Re: What would you like to see in a book on cryptography forprogrammers?

2000-08-11 Thread William Rowden

On Today, dmolnar wrote:
[Hi, David!]
 On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Michael Paul Johnson wrote:
  What would you like to see covered in a practical book on
  cryptography for programmers?
   Especially examples of tempting, but wrong, things to do.   

Perhaps this is a pet peeve of mine...

In the tempting-but-wrong category, one could include samples of the
insecure systems that result when programmers with no cryptanalysis
background create their own cryptographic algorithms.  The newsgroup
sci.crypt is rife with examples; look for authors who only posted a
few times.  The last such system I remember seeing was a reinvention
of the Vignere cipher; before that, I seem to recall an autokey
system; somewhat earlier a "one time pad" with a pseudorandom number
generator (a LCG or LSFR, I think) appeared.  Some footnotes
indicating the century in which the system was invented and broken
might reinforce the point.
PGP key: until 2001-02-01
Fingerprint: B6E5 9732 3464 97C8 2B70  A031 6BF6 9E5C 16B5 C4000
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.

DCSB: Hapgood and Johansson; Post-Napster Models for Digital Commerce (and a special announcement!)

2000-08-11 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 10:39:53 -0400
From: "R. A. Hettinga" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: DCSB: Hapgood and Johansson; Post-Napster Models for Digital
 Commerce (and a special announcement!)
Cc: "Eric S. Johansson" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Fred Hapgood" [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Zulfikar Ramzan [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Nicko van Someren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: "R. A. Hettinga" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[Please note the special DCSB 5th Anniversary announcement at the bottom
of this message. --RAH]

  The Digital Commerce Society of Boston


   Fred Hapgood
  Eric Johansson


  "Post-Napster Business Models for Digital Commerce"

 Tuesday, September 5th, 2000
12 - 2 PM
  The Downtown Harvard Club of Boston
One Federal Street, Boston, MA
   The Club's Dress Code is Business Casual

Fred Hapgood and Eric Johannson will examine various
ideas claiming to represent "online business models for the post-
Napster music industry."   These include paid admission to
interactive online performances, an "official Napster", and
systems based on voluntary payments.

Attention will be given to how systems based on voluntary payments
might work, what kinds of business models make sense in a
voluntary payment context, and the implications of voluntary
payment structures for other intellectual property issues.

Fred Hapgood is a free lance writer specializing in business
technology issues and trends.

Eric Johansson has over 20 years of high level system and software
design experience, with particular emphasis on Internet system design.
For the past five years, Eric has headed Internet Guide Services,
specializing in the design, configuration, and remediation of complex
Internet-based systems.  Among others, his clients have included EGG,
BBN, AllMedia Solutions, ZipLink, and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care.  He
has extensive experience with UNIX systems, Internet server
configuration/design, and communication architectures.  Prior to
founding Internet Guide Service, Eric held senior-level engineering
positions with Polaroid Corp., Wang Laboratories, Ziff-Davis, and

This meeting of the Digital Commerce Society of Boston will be held on
Tuesday, September 5th, 2000, from 12pm - 2pm at the Downtown Branch of
the Harvard Club of Boston, on One Federal Street. The price for lunch is
$35.00. This price includes lunch, room rental, A/V hardware if
necessary, and the speakers' lunch. The Harvard Club has relaxed its
dress code, which is now "business casual", meaning no sneakers or jeans.
Fair warning: since we purchase these luncheons in advance, we will be
unable to refund the price of your meal if the Club finds you in
violation of what's left of its dress code.

We need to receive a company check, or a money order, (or, if we actually
know you, a personal check) payable to "The Harvard Club of Boston", by
Saturday, September 2nd, or you won't be on the list for lunch. Checks
payable to anyone else but The Harvard Club of Boston will have to be
sent back.

Checks should be sent to Robert Hettinga, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston,
Massachusetts, 02131. Again, they *must* be made payable to "The Harvard
Club of Boston", in the amount of $35.00. Please include your e-mail
address so that we can send you a confirmation

If anyone has questions, or has a problem with these arrangements (We've
had to work with glacial A/P departments more than once, for instance),
please let us know via e-mail, and we'll see if we can work something

Upcoming speakers for DCSB are:

October Birthday Cake and Champagne   DCSB 5th Anniversary
NovemberZully Ramzan and
   Nicko van Someren  "A Micropayment Shootout"

As you can see, :-), we are actively searching for future speakers. If
you are in Boston on the first Tuesday of the month, are a principal in
digital commerce, and would like to make a presentation to the Society,
please send e-mail to the DCSB Program Committee, care of Robert
Hettinga, mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Special Announcement!
DCSB Turns Five on October 3rd

When we started the Digital Commerce Society of Boston (originally the
Boston Society for Digital Commerce, we made the name more, um,
instantiable, a couple of months later) at lunch on Tuesday, October 3rd,
1995 it was barely proper to consider actually *selling* anything on the
internet at all.

In the beginning of 1995, most of us figured that *maybe* a few tens of
millions of dollars in transactions would be executed on the internet
that year. Of course, we all know what happened: at least $150 million
was executed on the net in 1995, billions 

Re: What would you like to see in a book on cryptography for programme

2000-08-11 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer

William Rowden writes:
 In the tempting-but-wrong category, one could include samples of the
 insecure systems that result when programmers with no cryptanalysis
 background create their own cryptographic algorithms.

Yes, and let us hope that Michael Paul Johnson resists the temptation to
plug his own home-grown ciphers, Sapphire and Diamond.  Hopefully he'll
realize that including his own ciphers in the book will ruin what little
credibility he has as an author.

Re: Book on cryptography for programmers

2000-08-11 Thread John R Levine

 In case you haven't figured it out, yes, I am seriously contemplating 
 writing such a book. Please keep the good ideas coming.

Oh, good.

All of the discussion of algorithms is fine, but it seems to me that the most
important topic in such a book is how to avoid building yet another crypto
system with a ten-ton steel door and a cardboard back wall.  I would include
some horror stories of failed crypto, and perhaps a few pages on how crypto
systems are broken or subverted. 

Also, you might develop a check list of do's and dont's, e.g.:

* Don't try to invent a new crypto systems.  Amateurs can't write secure 
crypto systems, as often as not professionals can't either.

* Don't "improve" an existing system.

* Do remember that "random" numbers usually aren't, and no amount of
massaging them will fix that. 

* Don't assume that bad guys won't be able to read your source code. 

* Do have an explicit threat model so you understand why you're developing a
crypto program in the first place.  People obsess over credit card numbers
being stolen in transit over the net, but the real threats are poorly secured
DBMS back ends and merchant sites that are not what they appear to be. (Check
out, for example.)

* Do be lazy.  Before you try to write a network crypto package, for example,
see if you can piggyback on SSL.  SSL has its problems, but it's probably
better than something you'll invent. 

* Do consider usability.  If a crypto system issues 25 character random
passwords every week, the passwords will all be written on post-its stuck on
people's screens.  If there's a rule not to do that, the post-its will move
into the desk drawer. 

* Don't be seduced into doing something foolish for usability's sake, 
e.g., self-extracting executables with alleged encrypted data inside.

John Levine, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be,, Sewer Commissioner
Finger for PGP key, f'print = 3A 5B D0 3F D9 A0 6A A4  2D AC 1E 9E A6 36 A3 47 

Re: Book on cryptography for programmers

2000-08-11 Thread dmolnar

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, John R Levine wrote:

 * Don't try to invent a new crypto systems.  Amateurs can't write secure 
 crypto systems, as often as not professionals can't either.

By the way, I would extend this to include "don't try to write your
own new crypto code, unless you really, really have to." 
Also something on how to find and use test vectors. 

Re: What would you like to see in a book on cryptography for programme

2000-08-11 Thread Michael Paul Johnson

At 07:20 PM 8/11/00 +, lcs Mixmaster Remailer wrote:
William Rowden writes:
 In the tempting-but-wrong category, one could include samples of the
 insecure systems that result when programmers with no cryptanalysis
 background create their own cryptographic algorithms.

Yes, and let us hope that Michael Paul Johnson resists the temptation to
plug his own home-grown ciphers, Sapphire and Diamond.  Hopefully he'll
realize that including his own ciphers in the book will ruin what little
credibility he has as an author.

Actually, I'd rather publish your credible cryptanalysis of those ciphers, if you care 
to enlighten us. Lacking that, I'll see if I can egg someone else on to do so by 
writing about them, too. I'm not as concerned about what one anonymous person thinks 
about my credibility as I am about advancing the state of the art of computer 
cryptography and making it more accessible to the average programmer. I think that 
involves a balance where I will promote the best ciphers (i. e. the AES finalists), 
but also explain the design, analysis, and limitations of my own ciphers. Who else 
could explain them as well?

Seriously, if you know of a real weakness in either the Sapphire II Stream Cipher or 
the Diamond 2 Block Cipher, please let us all know on this list, especially me. I 
honestly don't know of one, but I openly admit that I could have missed something. Do 
I write about these ciphers being victorious over your scrutiny, or about their 
demise? Either one has value.


Michael Paul Johnson   

Re: Book on cryptography for programmers

2000-08-11 Thread Michael Paul Johnson

At 04:00 PM 8/11/00 -0400, dmolnar wrote:

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, John R Levine wrote:

 * Don't try to invent a new crypto systems.  Amateurs can't write secure 
 crypto systems, as often as not professionals can't either.

By the way, I would extend this to include "don't try to write your
own new crypto code, unless you really, really have to." 
Also something on how to find and use test vectors. 

Good suggestions. Actually, I think that rather than a flat-out "don't try to write 
your own," a listing of what it takes to do it right, together with pointing out the 
existence of free or inexpensive libraries that already do what you want to do, should 
be most effective. The same goes for cipher design. Some people actually do it well, 
but only after they have studied what was done before, tried cracking a few, etc.

I'd really like to get people to think about sensitive data life cycles, too. Good 
cryptography can be so easy to defeat with simple blunders in applications.


Michael Paul Johnson   

Final Program CHES 2000

2000-08-11 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 08:48:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christof Paar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CHES Workshop: ;
Subject: Final Program CHES 2000
Reply-To: Christof Paar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 CHES 2000

Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems

Worcester Polytechnic Institute
 Worcester, Massachusetts, August 17-18, 2000


===  WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16th  ==


Evening Registration and Reception at Atwater Kent Building, WPI

(Shuttle Service will be provided between WPI, the Crowne Plaza Hotel
and the Courtyard Marriott Hotel)

===  THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th  ===


Registration at Atwater Kent Building, WPI
Continental Breakfast

(Shuttle Service will be provided between WPI, the Crowne Plaza Hotel
and Courtyard Marriott)

8:45 - 9:15 am  WELCOME

Welcome by Jack Carney (Provost, WPI)
Introductory remarks by Cetin Koc and Christof Paar

9:15 - 9:55 am  INVITED TALK

Alfred Menezes, University of Waterloo, Canada
Elliptic curve cryptography in constrained environments.


S. Okada, N. Torii, K. Ito, and M. Takenaka.
Implementation of elliptic curve cryptographic coprocessor over
GF(2^m) on FPGA.

G. Orlando and C. Paar.
A high-performance reconfigurable elliptic curve processor for GF(2^m).

J. W. Chung, S. G. Sim, and P. J. Lee.
Fast implementation of elliptic curve defined over GF(p^m) on CalmRISC
with MAC2424 coprocessor.

10:55 - 11:15 am  BREAK


A. Shamir.
Protecting smart cards from passive power analysis with detached
power supplies.

R. Mayer-Sommer.
Smartly analyzing the simplicity and the power of simple power
analysis on Smartcards.

M. A. Hasan.
Power analysis attacks and algorithmic approaches to their
countermeasures for Koblitz curve cryptosystems.

W. Schindler.
A timing attack against RSA with the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

12:35 - 2:00 pm  LUNCH BREAK


A. Dandalis, V. K. Prasanna, and J. D. P. Rolim.
A comparative study of performance of AES final candidates using FPGAs.

C. Patterson.
A dynamic FPGA implementation of the Serpent Block Cipher.

S. Trimberger, R. Pang, and A. Singh.
A 12 Gbps DES Encryptor/Decryptor core in an FPGA.

H. Leitold, W. Mayerwieser, U. Payer, K. C. Posch, R. Posch, and J.
A 155 Mbps triple-DES network encryptor.

3:20 - 3:40 pm  BREAK


J. Goodman and A. Chandrakasan.
An energy efficient reconfigurable public-key cryptography processor

J. Groszschaedl.
High-Speed RSA Hardware based on Barret's Modular Reduction Method.

C. Walter.
Data integrity in hardware for modular arithmetic.

T. Kato, S. Ito, J. Anzai, and N. Matsuzaki.
A design for modular exponentiation coprocessor in mobile
telecommunication terminals.

6:00 - 9:00 pm  CHES BANQUET

7:00 - 9:00 pm  Shuttle Service will be provided between WPI, the
Crowne Plaza Hotel and Courtyard Marriott

===  FRIDAY, AUGUST 18TH  ==


Registration at Atwater Kent Building, WPI
Continental Breakfast

(Shuttle Service will be provided between WPI, the Crowne Plaza Hotel
and Courtyard Marriott)

9:00 - 9:40 am  INVITED TALK

David Naccache, Gemplus, France.
How to explain side channel leakage to your kids.


J.-S. Coron and L. Goubin.
On Boolean and arithmetic masking against differential power analysis.

T. S. Messerges.
Using second-order power analysis to attack DPA resistant software.

C. Clavier, J.-S. Coron, and N. Dabbous.
Differential power analysis in the presence of hardware countermeasures.

10:40 - 11:00 am  BREAK


H. Wu.
Montgomery multiplier and squarer in GF(2^m).

E. Savas, A. F. Tenca, and C. K. Koc.
A scalable and unified multiplier architecture for finite fields
GF(p) and GF(2^m).

G. Hachez and J.-J. Quisquater.
Montgomery exponentiation with no final subtraction: Improved results.

12:00 - 1:30 pm  LUNCH BREAK


S. H. Weingart.
Physical security devices for computer subsystems: A survey of
attacks and defenses.

T. Pornin and J. Stern.
Software-Hardware Trade-offs: application to A5/1 Cryptanalysis.


J. Hoffstein and J. Silverman.
MiniPASS: Authentication and digital signatures in a constrained

M. Joye, P. Paillier, and S. Vaudenay.
Efficient generation