a cooperative relationship between Microsoft and NSA 
>(or any vendor and their local signals security agency) can be more 
>subtle. What if Microsoft agreed not to fix that bug?  What if 
>Microsoft gives NSA early access to source to look for bugs? The NSA 
>may not need much more than an agreement that certain portions of, 
>say, the RNG object code will never change (or only change 
>infrequently, with lots of notice). That might be enough to insure 
>that NSAs viruses and Trojan horses can always find the right spot to 
>insert a patch that weakens random number generation.

This is one of the more believable scenarios I've heard for back-doors
supported by organizations outside of Microsoft. I remain skeptical that
NSA, Microsoft, or anyone else can build a truly foolproof back-door (i.e.
one that doesn't spring open by mistake when Matthew Broderick happens to
call). I doubt NSA would want to entrust national security on the
problematic behavior of a software flaw as opposed to a throughly designed
and analyzed back door mechanism. But I like the idea of diddling with the
RNG. People are unlikely to look for such an attack, but it gets them what
they want, especially when they use best crypto practices and change keys

>It may be time to question whether we should ever expect that mass 
>market operating systems from commercial vendors will protect users 
>against a targeted attack from a high resource operation such as the 
>major signals intelligence agencies.   .

I think there's a much more profound risk of such a back-door being
installed by a hostile overseas organization or by organized crime. If the
NSA approaches Microsoft to acquire their support of NSA's surveillance
mission, then the information will have to be shared with a bunch of people
inside Microsoft, and they're not all going to keep it secret.

On the other hand, any well-heeled organization could approach a single
disgruntled employee with a hefty bribe (say, a recent employee with newer,
less valuable stock options). If the employee is involved in bugfixing, the
organization could probably purchase a back-door. The employee will have a
strong motivation to not tell anyone about it since it would get him fired,
it might be in violation of various laws, and the folks who paid him might
come after him if word gets out. Those same motivations for silence aren't
as much at work if someone is told to do something on NSA's behalf as part
of their regular work duties. 

I suppose if the mafia or the KGB-du-jour can do this, then so can the NSA,
if there's a bureaucrat there who's enough of a risk taker and has enough
motivation. I remain skeptical that there's anyone there with enough budget
and guts to take that approach to data collection, regardless of the
perceived benefits. Too much risk to the career if word gets out.
