Re: Historical PKI resources

2001-01-08 Thread Jeff . Hodges

  I have found significant information about PKI as it exists today,
 but am looking for some background information.  I'm looking for
 information about the history of PKI, how and where it started, how it
 developed, etc.

good question. I don't have an answer offhand but know one place to start 

Here's the BibTeX entry for the paper that apparently "started it all"..

@misc{ diffie76new,
author = "W. Diffie and M. Hellman",
title = "New Directions in Cryptography",
text = "W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman, 
  New Directions in Cryptography, IEEE Trans.
  Info. Theory IT-22, Nov. 1976, pp. 644-654",
year = "1976"

If I was doing the brute-force approach, I'd use 
(aka to chase down other papers referencing this one 
from the late 1970's and early-to-mid 1980's.

Alternatively, other's on this list may know of other available resources 
where someone's already done this work.



Where John Ashcroft stands on technology and encryption

2001-01-08 Thread Declan McCullagh,1283,41008,00.html

   Top Cop Arrives With Mixed Bag
   by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   2:00 a.m. Jan. 5, 2001 PST
   For liberal Democrats, John Ashcroft is a maddening symbol of
   everything wrong with a George W. Bush presidency -- from the former
   senator's staunch opposition to abortion to his alleged insensitivity
   regarding race.
   To conservatives, Bush's nominee for attorney general represents
   precisely the opposite extreme: A respected leader who will restore
   integrity to a Justice Department brought low by the Clinton
   administration. Ashcroft opposes background checks at gun shows,
   supports increased penalties for drug offenses and would not prohibit
   discrimination based on sexual orientation.
   On technology issues, Ashcroft's record as a Missouri governor and
   senator is mixed. He seems genuinely to believe in privacy rights and
   economic liberty, and has taken a moderate position on intellectual
   property and fair-use rights.
   But free-speech groups already are girding themselves for the legal
   equivalent of trench warfare, predicting that newly emboldened
   Department of Justice prosecutors will launch an assault on sexually
   explicit material online. And Microsoft foes fret that the antitrust
   division's commitment to the high-profile antitrust case may wane.
   On one point everyone can agree: More than any other Cabinet member,
   the next attorney general will be in a position to make crucial
   decisions with far-reaching effects on antitrust enforcement, privacy
   protections and free speech rights.
   "An Ashcroft DOJ could be a decidedly mixed bag for the high-tech
   sector since he will be engaged in a constant balancing act on most
   industry issues," says Adam Thierer, an analyst at the free-market
   Cato Institute who's well connected in Republican technology circles.
   "While Ashcroft has a very strong record of support for loosening
   encryption controls, he may be faced with pressure from GOP
   law-and-order types to moderate his views on this and also be willing
   to continue, or even expand FBI efforts like Carnivore," Thierer said.
   Make that a near certainty. It's a fair bet that pro-law enforcement
   conservatives in the mold of wiretap-happy Rep. Bill McCollum of
   Florida, who unsuccessfully ran for the state's open Senate seat, will
   view a Republican DOJ as an opportunity to expand government
   surveillance and wiretapping powers.
   Liberal Democrats have vowed opposition to Ashcroft's nomination --
   People for the American Way even assembled a detailed criticism of the
   nominee -- but privately confide that they don't expect to
   successfully block his confirmation by the Senate.
   Wiretapping and Carnivore:
   Under Attorney General Janet Reno, a DOJ panel has reviewed the FBI's
   controversial Carnivore surveillance system and extended a tentative
   blessing. But critics panned the review board as uniformly
   pro-government, as first reported by Wired News, and independent
   researchers refused to participate in the process.
   Ashcroft is the former two-term attorney general and two-term governor
   of Missouri. During his time there, he cemented his reputation as a
   solid conservative eager to lower taxes and build new prisons.


   More than almost any other senator, Ashcroft has been a foe of the
   Clinton administration's restrictions on encryption products. He
   convened at least one key hearing on the subject and consistently took
   a pro-privacy point of view.
   Under federal law, a president has the power to levy export
   restrictions punishable by fines and jail time. The Clinton
   administration recently relaxed the regulations, against DOJ and FBI
   opposition, but did not remove them.
   The attorney general has no direct authority over encryption
   regulations, but the DOJ under Reno has lobbied Congress for more
   stringent controls, and is a key participant in administration
   decisions on the topic. Also, Ashcroft's position on encryption could
   indicate how he views broader privacy matters.
   "The great thing about working for him is he truly understands
   technology," says Bartlett Cleland, a former Ashcroft aide who is now
   a vice president at the Information Technology Association of America.
   "I'd rather have someone there who's thoughtful and considerate rather
   than a knee-jerk person."
   "John has a record in the Senate that says he stood up very strongly
   on encryption, including holding hearings and defending the Fourth
   Amendment against Louis Freeh," Cleland says.
   Lisa Dean, vice president of the conservative Free Congress
   Foundation, said in a statement on Thursday: "Privacy was always a top
   concern and as a result, (Ashcroft) did a lot of good for the country
   and the protection of our 

Hush Communications gets silly patent

2001-01-08 Thread Rich Salz

"DUBLIN, Ireland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 8, 2001-- Hush Communications
(, a leading global provider of managed security solutions
and encryption key serving technology, today announced it has been
granted a patent for its revolutionary key pair management technology
that enables personal computer users to send and receive fully encrypted
electronic communications. Hush Communications, the category leader in
key pair management technology, now has the exclusive intellectual
ownership of its core technology, the Hush Encryption Engine(TM). " 
Full PR in

US Patent 6154543.  It seems to be nothing more than store the private
key on a server,
give it out when the user presents the hash of their initial passphrase.

Similar technology was part of DCE in 1996, cf


Re: Perfect compression and true randomness

2001-01-08 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

I don't think Chaitin/Kolomogorv complexity is relevant here. In real 
world systems both parties have a lot of a priori knowledge. Your 
probably_perfect_compress program is not likely to compress this 
sentence at all, but PKZIP can.  The probably_perfect_compress 
argument would work (ignoring run time) if Alice first had to send 
Bob the entire PKZIP program, but in reality she doesn't. Also 
discussing "perfect compression" doesn't make sense in the absence of 
a space of possible messages and a probability distribution on that 

I don't agree that the assumption of randomness in OTP's is on the 
same footing as "perfect" compression.  The laws of physics let you 
put a lower bound on the entropy per bit for practical noise 
generators.  You can then distill the collected bits to produce fewer 
bits which are completely random.

In any case, as I tried to point out before, perfect compression, 
what ever it may be, does not prevent a know-plaintext attack.  If 
Malfoy knows the plaintext and the compression algorithm, he has 
every thing he needs to guess or exhaust keys. If he has a large 
number of plaintexts or can choose plaintexts he might be able to 
effect more sophisticated attacks attacks.

Arnold Reinhold

At 9:20 PM -0800 1/4/2001, Nick Szabo wrote:
Anonymous wrote (responding to the idea of "perfect compression"):
 ... Once you have specified
 such a probability distribution, you can evaluate how well a particular
 compression algorithm works.  But speaking of absolute compression or
 absolute entropy is meaningless.

These ideas have on a Turing machine the same meaning as the idea of
"truly random numbers", and for the same reason.  The assumption of
randomness used in proving that OTPs and other protocols are
"unconditionally" secure is very similar to the assumption that a string
is "perfectly compressed".  The problem is that determining the absolute
entropy of a string, as well as the equivalent problem of determining
whether it is "real random", is both uncomputable and language-dependent.

Empirically, it seems likely that generating truly random numbers is much
more practical than perfect compression.  If one has access to certain
well-observed physical phenomena, one can make highly confident, if
still mathematically unproven, assumptions of "true randomness", but
said phenomena don't help with perfect compression.

If we restrict ourselves to Turing machines, we can do something *close*
to perfect compression and tests of true randomness -- but not quite.
And *very* slow.  From a better physical source there is still the problem
that if we can't sufficiently test them, how can we be so confident
they are random anyway?  Such assumptions are based on the extensive and
various, but imperfect, statistical tests physicists have done (has
anybody tried cryptanalyzing radioactive decay?  :-)

We can come close to testing for true randomness and and doing perfect
compression on a Turing machine.   For example, here is an algorithm that,
for sufficiently long but finite number of steps t, will *probably* give you
the perfect compression (I believe the probability converges on
a number related to Chaitin's "Omega" halting probability as t grows,
but don't quote me -- this would make an interesting research topic).

probably_perfect_compress(data,t) {
for all binary programs smaller than data {
run program until it halts or it has run for time t
if (output of program == data AND
length(program)  length(shortest_program)) {
shortest_program = program
print "the data: ", data
print "the (probably) perfect compression of the data", shortest_program
return shortest_program

(We have to makes some reasonable assumption about what the binary
programming language is -- see below).

We can then use our probably-perfect compression algorithm as a statstical
test of randomness as follows:

probably_random_test(data,t) {
   if length(probably_perfect_compress(data,t)) = length(data)
   then print "data is probably random"
   else print "pattern found, data is not random"

We can't *prove* that we've found the perfect compression.  However,
I bet we can get a good idea of the *probability* that we've found the
perfect compression by examining this algorithm in terms
of the algorithmic probability of the data and Chaitin's halting

Nor is the above algorithm efficient.   Similarly, you can't prove
that you've found truly random numbers, nor is it efficient to
generate such numbers on a Turing machine.  (Pseudorandom
numbers are another story, and numbers derived from non-Turing
physical sources are another story).

We could generate (non-cryptographic) probably-random numbers as follows:

probably_random_generate(seed,t) {
   return probably_perfect_compress(seed,t)

For cryptographic applications there are two important ideas,
one-wayness and expanding rather than contracting the seed, that

Re: Fwd: from Edupage, December 22, 2000

2001-01-08 Thread Jaap-Henk Hoepman

On Thu, 04 Jan 2001 18:35:44 -0800 Bill Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Its just yet another 'secure' scheme that uses quantum theory
  (here, discrete photons; elsewhere, entangled photons) 
  to detect or prevent leaking bits.  
  More elegant than gas-pressurized, pressure-monitored 'secure' cables, but
  the same idea. 
 Except that eavesdropping on the quantum key distribution channel is _always_
 detected (by `laws of nature'), which is not true for these
 The theoretical difference _is_ there, but from a practical perspective,
 both are so inconvenient or expensive that even the very paranoid 
 won't use them, and the moderately paranoid can use multiple encryption
 algorithms and overly-long keys.   If you suppose that quantum crypto
 hardware becomes medium-cheap, people who are connecting RF-shielded
 cages together over distances of a hundred meters to a hundred kilometers
 (if the quantum crypto can go that far unamplified, otherwise ~2km)
 may find it more practical than pressurized cable.  
 If you're going less than a hundred meters, stick to pressurized
 cable and armed guards :-)

Actually, `classical' quantum key distribution by polarised or phase-shifted
photons can be achieved up to distances of 100km. This appears to be the limit
of what these systems can achieve. Using a different technique based on EPR
pairs, this limit can be overcome using repeaters.

I believe there is an application for these techniques. Perheps not to secure
mass market e-commerce transactions. But if the hot line between Moskou and
Washingtom was (supposedly) protected by a one-time pad, why not use quantum
cryptography for such an application in the future?


Jaap-Henk Hoepman | Come sail your ships around me
Dept. of Computer Science | And burn your bridges down
University of Twente  |   Nick Cave - "Ship Song"
Phone: +31 53 4893795 === Secr: +31 53 4893770 === Fax: +31 53 4894590
PGP ID: 0xF52E26DD  Fingerprint: 1AED DDEB C7F1 DBB3  0556 4732 4217 ABEF

History Channel television show on NSA

2001-01-08 Thread P.J. Ponder

The 'History Channel' cable TV network will air a show about the NSA
tomorrow night January 8, at 8 pm Eastern.  Their website says this about

America's Most Secret Agency

The National Security Agency, America's most secret and controversial
agency, is charged with safeguarding the nation's strategic intelligence
information and decoding the secret communications of our enemies. For
only the second time in its nearly 50 year history, the N.S.A. allowed
cameras inside its Ft. Meade, Maryland, headquarters, and the director,
Lt. General Michael V. Hayden, sits for a rare interview and addresses
issues such as privacy. Tune in and find out if Big Brother is watching

Re: sniff tool that can crack SSL?

2001-01-08 Thread Bram Cohen

On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Alex Alten wrote:

 I guess things would get real interesting if the private key to a trusted
 intermediate or root certificate authority got stolen and published. It
 might take a while to update all the browsers out there to not accept it
 as a valid signer of server certificates.

Yeah, lots of web sites would start signing their own certificates because
they'd see no reason to fork over the $700 or whatever it is to Verisign,
then Verisign would start threatening to sue all of them for violating
trade secrets and copyright on the root key.

Ironically, it probably wouldn't have any effect on security whatsoever -
you can MITM web sites just fine anyway and just make client connections
unencrypted, hardly anyone would notice. The real security behind credit
card transactions is in the difficulty of cashing in on a whole bunch of
credit card numbers anonymously.

-Bram Cohen

"Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent"
-- John Maynard Keynes

Re: NSA abandons some cool stuff

2001-01-08 Thread David Honig

At 01:27 PM 1/7/01 -0500, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:
"Every inch of floor in more than four buildings was covered with 
two-by-two-foot squares of bleak brown carpet. When the astronomers 
tried to replace it, they discovered it was welded with tiny metal 
fibers to the floor. The result, they eventually realized, is that 
the rugs prevent the buildings from conducting static electricity.

Even the regular lighting looks different, covered by sleek metal 
grids that prevent the light bulbs from giving off static 
interference. "

Sounds more like TEMPEST shielding.

It resembles TEMPEST, but shielding works both ways.  The spooks chose
the site because it was RF quiet, but had to run their computers in the
same area as sensitive dishes.  It makes sense that the shielding 
was to quiet their own emissions to help their receiving.  After 
all, fluorescent bulbs don't leak much intelligence :-) but they
sure cause electrical noise.

I'd bet the large amount of fiber that was reported was also used
for that reason.  



Re: Perfect compression and true randomness

2001-01-08 Thread Paul Crowley

"Arnold G. Reinhold" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 In any case, as I tried to point out before, perfect compression, what
 ever it may be, does not prevent a know-plaintext attack.

Actually it does: if the compression is perfect with respect to the
document model of the attacker, and the plaintext is known, then it
compresses down to zero bits so the attacker learns nothing.

This supports your main point: perfect compression is a *much* less
realistic idea than true randomness!